Where's the best place to meet wife-material white women who would be willing to date a spic?

Where's the best place to meet wife-material white women who would be willing to date a spic?

Bump because i need to know as well.

bump because i also need to know as well and im the OP



I dunno if this exists unless your a rich spic..

Okay the both of you are not spics.

I'm spic, I've dated so many white girls I'll tell you already none are wife material

It doesn't matter what class you are there's whites in every socio-economic status willing to date anyone who's not an autist.

You guys seriously watch way too much TV just stop being gay go date some normal people that satisfy your fetish and get over it.

White women do so much mental gymnastics to justify their shitty behavior I'm never going back. Middle class blacks treated me better but I'm not into them.

I've only ever been hit and threatened by white women, over little shit.

And they say the worst shit.

I got told once 'i would rather have been beaten and raped than be told what you told me' (I hate you, mind you after two weeks of her telling me 'fuck you, your stupid, fucking idiot etc. While I was being nice)

I know that, but those are trashy white girls with zits and wear sweat pants. I can make a decent bitch wife material, i just need to know where i just need to know where to meet decent, above average white girls that would be willing to date us without getting all fucking uppity and "race doesn't matter" on me. I can only get dumb, trashy white girls, i want a good one.

Fuck you i'm allowed to have a personal preference.

Northern Mexico.

>i would rather have been beaten and raped than be told what you told me

>I can make a decent bitch wife material

Okay on the very small chance this isn't bait,

Someone with your shitty retarded outlook needs to find one that has a problem for dating retards and 'ghetto boys'
Btw I'm both.

Just go ahead date one but I'm warning you. I don't even find them remotely attractive anymore.

I've dated upper middle to middle class.

My poor ass friend went to Colombia university and dateda few insanely rich whites they're not any different.

But the difference between me him and you, is that me and my friend aren't freaking hoodlums

Spic here. You need to have lots of money, a 6 pack, and be a cuck. Or just have a high-level job position and fuck your white co-workers. Either way it's a lot of work and they're just as crazy as the rest of them.

I fucking know right?

I was an angsty teen at the time that hurt me so fucking much back then

Looking back it's kind of funny but god damn it man

>btw I'm both.

Fuck. Lol I meant I'm both the people you responded to.

my girlfriend is white but shes one of the most sane people i've ever met, and shes very cute. im guna wife her big time


white women are overrated nigger

I've never had one not turn on me at some point. The ones that were nice I found eventually I had to keep 'fighting' to keep their affection, romantic and surprising things eventually end up not being enough. I got really fed up with that. I don'tmind a few times but too much with them. But that's just my experience with them.

Yah each person's an individual But,

Whatever fam.

OP good luck

decond this


where did you met her...
