Girls tell me I'm really bad at licking pussy. any advice?

Girls tell me I'm really bad at licking pussy. any advice?

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Stop trying.

Dont be a faggot

git gud

let them teach you. not like you are going to spend the rest of your life with one hoe.

Some real advice from non Sup Forumsirgins would be appreciated

I would rather ask here tbh

Focus solely on the perineum. She won't let on, but she wants it. She'll start to cum immediately, which is when you use the fact that shes distracted to jump into her vagina and control her.


That seems dangerously close too the shitter :P

White dragon,..



I chuckled.

Different girls like different things, but in general I find it silly to spend too much time on any other part than the clit. Sure, you can get her more 'in the mood' with sensual kisses on her inner thigh and shit but it's always going to be the clit that is the moneymaker in this scenario. Different girls prefer different amount of pressures and speed, but in general you want to start quite slow and soft as to not tire yourself up and listen to the noises she's making. Speed up as she's starting to get into it, and just go crazy at it when she's close to cumming and grinding her snatch into your face. Shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes.

You dumb bitch. Unless she's cumming uncontrollably from the start you need her to tell you what makes her cum cause every bitch has a different trigger to cum buckets. You need to ask tho or you going to just be wasting your time

You gotta go where the action is, homie.

This type of advice is what I'm looking for. so the perineum thing is a joke?


Also always keep an eye on her hips. If she enjoys it she will lift them.

Hahahha fuck you :P

wtf is this supposed to be a picture of?

try eating her ass first

your mom

this guy gets it

The ass is disgusting. The vagina has a bad enough taste already

Do you like doing it? If you're not enthusiastic about it, they can tell and it is turn off.

Git Hub

it has a smell, sure, but I've never tasted anything when eating ass

maybe you should fuck classier whores

Don't know which girls you were going down on but next time at least give them a shower after you pull them out of the dumpster

Go high. Top of the cunt.

You're in dangerous territory my friend. how are you supposed to know if the women wiped optimally

I would never lick a whores vagina. Licking is reserved for the ones that you actually want to stay, a whore is solely for your enjoyment

all they want you to do is lick the clit over and over again up and down up and down until your tongue can't take it anymore and wanna fuck but she demands you keep licking. no point licking anything other than clit

I told my gf that I won't eat her ass unless she just showered (within an hour and no poop afterwards)

me eating her ass, even though it was my idea, is a privilege, and she knows I won't do it unless it's clean

This is very true. Also, some girls like if you put a finger or two into her meanwhile you're doing the licking. Move them in and out and around a bit, and focus on stimulating the G-spot if you can reach it. It's in a similar place as the clitoris, but on the inside. Many girls also enjoy if you put a finger into their butt meanwhile, but I don't think you're quite ready for that.

I know it sounds dumb but try licking the alphabet on her clit. They do enjoy it more when you variate while licking and don't just do the same thing over and over

what does the g spot feel like?

is the clit near the asshole?

like a bag of sand

Treat her clit like you'd treat your cock head, press fingers above clit hood and peel the top of pussy back, suck n lick clit, then as shit gets intense, press your tongue n lips into her clit and shake your head left n right like a pit bull tearing something apart.

lmao underrated



Don't do this - It's the most cliché thing in the book and every girls has heard about it, so they will notice when you do it and won't find it sexy - They'll either find it funny or be put off. If you're going to do it, at least do the alphabet backwards or just spell out random words.

It's 2 inches inside the asshole.

>but in general I find it silly to spend too much time on any other part than the clit.
This x 100000000
Listen to this guy

There's places to look shit up. These ugly lesbians will tell you something about it . But really, just have a girl show you. Tell her you want to learn. If you're enthusiastic about practicing on her, she won't care. It'll be a little awkward at first, but you'll really get to know what she likes after 2-3 times and be great soon after.

Suck on their clit here and there. Mix it up. Don't use the same technique the whole time. Watch porn more. Don't be a faggot.

You have to lick the anus

Fuckin' spell your name down there

That's too slow and stupid and you'll tire yourself out doing the betabet bullshit. Just suction suck on her clit to bring sensitivity and blood flow to it, then press your face into her and shake your head left n right like a pit Bull until after she PUSHES YOU OFF HER, because otherwise she hasn't quite came yet.
Choke her during 4 bonus points

I ain't getting my mouth near anything that hasn't been freshly showered. I expect the same of anyone else.

Focus on the clit. Use the tip of your tongue only, and keep a steady rythym. Also, put two fingers in her pussy and curl them slightly toward you and slowly move them in and out.
The most important part is the rythym and staying in the clit.

Just don't eat ass ever because why? Nobody ever came from that

lick and bite my friend

get a tongue or labret piercing fam

Don't finger unless you're gunna use a thumb w/lube on her clit as well while fingering unless you're fingering and licking.
Also use your whole tongue, tip doesn't matter as long as there's enough pressure


The clit is like a small, SUPER sensitive dick... lick it a bit but SUCK on it.. think of it like getting head... it feels good when they lick it, but sucking... that shits the best.

Also, Eating fresh showered ass is great... not smell, no taste.. getting your ass eaten... also cash. Dont be a faggot and make your girl lick your dirt star sometime... you can thank me later. Pic related, the hole i dine on.

that awkward moment when thats exactly what i did

need help because she doesn't know

don't need to cum for it to feel good

5 mins of eating ass and my girl literally begs for my dick

You come to /b asking for advice like a fucking retard.

There's no fast track to mastery in anything unless it's an art degree.

OP here's where you start.

> check online for videos explaining the pussys pleasure system (bitches don't know and they're sure as he'll not going to tell you anyway)

Learn from there. If you're too autistic for that then books written by medical professionals:

> The Low Down on Going Down

> She Comes First

> recommendations based on what you've read

You learn. You practice. Then never ask this autistic fucking place for get rich quick schemes again

>inb4 kek lern vids n buuks u gay

99% of people having sex are extremely mediocre at it have no idea wtf they're doing and your women claim to fake it a lot so, Fuck off.

These, but also, sometimes girls need a few shots and a few breaks too, and lots of foreplay nipple work and choking.

Completely agree. When you make her do the same while giving head, it's a new sensation, like getting your dick sucked for the first time.

I'm going to add OP

IF she says you're bad at it

That just means you're intolerably bad,

Not that other people are 'good'

when doing 69, it's so hot, for me and for her, to just go to town on both holes at the same time

I'm asian, so it gets pretty hairy down there. I tried using a standard hair buzzer, but it's sketchy af cause my gooch has gotten pinched before. Do you recommend anything?

>fresh showered

nigga u gay

she doesn't rim me, just blowjob

she's asian and trims her hair but still has some. not too bad, but I've removed hair from teeth a few times

if you're a dude, I have no advice. I've never had my ass eaten, but I guess just keep it clean

this and what this nigga said about the butthole
>Many girls also enjoy if you put a finger into their butt meanwhile, but I don't think you're quite ready for that.

I don't want to say you're missing out, but it's just a whole new sensation imo. I'll prob just end up buying one of those sideburn precision trimmers

Remember kids: always prod and rub before you shove your finger in the pooper

I know, I'm just uncomfortable with it. my asshole is slightly weird (or it seems that way anyway)

I'm a hypocrite, but at least my girl gets the benefit of the hypocrisy