My friends and I found this

My friends and I found this.

What is it? We are terrified of opening it up.

Other urls found in this thread:

Metal coffee pot stupid human.

poo in it



Fucking open it!

Oh no a spoopy cracker tin

Probably a geocache or something.

Open the can faggot

human remains

Some Asians hid some money.

What do these symbols mean?

Congratulations, you found Genesis. Please find the nearest heaven phone and contact Fiore and LeBlanc

Probs contains chinese export soda

Open nao for jewgolds and profits

Open it fag

Also if demons are inside and you get possessed, don't post anymore pictures

Maybe it was meant to seal away some spirit or spirits

Prepare to meet thy God

Probably some gay shit


It's a fucking biscuit tin you dipshits. Open it or forever be a faggot OP.

If dubs open it and dangle your balls in there with a time stamp.

What if the box opens you first?

go to /x/
dont fuck around with that

Do it!

oooooooooooooo TRIPS MY NIGGGAH

OPEN IT you shit fuck!!!!!!
Or you will get dihareah

Its a geocache


well why don't you open it and have a look

it's a can

Guys holy shit what the fuck. We did some googling and apparently some of the symbols are used to summon a common demon of hell?

What this dude said. Open it up and sign the log.

it can t be any harder.


OP won't open it guys, this shit's too hardcore for his air-filled scrotum.


op better grab a gun he is going to have the boss fight of his life


no shit

Just fucking open it,

You're fucking bullshitting and you prob wrote the symbols on the tin.

/x/?! They'll just turn it into a faggoty-ass RP thread like they always do.

goddamn it OP won't do it

better safe than sorry

OP=Gay if not open can





Can says its soda crackers.
But my retard sense says its contents are probably sewing materials.
Open it faggio.

they cost 12 dollars on amazon that is some expensive crackers op

You can't fucking read english? It says soda literally all over the can. Fucking dumbass.

Ive seen this can on and off since last year appearing at this soot. One time it was wrapped in saran wrap.

I don't give a flying fuck. I'm not opening this thing until I know what the fuck this is. I don't want to die.

Here are some common demon summoning symbols, pussy

he opened it

Heaven phone is ringing, OP. What will you tell the Angels?

Maybe a Spooky time capsule
Or a drug deal, he tells the guy "The drugs are in the can, take it and look curious like you don't know what it is."
Probs not a bomb if it disappeared
Wait and see if someone comes for it if you're still scared

Roll 666 to summon Hitler

why is number 87 the Schutzstaffel with one more s



its happening


OP better deliver.

looks like it, but schutzstaffel are foo fighters

sumon satan allready op

Not delivering. Got multiple confirmations that thing is meant to bring over demons or something just as fucking crazy.


Wtf OP, just have one of your friends open it


so put that can into your ass fag


Demons aren't real you stupid ass cocksucking faggot. Quit making excuses.

send it to westburo baptist church then, faggot.


send it to this guy op

beliving satan and demonas exist,
if you dont replay to this post... you(r)....... (op is faggot)....


Where did you find info on the symbols, looks like crackers

Stupid op, everyone knows that the can houses a romanian genie.
Open it.

>multiple confirmations
>provides exactly none
Sorry guys, OP is an even bigger faggot than me, and I gave two other men blowjobs

its a fucking cracker bin dude

thats pretty gay tho


also I will be posting my soundcloud so u can message me i want to give u info so u can send it to me i would love to check it out

Never said it wasn't, but still not as gay as OP

Looks like the fucking symbol pokemon.
Open it fag

Looks like some faggot drew a bunch of stick figures and question marks on it... they were probably high as fuck.

Also... I don't think demons exist but if they did, a permanent marker "?" probably isn't going to summon them.

>posting my soundcloud
Dude, this is Sup Forums. Don't be a massive twit and paint a target on your back

message me we can exchange info and u can send me the can

i'll even update you as to the progress of figuring out it's origin and more information about it

Op hasn't responded
Probably killed

pretty sure it has to be in blood

wouldn't acknowledge any trolls

plus I would really like to know what's in there

Does it feel like there is something in the can?


fuel unit

I am alive. I'm away from it. I'm spooked out of my mind


can u not send???????

Where is it?

Dude, if you are OP then open the damn can, ya wuss