Should virgin men over 20 be considered dangerous and monitored by the authorities before they snap and shoot citizens?

Should virgin men over 20 be considered dangerous and monitored by the authorities before they snap and shoot citizens?


I'm a 48 years old kissless virgin and to date I only shooted monster thunderfarts

any other fartshooter ?

do you live in america, how many guns you own?

How do you get to be 48 and still a virgin?

not in USA, but I have a handgun and a shotgun (both Beretta) and plenty of ammo

Virgins are more dangerous than niggers in murrica.

And do you think you could snap anytime? specially when you see young couples kissing?

Oddly enough the Mormon polygamist Brigham Young said “Every man not married and over twenty-five is a menace to the community.”

This is cult-tier thinking, user.


no, they should be monitored for magic and hired as black ops

only 10 years to get to your level

38kv reporting

that amazing combination of ugly and poor.

>be me, 15, in 1983
>only one femstudent had a "fiancéè" - she kept naming him "cousin", but we all knew she was the City Whore (man, no one had then a bf/gf before 18-20 years old!)
>people would say "oooh!" if you told them "I got a computer", but girls didn't give a shit
>typical boys free afternoon: 1. talking about football; 2. playing football; 3. repeat steps 1-2 until evening; 4. going home
>typical girls free afternoon: talking about romance, learning how to prepare a cake, talking about dresses, reading some book, talking about shoes, then going home
>you could watch Star Wars two times without anyone labeling you a Nerd
>most anti-religious event: bragging with friends "I stopped attending mass on Sunday!"
>most sexy date: eat some pizza together and an innocent micro-kiss on her cheek (no more than that)
>girls only interested in you if you had a motorbike (that is: money to wander around)
>you couldn't spot anything of a girl's underwear
>girls only appreciated money, romance, education, so most boys had to appear educated, poetic and always willing to buy small gifts
>you never heard a girl naming a dick or a vagoo or even the period, not even indirectly (no one of them was willing to be called a whore for her entire life)
>no one ever had sex on school trips
>no one ever got totally drunk
>most male jokes were about sodomy, but noone was ever called gay, because "gay" and "faggot" were the most shameful swearwords
>no cellphones: 100% messaging was done either by paper and pencil, or own voice and gestures
>no internet: you had to pay for porn magazines, at times when pocket money was a few pennies per week
>no internet: you had to wait for a week to get some fresh comics
>no internet: you had to spend your entire allowance to watch some turdshitty movie at the cinema, or watching TV ten hours per day until they broadcast some movie/cartoon you didn't watch yet
>no internet: no viruses, no malware, no ads

What a time to be alive.

You'll have to monitor half a billion Muslims

So you did it by choice because people became gross?

what could have been...


The better post got it looks so informative.

>>no one ever had sex on school trips
I know that feel

In all my school years I never knew any boy or girl with a gf/bf, kids these days have gf's before high school

and if not bait

Kid's have kids before high school.

They should at the very least be creep shamed if they try to talk to women. Completely shut out of society for not adhering to its standards or being masculine enough at a young age... You know what? I just changed my mind. Round them up and put over 20 virgins in some sort of work/reeducation camp.

also, they kill them (abortion)

Gets easier every year.

you implying that virginity is a dangerous illness?

Yup, and I wouldn't want to be all up in haunted pussy.

No, life is not that shallow.
However more mentally unstable citizens could be brought into some sort of therapy in a sociable and non-condesending environment.

Is there a fetish for this? The more abortions she's had the sexier?

OP is a coalburner

What happens if you lose your virginity while you're 20?
I'm 24 now but I think it's growing back

No, just the mental state that leads to it. ever been to Sup Forumsr9k/ or ROK? those sites are ticking bombs, full of frustrated virgins who feed each other their hate toward "normies", specially women.

Could call them ghost chasers.

>ll of frustrated virgins who feed each other their hate toward "normies", specially women.
I mean, ofc, but it doesn't justify discriminating against wizards.

im over 30 and tell girls im a virgin all the time

We've got a million dollar idea here boys. Story plot for first episode..
> Going down on girl
> She's enjoying it but not the same for me
> That was until I heard it
> The voices of 6 aborted babies whisper from her puss
> That's when I reached max hardness and knew we were dealing with a truly possessed poon

>a truly possessed poon

but hes right tho....

I'm sure lots of authorities would love to completely waste their time monitoring me. Good use of taxpayer money there.

I'm short and ugly. I was never given a chance

Short short or Sup Forums short (under 6'3). I know men who are 5'4 and they get women.