Name my crew

name my crew

Butthole and Fartface

holly, valens, and richardson if you get a third

Pigfuckers inc.

nigger squad

just rekt some slavers

Well dubs speak truth op.

Soon To and Be Dead


now crash it in iowa

One in engine, one in shield, and one in weapon

fuck that pussy shit, we boarding part now

Name them all david davidson

pick the next sector

rockbros, nebulas are gay

my ship better not get fuckin cooked

it will if there's a fire and you can't see it because of a nebula


i lost

next time you get solar flares instantly vent all rooms except for those your people are in, makes them harmless

lmaoing @your death

thats whay i usually never go to rock sectors

Well that was quick. How do you have an alt mantis ship when you suck so bad?


ok i restarted, already picked up two more crew and im at the end of the first sector
where should i go

What game is this?

Kek you suck