Ask a guy working the night shift anything

Ask a guy working the night shift anything

Are you a faggot?


Next question

Are you acTowerman, Block operator?

Are you a faggot?

What's ur fantasy

What's the shift premium and is it worth it?


Having sex with a female

Every have your ex girlfriend's gay best friend suck you off and send pictures of it to her as revenge?

No but now that you mentioned it I'm considering trying it

How many dicks do you suck a day?

Exactly 525,600

Do u know what a Block opr. is?

Ever pay some illegal aliens to strangle you in the shower?

What job are you working?

How many grapes can you fit up your ass?

What shift are you working?

Currently working nightshift too. Good shit op

Not at all
Im not Rob Schneider
Porter position at a bar. All I do is take out trash, sweep/mop, replace toilet paper in the bathrooms and bus glasses.

I never tested my limits so I don't know

Its pretty easy and pays 15/hr. Also 90% of the employees here smoke weed and they keep sparking me up without even having to ask

How often do you feel like someone's gonna break in and kill you?

Never, its not a security gig. Someone could stab me with a glass tho it wouldn't take much effort there's glass everywhere here

I work at a gentlemans club?

A bar

I take out trash and sweep the bathrooms. That's basically it I guess u could call me a janitor. Not a very sexy job I know

It especially sucks cause a lot of the customers are crazy hot white girls but none of them want to fuck the help especially not the janitor

This thread isn't as interesting as I thought it would be