Hey Sup Forums, femanon here ;D

hey Sup Forums, femanon here ;D

I'm just reminding all of the guys here that the average woman including me have difficulty cumming when we're fucking. And I strongly believe it's because the average sized penis is just too skinny and short to viably fill up an average girl's vagina. You guys should be educated to know that the vagina elongates up to 8 inches when we're horny, and there are plenty of nerve endings too deep in the vagina, not just at the opening, I hate it when average guys keep talking for us and saying that there is no feeling in the back of the vagina.

So please average boys, do us average girls a favor and just learn how to make us cum by using your tongue and fingers, because that skinny little dick which like 90 percent of you have is just too small for us.

So please fuck off, we like talking about big dicks for a reason, it's because we like cumming! ;)

And to any boys who's gonna post "girls do like small dicks", please fuck off, you don't speak for women as you don't know what having a vagina feels like you fucking retard.

Nice bait

Sounds like the guys you're fucking with just straight up don't know HOW to get a girl off.
Just cause you got a big dick doesn't mean you're good at sex.
A vast majority of women have a hard time getting off from vaginal stimulation alone.

Average sized hung user here and I don't have a problem getting girls off, gotta know how to turn them on properly.
Clitoral stimulation the whole time and it drives girls nuts.

>Implying we care if you get off.



You are a fem user like lady gaga has a vagina. Your pasta is old and stale too btw

if a girl can cum using a sharpie / 1 finger she can cum with an average dick

This nigga gets it


I chuckled



Femanon has a guy ever made you cum before?

fuck u cunt

>blah blah blah average size penis can't make me orgasm blah blah blah
I've seen it a million times.
Sex life

Yeah yeah, we get it.
You have a bucket sized vagina.

Going to take my average white dick and go home then.

it's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. Bruh!!


11 inch white master race here, i prefer girls that can take between 5-8 inches, the rest of you i have found have sloppy cunts, goodluck on never being happy op


your cums are no sense. male's cum is much important than yours. our cum is life, while female's cum is not necessary in sex.

i hope everyday you wake up you look in the bathroom mirror
and realize that there's nothing for you today
just like yesterday
and the stain on your clothes reminds you of that dream you had with that special someone
but realize that there's no one in your bed
and you have to wash the sheet covers again
and you're out of detergent
and wonder why the sink is wet since you haven't turned on the faucet
but suddenly realize it's your own tears

Oh. It's this thread again.

U wot m8?




i volunteer tribute

>that subtle sheldon watermark on the paper
goddamn my sides

Delete this

oh ffs

8 1/2 inch master race here

being a chick sounds like it sucks big time. i can cum from almost anything. haha. assuming not bait...enjoy your anger femanon. i am going to walk by a fence post and probably cum twice.

dubs don't lie. You like nigger dick.






I'm only responding because I love my mother, you cunt

as a femanon, you completely come off as greedy. big cock sucks because it's more than an average pussy can handle. it's too big, feels uncomfortable, get dryer from it, a cluster fuck. so you actually aren't an average pussy. and any normal considerate person includes oral and all that shit if the other person's okay with it. and this better than you attitude will literally get you the opposite of what you want. i can't even completely strike you off as a troll because assholes in both radical degrees fucking exist.

tl;dr sorry you stretched out your pussy and add to the mentality that ruins considerate and great sex



Fuck off.

sigh dont read

My nigga


immunity cat

I'm reminding the OP that her vaginal cavity is the apocryphal bag of hokding, because most women don't hear echoes when they wash their pussy in the shower.

Also, normal women don't use a Stanley thermos as a dildo.

Wow, then my two ex-boyfriends were from the 10%, because their dicks were TOO BIG.
