This is it Sup Forums, the final thread of truths...

This is it Sup Forums, the final thread of truths, this is your last chance to either tell absolute truths or absolute lies.

Last continuation of

my dad can beat up your dad

My dad is not a faggot

OP is a faggot

Life never get better

Trips don't lie

So close, yet so far

Well op just got fucked

i wont do shit with my life

This post is true

I am ultra gay.

This post will end in 0

This is true

So close

This post will end in 7

Life is meaningless


No it wont




But it did

god is real

um... GOD

niggers are inferior to whites

Also dubs

I suck OP dick

Fuck niggers

Hitler was a bad guy


Harambe died in vein

I will fuck a girl related to the guy 3 posts below me.

guess hes satan

OP suck my dick

OP is a faggot

No u won't

gotcha :^)

None of the absolute truths or lies, except for this one, in any of these threads that ever have or will happen are relevant to any reality that could or will exist.

Confirmed OP is a faggot

My dad rape me

Kill yourself

Spderman is the inevitable end of the world

OP loves penises

But.. but...

But...i'm OP, he's not me...

Dubs of truth

I'm a pedo

You must jack off to this

I wanna die

Only 7's and maybe trips count here buddy

i shit my pants

Dubs of truth, changing statement, OP is not a faggot.


I work with fbi

^ Everyone above is faggot ^
v everyone below is a skeleton v

Ive never fapd a dog Sup Forums4

You are a faggot

the game is over

You are fucking disgusting

I am your employer

Yes you do.

only faggots go to Sup Forums

I had sex with OP mom

I never poked a porker

Only faggots say faggots go to Sup Forums

Begining today we are the master race of planet earth

4chang is the top 100 in its class and fought a lot of Al-Quiedas in afghanistan

Op has a tiny dick

She loves you with all her heart.

im batman


They said there are plenty of fish in the sea, she was my ocean.

Sex dolls are the future

Batman is cancerous gay bullshit

i floss with tampon strings

only faggots say only faggots say only faggots go to Sup Forums


Posts ending in 7 are absolute lies and posts ending in 0 are absolute truths.

I am a cat

Was 'she' a 'he'?

We are all one.

I like turtles

only faggots say only faggots say only faggots say only faggots go to Sup Forums



Let us see

I'm a super sayian

I'ts been fun brother

In all fairness, sexdolls are now. I work for UPS and the rise in sexdolls from 2005 to now 2016 was huge. So many crates from overseas

ive never worn my grandmas bra

Actually she was a whore who I dated for two years. Broke up with me in late April, got engaged in july to a faggot she met on tinder a week after we broke up. Feels good to have dodged a bullet from a crazy bitch.


only threads that start with trips, quads, or quints matter

Rand Paul will win the presidency

apparently is has been, we'll meet again

I like turtles and goku sucks

i plowed trumps daughter


Trump is a human being.

Truth about trips speaking truth!?!