Ask a guy who just started selling weed just about anything

Ask a guy who just started selling weed just about anything.

how old are you?

did you just start selling weed?

How long do you think you'll last before you get jacked? It's unavoidable at some point


how long do you think before Feds cap your ass?

Good question..
Im not really branching out much. I only go through people.i trust so i think itll be a while before i start trusting random people enough to put me in that position.

What you selling? Where you get it from? How much you sell it for?

The rate that weed is decriminalizing and being alowed more and more kind of cushions that for now.

kek your too late

10 a gram.
Usually sour diesel.

Checked phagit

>10 a gram


Why don't you just grow? That's where the money's at as long as you're smart about it and don't tell ANYONE.

>former grower

>10 a gram.
is that good? where you at? where you get it from?

10 is average where i am.

r u getting paid to post this bait

I know absolutely nothing about growing.

When does school get back in?

That's pretty cheap if it's quality, since legalization in Colorado and Washington, prices for good bud have doubled. It's bs.

Lol. Schools been out of.the picture sonce i graduated.

Yea i heard about them taxing the fuck lut of it but hey its legal.

Why'd you stop growing?

the price is always relative to your location and connections

Do you grow your own stuff, or where do you get your supply?

Use youtube and the interwebs....Hell you can even buy books on the subject if you know how to read. Do ALOT of research and you'll be pleasantly surprised. When I started I didn't have access to information like I do now, I was taught by old school growers and trial and error. Now I've got a fucking 9-5, a wife, and 2 kids with another on the way. Had to stop.

Refer to

Yeah, it's a good price, but you're going to have to deal with a lot of bullshit selling small bags. Work your way up to wholesaling pounds and you'll be doing ok for yourself

Why you make poor choice?

I meant
Fucking alcohol

How have you found your first few customers? What do you do to find people to sell to?

I'm thinking about selling drugs too, but no idea if people would buy.