Where's your god now religious fags... your gods put you in jail!

Where's your god now religious fags... your gods put you in jail!

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religions cause hatred and racism fuck religions

The Lord is punishing those that have done wrong to better them. Proverbs 13:24 "Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him."

Yeah I know what you mean, no matter how they try to justify it..

"God is giving us a test if we pass we go to heaven"

"God is loving he understands" - yeah does he love you when you are a raging nazi?

"Mah religions, you can't prove God exists, yadda yadda"

Fuck them all, with a jagged broomstick handle up the ass.

But why isn't there more Atheists in the Slammers?

If Religion is supposed to teach you to be good, why is there too many nutjubs and bad peeps?

Exactly.. it teaches the wrong things, and gives people some sort of God shield to think they will be forgiven by a priest or vicar for their actions.

Its all a test OP, God loves you also OP. Even if you are a faggot OP.

You cant prove God doesn't exist.
you guys are the ones spreading hatred.
True Calvinists (what I am) believe in faith by grace alone. We can do nothing to get God's love. It is already there fir us. All we have to do is embrace God. If you truly believe that he is your Lord and Savior, then you will get into heaven.

i agree that there are people who think they have a "God shield" but they are not true Christians. I don't know why more atheists aren't in jail, but i would like to see the actual source for this statistic. If you truly follow the Lord'd=s word than you will not hate, and will not do wrong.

>Less atheist
>Surprise, less atheist in jail, who would have thought.
I'm an atheist, you're retarded.

another major reason for less athiests being in jail is that 30% of the worlds population is christian whereas 15% are atheists.

I know what you are trying to say, but surely there would still be more atheists in jail if they are evil and against God right?

That's how the bible portrays it, that the non-believers will be Punished.

Well shit.... doesn't seem to be the case.

And all those who are mostly against other religions are in fact religious themselves.

Lets be honest Religion is harming this Planet, and creating fucktards.

After all it was created to explain things to people who didn't understand why rain fell from the skies, why the sun is warm etc.

>You cant prove God doesn't exist.
But ofc you can't prove something doesn't exist if it doesn't exist...

Then by those numbers it should be more atheists in Jail, at least 25% of inmates should be atheist. No?

The 15% is not just atheists, it is all non-religious peoples. So including agnostic.
There is more evidence for the existence of a divine creator than against.
We still have not had a source posted for this pic. so we don't even know if it is true.

In 2011 50% of incarcerated peoples were protestant, 10% were non-religious, and 5% were unknown.

forgot source

I saw that too, but that was a survey of 50 chaplains, so it doesn't give the bigger picture but an average mean figure.

However the picture helps a bit more.

See this post senpai :).

I am not arguing the fact that more atheists are in prison I am simply trying to witness to those in this thread and say that this is a source when OP's picture is not cited. Thank you for being civil and not attacking me though. You tend to see that a lot in religious discussions.

I don't think edgy teens go to jail, check juvi

>There is more evidence for the existence of a divine creator than against.

The burden of proof lies with the person claiming existance.
Have fun trying to prove anything.

Religion is a coping mechanism to the fact that we have no purpose and we're (un)lucky enough to develop consiousness. To explain the unexplainable.
Read up on nihilism. You sound like an atheist that gives atheist bad names. Stop caring, go about your buisness.

I don't think they ask the religion of those in Juvy as usually they haven't had the ability to form their own opinion on religion. Most children either follow what their parents believe or rebel and become the opposite of their parents.

I'm an atheist and even I don't believe this.
0.07% atheist? In don't think more prisoners than that would lose their faith in a higher power?

>you can't prove god doesn't exist
I don't need to. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Same can be said for trying to disprove the existence of God.

Not to mention you seem to be trying to find evidence of the lack of god. You won't find it, just like you won't find proof of god. Such is the paradox of religion.

Okay try proving that evolution including the big bang is real. Prove that something came from nothing. No one has been able to replicate anything similar.

I see you never bothered to read the last sentence of my post. Which you just reaffirmed by your own.

Maybe you should take time to read everything before posting, or else make yourself look fucking stupid and illiterate.

No. That is not a claim. The claim is that god exists, and the claim is not presented with solid evidence.

Don't mislead yourself, any idiot can tell the difference between a claim and a dismissal of said claim.

There's more reasons that prove god(s) don't exist than there is that he does.
So, by default..

Prison systems promote religion. That's why people "find god" so often. Really it's just a lot of time to think.

burden of proof lays with those making the claim.

Your claim is that God does not exist, and it is presented without any evidence.

Are those numbers representative of the overall population? If so then your argument is shite.

See this post

I hate that .gif so much

Most folks turn to religion in prison because


2.it gets you out quicker.

Also Google religion demographics.

I was agreeing with your post, but go ahead and assume what you want. You already do so with your beliefs. (Assumption of the lack of god, or the existence of god)
I'm only an "athesit" because that is the label people give to those that don't believe in god.
I just don't give a damn if he exist or not and live as if he doesnt.

They could promote it 24 hours a day and they wouldn't achieve this bullshit 99.93% religiosity rate. Either the statistic is a fabricated or a big chunk of that % are lying to fit in.

Not how it works but i can see why youd think like that. Most idiots do.

then you are an agnostic.

I think that an important variable has gone unmentioned and that is the percentage of inmates that came to religion after being incarcerated. When one has nothing else better to do their mind wanders, they ask questions and often become more existential and well, others just want to do less time so they get involved with religion. lol

So it works to say that claiming that God exists needs evidence but claiming that God doesnt exist doesnt need evidence?
That is like saying that claiming aliens exist needs evidence, but claiming aliens dont exist doesnt need evidence. It doesnt work that way. Btw I dont believe in Aliens.

I won't insult you, so don't insult yourself. I don't claim the absence of god; I dismiss the existence of one.

If I was I would say it's probable. I don't think so, I don't think their is god, not in any form. If their was a label for people who just don't care, label me that. Until then, label me atheist and picture me as a religion bashing devil worshipper.

Right faggots, listen up, this is religion in a nut shell.

Mr A the farmer, who has a young wife and 2 children. Tending his fields and he looks up at the Sun, it burns his face and near blinds his eyes.

A religious priest walks up and says "hello my son, why do you look at the Sun"

"I wonder priest, why is the sun so bright and why does it make it warm."

"Well God put it there, to keep us warm and provide heat and light for plants too, without that light we would be in darkness all the time. It is God's eye that watches us faithfully every day."

"Then why does it become night?"

"Well my son, at night is when evil happens, this is why we sleep at night so we do not see the evil, it is the *brother/son/cousin* of God trying to lure people away from God's loving grasp. Even now there is people enjoying the wrongful pleasures of the night, gambling and whoring."

"While you are here priest can you bless my family."

"Of course my son, is this your wife? how old is she?"

"Yes this is my wife, she is 15 this year, and she has already bore me 2 children"

"Ahhh wonderful wonderful, such a ripe age."

This was Christianity the story was about, funny that after 2000 years, Christians will denounce Islam as being a paedophile religion, while forgetting their own had a story of paedophilia also (Mary and Joseph, Joseph being 93 when Jesus was born, and Mary being 4 score years younger at 13, right after he had sex with her, as told in the bible.)

Funny that ain't it. That is religion for you, hypocrites, racists and idiots.

If all you had to do in order to get out of several years of terrible meals and ass rape in a shower is tell the warden "I believe in da jebus" that'd definetly give you a strong incentive to just say it. The .03% who don't are either stupid or too devoted to being an atheist. Likely both.

I am not insulting myself. You also are agnostic.

And by the way, Atheism propagates the stimulation and growth of religion anyways.

If you don't know/dont care you are an agnostic,

I think hes trying to say you cannot say he exists nor he does not exist, but is in a state of uncertainty. In which way he is right.

Still an idiot.

OK then i claim my dog shits gold bars. Now thats a fact because i dont have to proove it. You cant disproove it either so thats it, thats a new fact for the world my dog shits gold bars. done.

You can dismiss that without evidence because..... i present none. Also if i cant proove my dog shits gold bars then thats more weight to the fact that he doesnt.

The meer act of not being able to back up your claim with evidence just means you give more credit to the dismissing side.

Thats why burden of proof lays with you fuck wad.

Agnostics believes in a higher power. I do not. I've thought long and hard about religion user. I've been through a few of them.

I am the one who has mainly been arguing the existence of God. I am going to go to bed now. I have work tomorrow so I can't continue this. I wish all of you a good life and hope you find the Lord.

I'm not agnostic. I don't believe in the existence of god because there is no evidence to support the assertion of the existence of one.

You insult yourself when you refuse to acknowledge the difference between a claim and a dismissal. You do this purposely in order to further delude yourself, and to reaffirm your beliefs.

Red some post not all. Did no one get it by now?

The Prison population is made by 78 % Christians and 0.07 % Atheists. So what? That's only who is in Prison. Still could be, that 5 % of the christian US-Citizens went to jail, while 75 % of the Atheists are there too.

If I invent my own privat religion today, 0.000 % of them will be in jail!!

Being this retarded

>Also if i cant proove my dog shits gold bars then thats more weight to the fact that he doesnt.
Not that user but I disagree with this, the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
You can prove god is or isnt. We never will. It's like the "draw a line though each door" puzzle. You can't finish it, you can do it till the last part, but never finish.

i think thats cause you get benefits for following a religion in prison.

yeah but no youre wrong.

Exactly. That statement is as far as proof of the existence or non existence of god can go.

>You can't prove God exists either, so...

So you ask me to proove my dog shits gold bars ? Sayi dont you are still going to pay $1 dollars for priveledge of owning a gold shitting dog just because i said "hey it shits gold bars"

>"draw a line though each door" puzzle

user only one o in prove. Just a heads up as you have misspelled it a few times now.


proove it cunt

The ones posted in troll threads user.
Not ones you can solve.

Most prisoners convert to Christianity so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I see this gif everywhere what's the source?

Why do you need a source? All you need is faith...

like this?

It's the princess from the Never Ending story, some other faggot uses it to promote that God exists, so I decided to use it another way.

You can solve that btw. You need to make 2 sides with 1 entrance/exist for it to become impossible.

Consider this: When a person claims something exists, and has had an effect, and continues to have effects, on the things around it, yet no evidence of it's existence is ever found, presented, or otherwise materialized, coupled with the fact that the basis of their claims can be explained by more logical claims that are backed by grounded theory, how can a logical person hold to the former claim?

When someone comes up and says "my dog shits gold bars" I just assume that they're lying and/or insane.

Idk if you have ever been to jail but most people aren't religious and the ones that are didn't become religious intil they got there

No, this one. It gets posted occasionally as an "autism test"

Same can be said for when someone comes up and says "God is everywhere, you will go to hell if you do not believe"

Exactly. If the concept of a god and a religion were to have never been established, and a random person made claims to an omniscient all powerful being who controls the universe, he would not be taken seriously, yet somehow, in this day and age, these exact people are able to get tax exempt status and a foothold in political discussions.

yeah you need 3+ rooms with an uneven amount of doors. derp. forgot you could start and end in an uneven door room.

congratulations, you played yourself

While highly unlikely a dog could shit golden bars. You're welcome and expected to think they are insane, but you can't prove it did or didn't happen.
Think of shroedingers cat, except the cat lives forever until poisoned, a capsule is released every second for the rest of time, and you can't open the box.


Just have to assume bias there.

>You cant prove God doesn't exist.
This again... That's not how logic works. The burden of proof, blablabla.

Well I suppose you could assume that the dog managed to swallow small golden bars then shit them out, but highly unlikely.

The difference is that it can be explained, in some way. All of the elements to suggest it's possibility are there; the gold bars, the dog, the assumed consumption. This is not so for god.

Regardless, without the shit covered gold bars as evidence, no one is going to believe the man who makes the claim, only those who want to believe it's true will do so. This is faith, and it is based on nothing.

You can't define someone as a Christian just because they were born in a Christian-majority nation, dumbass

Why not skim past the text right to the facts presented and their source, friend?

They started believing in God after they where put in jail you faggot. They have to have something to hold on, and most of them choose religion for whatever fucking reason.

Almost every aspect in our lives is religion in some way.. From Politics to sports. Atheism and evolution are not science. There proffless as Faith..

Granted it could be explained through science and observation but in that one moment, where a man says his dog shit out golden bars, in that very instant, you can neither confirm nor deny it. That is the constant state of the "is their god" question. Yes faith has a lot to do with it, but were stuck in a perpetual cycle that will never cease, it's almost as if we are trapped within a single moment of time, stretched over an eternity. Such is an amazing part of religion, tbh.

The point I'm trying to convey is we can neither observe god or the lack of god. As such, the question is meaningless.

That was stupidly easy...