Hey Sup Forums what you think of no mans sky ?

hey Sup Forums what you think of no mans sky ?

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It's ok

i thought the something

Another $20 game with a $60 price tag released in a barely playable state.

I've been enjoying it. Prepare for a flood of people who haven't played it yet telling you why it sucks.


Do you guys think Dual Universe will be better?

Cool for the first 2~5 hours.

After that, it's the most boring/repetitive/shallow shit I've ever seen. I just sold my copy today for 40$ on a local facebook group (ps4)

Putting shitposting aside, it's a pretty 'meh' game. It's shallow and gets boring after a while with the copy paste enviroments


Id love some honest feedback. People saying it has no real substance

Just torrent it.
> Less than 3gb
> No DRM
> 60$ are u serious

first person spore space adventure / 10

It's pretty fun. Definitely not $60 of fun but I really enjoy the infinitely changing scenery. It's basically Chillin' in Space Simulator 2016 and that's alright with me

Think it's possible to make it run on shit-tier Intel onboard graphics?

This is what happens when dipshit fans hype something up.
I mean yeah it's fun, though very repetitive, but it's not the glorious gift to gaming a lot of people expected it to be.
I don't get people. Just waot for the fucking game to release before making judgements.
I don't pay attention to hype personally, and try to avoid it at every turn.
People did it with fallout 4.
"Holy fuck tou can build anywhere and do this and do that and it's got this that and the other and oh my god"
Game releases, most of the shit they assumed would be in the game wasn't, then everyone's all "hurr games shit".

LoL. 3770k 4.5ghz and 980 Ti here, games stutters as fuck. Its worse than Arkahm Knight. Therefore, you could still download it and try to tweak.

hype always ruins everything, its an ok game tbh i like it.

Same thing when your parents were pregnant with you then you popped out. Hurr this kids shit.

No plot or story. Not even a back story of why you there.life support tells you it's low five minutes after charging it. Run around shooting shit with mining gun to collect resources. Graphics look dated. It's alright not worth 60 dollars tho.

torrent on tpb works fine but if your on a toaster dont bother it wont even start

If I had to guess he meant to say same thing

Where could I get it from?

might work with everything turned to lowest and no vsync

using r9 280x maxed out with 0 issues with stuttering

i like the idea of the game, but it can be better.

My gf and I are enjoying it. That said, I never really felt the hype and my plan all along was for this to replace minecraft as my late night "fuck around" game.

Here you go user :
Check the link at the bottom

its good but not as good as hyped.
its the best stoner game i played.

>chill, play, explore, grind, explore, craft, explore
repeat this.

i lost myself so hard for hours.

>h stuttering
Legit copy?

there is no DRM so pirated copy is also legit

It's ok, but I've only played it for 1.9 hours and I'm still on the first planet. I enjoy it and had fun for those 1.9 hours, but a lot of people say it gets repetitive.

It's not worth the $60 in my opinion, so I would advise to either pirate it or get it when it's on sale.

>I'm still on the first planet
>It's not worth 60 bucks

K then

Did you personally work on this failure of a game? Or are you projecting just a little too hard?

I bought it and then it refused to run due to my processor not supporting a specific instruction set. Returned it and I will be torrenting once a fix comes out.

I'm serious. I haven't played it for long but I can already tell it's not worth the $60.

I'm amazed that so many people bought into the hype. It sold a lot of copies, like 1/3 refunded but still it's a big seller.

Say what you want about that guy but he is a genius at marketing. He was vague so people could imagine the game to be what they wanted.

In reality it's a shallow survival game that will get old in a day.

Fuck no.

Game of the year at least

It's just not a game for impatient children

pretty much this

the game looks nice and handles well but many of the necessary game mechanics (refilling life support, ship launch thrusters, recharging different multi-tool functions) get very very grindy and repetitive
in a normal game with a designed map this trudge might be worth it but the game starts to feel unrewarding because once you've seen a few things you've seen most of what the game has to offer
pirate it if you can or wait for a price drop

dis bait

best review ever. This should be the only thing that shows up on steam recommendations tbh

cash grab for a company, nothing more

going to refund it soon because of the SSE 4.1 shit i hope they fix it like konami did with mgs5

Fucking love it. Got lost today and ended up 6 hours away from my ship. Got 1,000,000 units in my first few hours because I scanned every species on a couple of planets.

Why do people act like $60 is some massive amount of money? Are you fags really that poor?

Love it

18 quintillion gimmicks

60$ got to suck a lot of dicks to make that much

idk if i should get it or nah

ITT:autists think walking around is fun.

Its great, its just not for the 60FPS/multiplayer/esports types tho.

Fucking yes. Maybe wait though if you're on PC.

Get it on steam, refund it if you hate it, you have 2 hours if play time/14 days whichever comes first

Go back to Call of Duty you astrophobic cunt.

Then dont buy, but please dont lose your mind because some of us actually like a nice chill exploration game without too much pew-pew

you are a snek

If you want action, then no its not going to be something you like. But if you just like to wander about exploring without too much pressure finding things and chilling then buy it.

Fundamentally there's no objective, you just make it up as you go along.

Yeah, although I do enjoy the space combat. Fighting off hostile creatures is pretty fun too. Just need the gun upgrade for your Multi tool.

You can chose to go to the center of the Universe, but that's optional.

Love how you retards instantly assume anyone who disses this game likes CoD. It literally makes you sound more retarded.

Game isn't for everyone. I get that. But the game as a game is bad. There's literally nothing to do other than mine and walk. Which is fine for a little bit. But there are other calm games to play that give you shit to do other than be a mindless zombie walking around.


Yeah, and in CoD all there is to do is walk and shoot brown people. Now fuck off back to it.

I just completed a planet's animal data
There were 8 "unique" species and only 4 unique models, with multiple color/size variations
Why do these planets only have 8 different kind of animals on them
If they can spawn in infinite things with their generators why not have biodiversity or other things

Its not a bad game at all, YOU dont like it but a lot of us do. Please dont have prolapse because we're enjoying it an you're not. Go and play something you like instead. Infact what do you think is better that we should be playing?

The graphics - when it comes to general design, color palette, etc. - is beautiful. When you look at textures - it's shit.

It's got great music that can really mesmerize.

It's got tons of things to do if you can create your own objectives.

I'd say - if you grew up reading and watching sci-fi stuff, and you want to chill&explore in this setting - the game will not dissapoint you.

If you're looking for action and you rather have the game give you fun instead of looking for fun while playing the game - don't even bother.

So if there's no objective, and no social multiplayer element, what's the fucking point?

There has to be some kind of goal

I enjoy it, but it's mostly for people that like mmo-like grinding minerals and shit around

action crawling cod fags will die of boredom

Animals in my games have been insanely weird and diverse, luck maybe?

check'd your dubs+quad

Like, can you wipe out species, destroy planets with pollution, that kind of thing?

The animals on different planets are diverse, I agree, but what I'm saying is why does a fuckhuge ocean planet only have 8 different types of animals on it?
I could go outside irl and bust open a log and find more than 8 different animals in it
Why not have more animal species/planet?

Exactly. I havnt gotten it yet, but I'm looking forward to the grind. I'm one of those people who don't mind spending hours doing the same shit.

GTX 1060 here,
the game runs pretty fucking good, i havent gotten bored yet, but i can forsee this future

It's a cardboard box for trekkies.

Not necessarily, i'm not into mmo-type games but I love exploration games. I find as much as I can while exploring a planet, and resources I need just come along with me. Just by analyzing species and picking up trade commodities i've made over a million units in my first day.

exploration, find weird and wonderful things. Watching sunsets. Getting lost in a desert. Going underwater for the first time. Discovering an outpost. Walking about. Thats what the point is.

It's like the anti-pokemon go

Instead of going outside and exploring your world, you sit instead and explore fake boring worlds

I've had at least one planet with 12 species on it, and within those species more types of animals can be found (bigger ones, smaller, different spikes and so on).

No, sentinal robots attack you if you try to be too destructive.

I've been sitting on this 1 planet for 10 hours trying to find the last fucking animal, and I just cant find it....

People saying it's shit are the ones who expect too much.

Birds, man, birds.


>over and over again

Yeah, there was one type of bird.. more like bug, I've been on the lookout for them..

I am disappointed. I was sold an elders scrollsesque open ended space exploration game, and what I got was a grind full of boring environments, static alien encounters, horrible inventory, and terrible crafting system.

not going for the CoD thing cause I don't give a fuck

Just wanted to say that in NMS, apart from minining and walking, you can:
1/ trade
2/ look for bounty hunter opportunities
3/ look for new crafting recipies (and craft new stuff)
4/ look for little monoliths that teach you alien languages
5/ seek for artifacts/monoliths to get bonuses and to know the history of alien races
6/ catalog animals and plants
7/ fight sentinels
8/ follow story path

And many more things I am yet to discover.

Pro tip: to scan birds, shoot them so they fall out of the sky, then scan their corpse. Much easier than chasing them.

Oh, and it could also be a fish. Fish and bords are a bitch to find.

I dont know what they were expecting? A multiplanet CoD? Skyrim in space? I though it was going to be just ok, but its turned out to be excellent. Maybe because I didnt get overhyped.

The difference between individual animals in a population actually sounds pretty neat, I'll be sure to pay closer attention to the individual animals
But 12 is still far too low for a species count

It only matters what it ends with. the 33 doesnt fucking matter everyone here has it fuck you you stupid new piece of shit. god damn

No water on the planet, could be theres a second type of bird that I've missed...

Nice, thanks user

But you could tell exactly what it was going to be from the preview, from what the developers said, and the nature of the game, it being procedural. You're not going to get Elder scrolls stories in a procedural game.

Why do you think that?

If you scan a new animal and you see in the bottom left "this animal is part of a species you have already discovered (number)/(number) remaining, you know you've found a new subspecies.

Is this site generally trustworthy or do I have to apply caution to every download?

Make sure you look really well for water, could be just one long river with that last species in it.

Try looking for Monoliths and outpost ect. until you find it.

meant to end "" after remaining.