Hey Sup Forums, this is serious question

hey Sup Forums, this is serious question
Am i attractive?

Gr8 f8ce m8 i r8 8/8

no you look like napoleon dynamite.


You look like a serial rapist...so no. Those glasses are hideous, the hair needs cut, and you have a god damn mustache. This is probably bait. you could be better looking I can tell but you're unkempt.

Knowing damn well that this isn't serious I'll answer anyway. Either clean shave or grow a full beard if you can, get a damn haircut, and get better glasses. You have the potential under all that sperg.

I'd like to slap my cock across your face.

nice b8
if not b8
get b8


I agree withCut your hair, or straighten it if youre set on having long hair. Shave that shitty stache and get some more hipster like glasses and im sure you could have at least a bitch or two in your life. You just need a change of style. You got the general face to be attractive

NO you look like john wayne gacy

Timestamp and show us your teeth and body.

Shave pedo stach get contacts or better glasses, get a haircut and dress well and you will look fine.

do it

That's wrong. He could go from 2/10 to 4/10 if he lost weight and improved his general appearance but he still has a wide jaw and massive nigger nose and his lips are trying to climb up his long and fat ass face. OP you are disgusting, there's no saving you.


Those are thick glasses.
You rolled the dice and got a 1 on everything.

Take that cock in your face bitch!

What the fuck are you? Shave your head, get some contacts and keep the mustache lol

Wide jaws arent a bad thing. I bet you have a glass jaw and are jealous of his natural features. If youre not too much of a chicken shit, post your face and we'll compare


Shave the mustache, brush your hair back and maybe cut it a bit shorter. get more attractive glasses, aviators are hideous. Then yes you'd be ok.

Seems like you're trying to be ugly. Shave that shitty moustache buy some glasses that arent from the early 80's and get a short fucking haircut.

Thanks for being honest. I was trying on glasses the other day... Which style should I get?

those are much better. what else you got


Those look good, but id try for a solid color and something more square. I hate the leopard print looking bullshit



fucking end your life. are you a 12 year fucking mlg meme pro. grow the fuck up

The last ones are better but look a little too girly. I'd suggest the other glasses, losing weight, and getting a good hairdo / facial hair.

the good thing about large frames is that it leaves no gaps around your vision. I hate seeing the gap. But the bad thing is large frames look dorky. So if you are going for looks go for a solid color of rectangular glasses.

Those glasses are a definite no, I'm voting for the first ones in solid black / maroon.

I agree


>feminist glasses

You look related to Patrick Swayze

I take that as a complement


Green ones

Or these
But I prefer the first

The fuck nigger. You went from circus clown to respectably decent looking

i know right. he could be sexy as hell if he figures out his look. I'm straight and almost ready to suck his dick

Nigga you gay

r u a nice person?

*Shave the moustache, you look like a rapist
*Get a decent haircut, you look like a hobo
*Those glasses are not ironic, they're shit.

So, do you want to look like a shit rapey hobo or a man who gives a shit about himself?

Shave that shameful excuse for a mustache and get a decent haircut. Currently, you're a 3/10.

nice stars


yes. I love animals... and i am a vegan

You went from looking like a rapist to a barista hipster.

>love animals
muslim alert

dude LEAD with these qualities.



I dont know what is worse...

More attractive than my fatass and greasy skin.

obviously barista is better than rapist you dingballs

Wrong again.

Napolen and Pedro's love child!

you're obviously prejudiced

did a barista or a hipster hurt you in any way?

The stare is a bit disconcerning, Bitches love a smile and easy eyes bruh.

a hipster looking barista made his cofe wrong and stole his girlfriend obv

wtf is easy eyes



>dont look at them with the eyes of your true intentions XD

easy eyes is like, simple ideas.

Easy eyes is basically when you don't stare at people (and cameras) like a pedophile stares at day care centers. It means, soft eyes i guess. Its all in the way you look at things. There are stares, and grimaces and they all have to do with how your eyes move and stuff. ALSO. smile, nigga. it almost always makes you look less creepy.

This mutha fucker knows what easy eyes are.

a hipster barista once raped me
no shit I'm prejudiced

OP if you are still here, gimme a side view. Preferably with a focus on the chin so i can tell you if you should shave off the beard or try and grow it out. a good rule of thumb is that if you HAVE a chin, you dont need a beard, but if you dont have a chin, you do.

dont change a thing. If you have a personality that is

dude you have a jew fro and you look liek you come from the 80's, get an haircut, shave this shitty stash and change your fucking glasses, then you might be a 6/10.


You were here with these same exact pics a few days ago. Was our advice not enough?

>you could look attractive if you trim that mustachio to a thin pencil, cut that hair into a "upcut" slick it back with some gel and wear some European style cloths. contact or some thin fashionable glasses would work. For inspiration just go on pintrest and search for mens fashion.