Why is being attracted to a plump, fat ass a black thing?

Why is being attracted to a plump, fat ass a black thing?

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Niggers just wanna be popular so they chose a common thing from all races

I'm not black and I love a fat white ass.
Always have been into big asses. Nothing like some padding when you're hitting it from behind

>implying its exclusively interesting for shitskin dindus

Fat is now considered a quality of the poor. Blacks are statistically poorer. Boom, next question. Pic related.

it reminds them of watermellons





dunno my gf white but she packin

im black as fuck

Mckayla looks more and more like a Kardashian everyday.

Not really...

>be white male
>like white female ass
>this is considered cultural appropriation in 2016

Poor delusional girl says she wants to be a singer- like Drake.

for a skinny white girl she is




Ass>tits gg no re

Better angle. Tight and nice. gg!

I dont know but i like my gf's one

her hip to waist ratio is strong

for me to be attracted to a black chick she has to be 10/10 at least. where as white girls I don't mind anything above a 6. I don't think it's racist tbh

Niggers are more primal and react harder to the bodys storing of fat as a sign of fertility. They are simple creatures.

Stefania Ferrario, absolutely adore her

Not everyone follows the mainstream media. I like skinny-to-average booties.

Would you?

Ass i'snt just a black thing, i love ass and i'm as white as the queen's buttocks.

Its nota black thing wtf

Its not its biologically enrgained in you to want a woman with a fat ass and wide hips, unless youre a fucking cuck.

Body is more fit for birthing children therefore enjoyable during sex.

Also i find guys with small dicks just cant pleasure a chick with a big ass so its like a natural genetic survival of the fittest test. Bigger dick can make its way past the ass smaller guys usually white not always but usually just cant get to work so theyre butt hurt

>Why is being attracted to a plump, fat ass a black thing?

African reproductive strategy is optimized for a temperate climate with occasional disasters.

That means that they need to produce a lot of kids preferably genetically diverse (aka by different parents).

Breasts / face are not signals of ability to have kids (only to nurture them) but hips / ass signal fertility. Fertility needed to have the bunch of kids dictated by the AFrican reproductive strategy.

That OP is why Niggers favor arse uber alles.

They sing about it in their songs. The prevalence of down low sex amongst nigger men screams ass fixation. The universal homosexuality of niggers in prison is another manifestation.

can you even speak english? fucking an hero. fucktard


You're trying to tell me that if I don't want to fuck a fat bitch I'm a cuck?
Fuck off, nigger.

I would eat that ass like groceries. Seriously that ass is epic.

It WAS a black thing. Now, just like everything, whites follow in the footsteps of blacks.



I've never seen a white guy picking cotton.


Hair ass confirmed


Lol gtfo with that bullshit.

That's because it involved work, and we know that whites are too lazy and fat for that.

It's not, at least not exclusively. That shit is hardwired into our beings fam

>black people working

I read a study, liking women which large breasts and large buttocks is actually associated with being less intelligent and less wealthy.

When I was 3 or so, I loved big white milky tits. I was all about that until high school then it turned into ass. Ass and ass alone.

It's because most nigger sows are fat disgusting slobs, so niggers pretend that it's a good thing.

To think otherwise would be to find fault in niggers.

Can't have that, now can we?

its strictly engrained into our dna. it comes from our animalistic need to reproduce.

>big butt/hips = good childbearing
>big tits = good for breastfeeding, will raise healthy kids

everything else is just a preference based on how we've lived our modern lives.