Any anons playing Elite: Dangerous and are looking for a wing?

Any anons playing Elite: Dangerous and are looking for a wing?

I'll take anyone if you want some company.

Other urls found in this thread:!-The-Definitive-List-of-1-6-2-1-Compatible-HUD-Colour-Color-Configs-(please-add-yours!)

*Also, that's an Imperial Courier.
I am not an Imperial fuckboy I just wanted that thing because it looks so damn good.

Nice dubs.
Check'd myself because nobody in here.

I'm playing from time to time, if you want to add me go ahead CMDR Ultracool Dwarf

did no mans sky rip this off?

Pretty much.
I heard No Man's Sky is turning out to being kind of shit.

I don't think so, the concept of NMS is primarily based on Nocits IV

Alright, I'll check to see if I can find you.
I've got the game going in main menu right now btw.
I went to a system to find a metal rich pristine ring, I found it and am now scanning every single planet for Cartographic jewgolds.

Last time I played I worked on the CG for federal expansion.

I thought about going to Jacques station for the new station CG but 2k LY is a long travel lol.

I pledged to the Federation btw.

*22k LY

fuck son if i didnt work tomorrow is hop on, i wanna test out my vipers new cannon
pic related is my setup

Yeah it's 22000 LYs, and I'm sort of grinding Fed ranks.
Got to cadet and I got like 48% right now.

That's a sick setup.
I've got an office laptop and I get 40 FPS on medium-low settings.

i love it but it still needs work, also checkm

By the way user, you know you can change your GUI color right?
Look up guides it's pretty easy.
I got a color "preset" from here:!-The-Definitive-List-of-1-6-2-1-Compatible-HUD-Colour-Color-Configs-(please-add-yours!)

Oh thanks for the check, same to you.

Double dubs.

*mouth foaming*

ive been playing star conflict
its probably a bit different type of game but i like it

oh shit son, i took that picture after loading the tutorial mission so its not my current ship but fuck yeah im gonna change my hud next time im on

What's your current ship?
I've got a Courier set up for exploration/ PvP,
Advanced D-Scanner, 2 seeker missile racks size 2, one beam laser, class A shield generator, and everything else is also class A.
2 class A shield boosters, fuel scoop, heat sink launcher and Chaff launcher.

ive got a fully built viper i use for smuggling and courier missions, i got a gimballed beam laser, a cannon, and then 2 missle pods, extra cargo space, an extra shield booster, and then the nominal upgrades to the thrusters and distributor and all that, and im in the process of building a mining/trading ship, which is on a type 6 transporter if im not mistaken, and i wanna build a ship for exploration and cartography after my mining ship is done

Nice setup dude, is this a saitek joystick and throttle?

yeah saitek x52 pro, i fucking love the thing, would recommend, skip the low tier shit and save up for a nice one that will last if you like space and flying sims

Nice setup, although Viper is almost entirely for combat, jump range is crap and it's fuel is also meh, and I'm sure the cargo space isn't that good.
I recommend a Cobra Mk.III as a multipurpose ship, and if you want to get dedicated into exploring either get yourself an ASP Explorer, or if you're having economy issues then a Diamondback Explorer, that works too.
Type 6 is a great ship for hauling btw, have nothing in your optional internals but a fuel scoop and 95% cargo racks and you're set.
Shields are for plebs.

By the way I sent you a friend request ingame so if you wanna get on for 2 seconds and approve it then that would be appreciated.

my idea for the viper is to get from point a to point b fast as fuck, and the way delivery missions work fuel isnt normally a problem, and i was thinking about getting the explorer for the next build
i gotta be up for work in less than two hours man i gotta sleep, next time im in for sure

Alright, the thread it almost dead though, it was nice talking to you.
Try and remember it,mkay user?

Why has this game gotten so much bad reviews lately?

It's becoming repetitive I guess, maybe the devs didn't put enough variety into it.

i play quite frequently

Wow, 470 hours on record.
What's your ingame name dude?

CMDR Yogisbarrel

ill be on in an hour or less

finishing a game of dota if anyone is having trouble finding other cmdrs to play with

Added you.
Kek, dotafag.

Get off my Elite universe.

i cant message you for some reason

Strange. Let me try.