Hey /b, tell me one good reason why this fucknugget should become the next president

Hey /b, tell me one good reason why this fucknugget should become the next president

Cause its not as bad as hillary

He hasnt been accused of leaking classified documents.

because he's the most murican president you could ever have, instead of having your first woman president (muh progressiveness)

I can't. He's that bad.

because he believes in the reality that a man and child can enter into a loving relationship which is a beautiful thing. (he's donated to nambla)

Because the only people who don't like him are the people who should have no say in how this country is run.

Hillary is planning on ditching clean energy in favor of her buddies in the oil and coal industries? Fuck, I had no idea they were both so anti-life-on-Earth.

Wow really makes you think!


Because fuck this gay earth.

> both are shit
> the other two skew the vote to Shillary

I don't like him or Guy Fieri. I just don't like reality show stars I guess. I'd probably feel different if he had qualifications to run a country (it's not the same as a business, despite what YouTube, Fox, or your dad told you) and if he were something other than just some old rich guy who saw the one job opening that would allow him to lower his taxes, keep his dirty energy friends polluting, and get paid constantly no matter what until he dies.

Does no one else see what he's really after? Really?

Actually I'm pretty sure jill stien doesn't skew the vote towards hillary

>Not anti-life
You serious, meight?

because hes not a career politician... you can but Hillary how do you buy a man who already has everything?

Trump is a "useful idiot" to the Russians. He wins means Russia wins.

so he can send your wetback beaner ass back to mehico

No, she just thinks Wi-Fi is harmful to kids. I won't vote for Autism. They're lucky I Listen.

For the glory of Satan?

You American's need to fix your political system. The rest of us are laughing at you.

George Washington wasn't qualified to run a country, but that didn't stop every political figure from backing him at that point in time did it?

A Trump supporter attempting to put a coherent sentence together, ladies and gentlemen.

must have been a good argument to hook a reply so easily


The ancient past: The conservatives answer to everything.

I hereby accuse Donald Trump of leaking classified documents.

No one is blatantly sucking oil and coal dick like Trump. He's not even trying to hide it. Literally everyone around the world wants to work together to keep our planet habitable. Except him. On that fact, and the fact that he thinks Nasa is "third-world" tier, I refuse to vote for him. I'm a scientist. That's what I do. He is the exact opposite of everything we stand for or need.

got your attention

I'm not sure what it was exactly. Glad you double checked your post this time.

Ask Harold Hamm. He knows. He's already bought him.

Welp, one more to add to the list of reasons to vote for Trump.

Gender studies isn't science

and nothing else

here's my argument to that, would you rather have someone who tells you the truth regardless or someone who will lie to you about anything they deem to sensitive?

>Hey /b, tell me one good reason why this fucknugget should become the next president

Well it's an executive position and he has a lot of executive experience - more than any president or presidential candidate I can think of recently other than Romney.

Because immigration is a serious issue and he's the only one who treats it as such.

Ooh, he got your attention user. I suppose now you'll have to continue with your unchanged life.

People voting for Trump only hear what they want to hear and ignore all of the blatant stupidity he spews. During a 1 hour meeting with international consultants Trump asked 3 times why can't we use nukes, he's also accused China of making up global warming. There is only one positive to trump he is anti TPP. I would've said he isn't bought, bit unfortunately for him he's taken gigantic sums of money from the NRA and other donors. Way too many cons, one pro.

>Literally everyone around the world wants to work together to keep our planet habitable
This world and its vermin don't deserve it. I say put the pedal to the metal and drive this shitshow off a cliff.

Temporary ban on muslim immigration. Wall on southern border. Fuck China.


>against constitutional carry
Your "cons" are my "pros". Molon labe, you faggot.

lesser of two evils.

seriously the best we can hope for is he gets elected and in four years we get someone else.
this nation literally can't survive another four years of obama (which hillary has promised and even said she'll go above and beyond). so elect this abrasive jackass and hope that four years from now we might actually get to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich again instead of corruption's poster child and a rich tourette's sufferer.

Oh, you silly, stupid person. The things I do every day would make your kind think it's magic. But being republican, I suppose electricity still does that.

America turned their back on Bernie Sanders, their best chance for redemption and modernization. Now the only course is to elect Trump and let it all burn.

Do you not believe WiFi is cancerous at all? She simply said that we need people to do research has on it, not that we need to ban it wtf..


>underrated post

> the things I do everyday would make you think it's magic
>my sides

First reason I know I should vote for him is that the leftards call him racist. Chances are if they are playing the race card they have no real point to make.

He offers some pretty common sense solutions. Terrorist elements absolutely trying to take advantage of western good will by infiltrating the refugee flood? Put a halt on that until we are 100% certain of it being safe. Our southern border being ignored as millions (welfare recipients, i.e. future dem voters once they get amnesty) flood across illegally? Let's stop talking about it and build a wall.

I think his ego is tied to his "brand", so if he becomes president, his brand and his ego will be linked to the success of the country. He'll go buck wild and buttsecks anyone who gets in our way. Let's light this candle! MAGA

there is no empirical evidence that wifi causes cancer.

she also wants to ban gmos.

Someone who tells me truthfully he's going to undo what myself and fellow scientists are working toward? Truthfully that my job and the government branch I work for, which returns every dollar spent with ten in return, is the stuff of third-world countries? That oil and coal are the future? If you tell me the truth and its still the stuff of dystopian novels, I still don't want your disgusting money-hungry antivirus anti-science shit running my country. No. Your argument doesn't work against that.

Because fuck everything.
We want Trump to win not because he'll make this country great again, but because he'll put this degenerate nation out of its misery.
White men are losing our grip on western civilization, so we're just going to burn everything to the ground and drag everyone to hell with us.
Let the feminists and spics and niggers and faggots rule over the barren ashes.
The fire rises.

Because niggers are rotten! I love America when there are more jobs involving white people. Instead we have niggers that don't help at all and all you have is them looting, robbing, killing, and stealing. I swear if I see a nigger I'm gonna kill a nigger!

Where did I say I was against guns at all? I own 2. There too many, trigger happy pussies, to not own one.

>qualifications to run a country (it's not the same as a business,

Eh, it is really. And they aren't running the country, they are running the executive branch which is essentially a gigantic corporation. So yeah, he's qualified. Hillary has zero executive experience. Obama had zero executive experience.

I let the news decide for me, whoever the news bashes more is the correct choice.

> government runs the news (propaganda)
> news pushes government agenda onto public
> public becomes brainwashed

If you had your way, we wouldn't see any "clean revolution" before millions starved to death. Also, let's not forget all those hospitals and factories that rely on the power provided by coal and oil.

You're a murderer, is what you are.

This logic... smh

>Where did I say I was against guns at all?
When you said you weren't voting for Trump.


It's a fucking radio signal. Investigate all you want, but don't complain when something else uses valuable tax dollars and you feel it could have been used anywhere else.

Ok, Gmos is pretty ridiculous.

Wow. You are a real idiot. Pick up a fucking book and stop watching the news.

>If you had your way, we wouldn't see any "clean revolution" before millions starved to death.


Can someone get this tree hugging climate fapper out of the thread?

No, no they're not. And the earth isn't flat. This is simply you not understanding something new and attacking it out of fear. This shit is the reason why America is the land of day labor and why we produce so few scientists now.

Sure. Right after you tell me how you and your imaginary scientist buddies are going to phase out coal and oil as power sources without a hiccup.

I'm all for nukes, by the way.

therefore if the news hates trump it's because the government hates trump, reason must be trump it's bad for future government agenda.

> trump getting elected would be like throwing a wrench in the gears of the US governments current "machine" the machine that wants a worldwide government (dictatorship)

if you Eurocucks wanna become my bitch so bad i suppose I will vote for Hillary..

I meant her wanting to ban gmos...

>America turned their back on Bernie Sanders
No, the DNC turned their back on Bernie.
And then LITERALLY the day after he said that Hillary should step down he told all of his supporters to vote for her.
Bernie turned his back on America.

boi you better watch out with that edge you could probably cut yourself


> not that it's a bad thing

This is why we are laughed at and we spin it into jealousy. Anyone who has any idea what's really going on around you is a hippy or something. I'm going nowhere. None of us are. But you will. You'll eventually be bred out into all your idiotic ideas like religion and Trump are gone. Sure, this moron may win, he may set the world back a few years, but I'm the end the future will happen. And you and your kind will be viewed the way we view anti-segregation protesters now. So you wallow in your idiocy, my friend. It won't affect the rest of us in the least.

He didn't want to die of a mysterious heart attack some time later, is my guess.

so mad

...or commit suicide by gunshot to the back of the head...

Nuclear power is a great alternative. And despite the handful of issues, has turned into a very safe form of energy.

(But Japan..)

Yeah. Earthquakes fuck shit up. Don't put it there, next time. It doesn't have to be an overnight thing. And it won't. But it's gonna happen, a few solar panels at a time, until ancient technology is left in the ancient past. The same will happen with cars.

Gotcha. Read that wrong. Sorry user.

>And you and your kind will be viewed the way we view anti-segregation protesters now.

And you and your kind will be viewed the way we view the collapse of the Roman Empire.

The universe bends towards entropy.

Isn't USA already full retard?

About what? I'm as big a cock as anyone else on this board. And just like Trump, I speak my mind with little care about what people think of me. I just happen to have a degree in something different.

No we pretty much run this fucking planet, so shut the fuck up peasant.

> stupid teeny nihilism taking political sides isn't a bad thing

Sure, keep on encouraging him, he'll keep on posting spongebob memes while trying to be the edgiest possible.

no one cares

This planet is run by retards. Big surprise.

solar is the way to go, we currently have a mountain full of radioactive waste from nuclear power stations all over the US. the radioactivity is said to have a with a Half-Life of about 150,000 years we can't keep making more unless we plan on shooting it out into space in the future


Yes we are.

Is how we like to pretend the world sees us. But in reality, we are that movie Idiocracy being manifested. Trump will soon purchase Brawndo and give all our crops electrolytes.


You seem to.

edgelord that probably can get off of his moms couch in her basement detected


Or come up with ways to use the decaying material, such as batteries and RTGs for planetary missions. But I agree, solar is the future. It's a shame more people don't realize what's coming and invest now.

Because this country needs more of this.

Because it's gotten so bad he has to.

My car has a knock. Better pour sugar in the tank.

You guys are being really small minded by focusing on energy. Assuming overnight every car on the planet turned solar or nuclear powered, their tires, dashboards, seats, seatbelts, half the body, ect ect ect. are all still petroleum products. hell I bet some of the clothes youre wearing have a petroleum product in them.

also a good idea

wish I had some capitol to invest in it. solar electricity and electric cars are getting big real quick, they are gonna take over the market once more people see what they are capable of. just need some more reliable batteries (not that they aren't great already) perhaps a battery which produces is charge from the decaying radioactive materials from our nuclear power stations like you just mentioned....

>petroleum isn't nuclear