Rules are

Rules are
>Dubs decides
>Trips decides, and I compare the trips to my *!*TRIP TABLE*!* for random additional things to happen
>Every other dubs get will have the numbers looked up in the !DUBS TABLE! for additional random events and going ons
>Every post will contain a follow up post with pops and any additional information as to not hit post limits.

Thems the rules Sup Forums. Now without further ado, let's start.

Sup Forums, the red nomads are tired from their wanderings. They finally stop just a ways from the desert in green pastures just a stone's throw from the base of the wooded mountain range they've navigated by for generations. Structures go up, wells are plumbed, red pride swells in every chest. They have carved out a life for themselves here, and the future seems bright and endless.
These 100 pilgrims keep themselves busy, but happy. Unbeknownst to them, dubs are comin'

Eat children

Rolling for red to expand into the grass. Can't let red get cucked like in the game with the greys

Eat the children, burn the elderly

Map legend, for dumbasses who need it explained.
The dark green with the mountains and trees? Mountains and forest.
The lighter green with the tree and the hills? It's hills and forest.
Plain yellow shit is desert. The ones with lines on them are dunes.
The yellow with spots all over is scrubland.
The lighter green ones with the trees are- wait for it because you'll NEVER fucking guess- it's forest.
The darker green with more trees is dense forest.
The orange brown ones with the peaks are plain mountains.
Oh, and in case you hadn't deduced it yet and I need to say it, the blue shit is water.

And use the bones to fertilize their fields.


Move east towards the water

Dubs, GET!

Not a bad idea, tbh


What's the light green with the triangles on it

Someone is stealing all of our dubs!

I support this!


OP here, that would be swamp. And you got dubs, so first to claim who they are for uses them up.

Expand East to the water with this dubs!

Form /k/, our military

Nice dubs as well. Voting for red to move into grass if I'm not beat!

Do the water thing

Red will move as you say master

go north ! Use this dubs!

Ah shit son


Your dubs have been heard. They echo throughout the land, and the reds look to the ombre sunrise cresting on the east, over the briny waves of the sea.
Many thatched rooftops begin to dot the grass, and after much toil, some lucky people settle along the beachfront.
Shellfish, eel, regular fish, shrimp, and crab all roll into the once sheep filled center of the red city.
Dubs decide the next happening of the world, Sup Forums

Dam son

Dig for gold in the hills

Rolling for yellows to make their arrival on the other end of the bay, OP
Thread is already blessed with trips too, so mmmf


dubs and we murder this guy

Roll for these

Expand north through the woods to get resources

Roll for tumblr to arrive to the north. We need someone to fuck with.

OP here. Pop report as promised.

Population: 150 and rising
Other information: None yet, keep rolling though and see if you get lucky

Roll for tumblr to be the yellows

Build a port to begin trade.

Elect chieftain to be leader

W8 you only expanded 4 blocks, but it was a 77 dubs.
Is the expantion always 4 blocks? Shouldnt it be related to the dubs number?

Also, expand north to get resources from the woods



OP here
4 just happened to be what I picked just due to the small population of the village so far. Every other dubs roll does trigger the super amazing dubs chart I redo with each use.
When the village is larger, I'll certainly add in more space for them to settle in. ;D

Off by one... almost quads. Hopefully these reds have someone to use /k/ on if ever it is formed

Create thriving cloth industry by shearing sheep and spinning the wool


Form rival purple tribe in northern forest

Go west!

The power of dubs rolls out across the fabric of reality once again, stirring a hunger for land and resources within the growing red tribe.
They look to the north, felling trees in the hillside, ripping stumps from the ground with the harnessed power of a yoked sheep and a sharp kick, and taking it back to the growing city.
Amidst the midst of the fish and the sheep, timber begins to pile. Mud and straw walls are gradually replaced with wooden ones, and the skeleton of the city forms brick by brick.



OP here again
The updated population table.

Total: 230
Crimson Ones: 80
Neutral: 150

Establish religion with dubs as our God
And Bateman as prophet

Expand west. We will try to get to that lake.
Build schools and educate the population so those morons cant reclute more people and their movement dies.

Roll for this, and yellow tumblrites plz?

Try again

Unite the RED people against the yellow tumblrites.
Also expand west to the lake

2nd attempt

But how to unite red?

And on the third dubs, Bateman spoketh to the Reds and sayeth'd unto them, "Check 'em."
While the fervor of the wildly popular Lord and Saviour of Dubs spreads through the Reds like wildfire, the purple and yellow tribes form themselves.

In the northern forest, the purples huddle together under the foreboding darkness of the forest, while the Yellows serve under their Goddess Matriarch, and bicker out a substantial living among the scrubland.

Let the dubs decide what cometh next. Next dubs triggers the new !DUBS TABLE!

Fuck I'm retarded. Picture included now

Kill the crimson ones leaders and offer every other rebel a job.

It worked in my country.

And updated population map.

Total: 250:
Crimson Ones: 80
Neutral: 170
Batemanites: All

Population: 150

Population: 90
Matriarch Worshipers: All




Forcefully convert Crimson to dubs, execute any who refuse


Bateman impregnates random female in Red Tribe and thus born an invincible warrior

what game is this?

This and expand west.

Purple spreads south, looking for dubs

It's the game where red expands to more grassland

OP here.
There was a guy who ran a color game almost a week ago. Promised to return and never did that I know of.
So I want to keep the style going without stealing his shit.
Plus, I love to run games

Rollin' for these. Red needs all the love in this game

Purple get their tech upgraded

Red discovers gold

Yellow never forms a proper government amidst their cries of "privelige!"


yellow becomes a fascist dictatorship

and purple changes their colour to blue

Roll for Dubcules

We ally with Purple (Now Blue) to destroy Yellow.

Expand to the lake

This is a good idea

The Crimson Ones organize a theocratic uprising, killing all who will not join them under the One True Bateman, executing all followers of the False Bateman

Dubs speaketh.

To the cry of, "Dubs, get!" the Reds push further into the grasslands to claim more for their prophet Bateman.
As they do, rumor of their god has spread to the Purple tribe. Having heard of the foreigners, they push that way in hopes of meeting them and their Dubs one day.

With the next dubs having been get'd, it triggers the !DUB TABLE!
And with it, invaders have been triggered. The blue horde gathers in the sandy wastes to the north, looking for plunder and conquest. Where will dubs lead them?

And here comes dat delicious pop map.

Total: 350:
Crimson Ones: 100
Neutral: 250
Batemanites: All

Population: 200

Population: 85 (5 were stoned to death for misgendering womyn with large numbers of followers)
Matriarch Worshipers: All

Population: 450 smelly camel riders

The bateman knights rise to defend the reds and their lands

Yellow expandssouth/southwest and forms a militant group of warlike feminists


What happened to the purple tech upgrade ;-;

Invaders come get to Yellow and fight them while blue and red become good allies.
Continue the expansion to the lake.

They learned to sharpen sticks

Im still going to push for this!
Expand to the lake


Make Crimson swear fealty ro Red cause, execute any who don't


And also dubs table triggered.

After the stoning of the five womyn, the population of the Yellow tribe bands together against their oppressors, installing the new Supreme Leadyr Hitlerina, who will bring privilege to all.
Down in the south, the purple tribe have heard the word of dubs, and cast aside their sinful color. Reborn as a new tribe, under Dubs, indivisible, with justice and gets for all.
They adopt the color blue, to reflect the color of the prophet Bateman's eyes.

While further south, the Reds press out to the lake they have always dreamt of setting foot on. The grasslands are conquered, and they only grow larger and stronger as their fellow Batemanites, the Blues, join their cause against the dangers of this vast world.

blues move to take the northeastern hills


The dub table says that a blessing upon the world has doubled the population. Congrats all on the dubs.

Total: 1000:
Crimson Ones: 200
Neutral: 800
Batemanites: All

Population: 600
Batemanites: All

Population: 180
Supreme Leadyr Supporters: All

Population: 1000 smelly camel riders

reroll again

This! RED must be united

A new faction arises in Blue, the Commies! sworn to defeat the femenazia regime

The Horde establish their base and worship Allah.

Completely forgot to mention that in the text.

Yes, the advent of Dubs brought them the knowledge of attaching stones to sticks, making fire to keep the eternal twilight of the forest at bay, and the art of damaging a tree.
In addition, their grasp of mathematics has advanced beyond even the reds.

All have heard of the fascist yellows by now, and some people wonder if that is the true way of dubs. Could Hitlerina be the chosen one?

The reds must stand as one! I claim the power of dubs for this post fellow Batemanites

Hitlerina is a heathen.

Declare war on yellow