


i would assume you want us to pick 4 and then bring up politics due to no border around it.

Clever but that is not what I want.

Each of these shapes has at least one distinguishing trait that none of the four others share.
What standard are you going by, OP?

1, because it's smaller than the rest
2, because it's the only big red square with an outline
3, because it's a different color from the rest
4, no outline
5, it's not a square

One of them has a special quality none of the others possess

Which of your explanations is different from the rest?


It's 2 because it cannot fit a "the rest are not" clause.
1. = the rest are not small.
2. = .....
3. = the rest are not green
4. = the rest are not border less.
5. = the rest are not circles.

Nope. Each of your explanations is only listing one difference/uniqueness, except for one of them.


There are 4 sets you can make based on common traits

Squares { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
Large { 2, 3, 4, 5 }
Bordered { 1, 2, 3, 5 }
Red { 1, 2, 4, 5 }

2 is the only one that appears in each set

Has no unique traits

Alright, but couldn't you say that the rest are not large red squares with borders?

Even with that, you have to describe it with all four traits, that alone makes it different.

Anything else is wrong, and OP is a niggerfaggot as usual

That's two clauses pushed together, 2 is the shape that shares the most and therefore it is odd.

Horeshit it does.

1. The rest are not small red squares with borders.
2. The rest are not large red squares with borders.
3. The rest are not large green squares with borders.
4. The rest are not large red squares without borders.
5. The rest are not large red circles with borders.

Well obviously each one is unique, but 2 is the odd one out because it's the most similar to the rest.

color trumps all. 3 is a nigger.

Got it. That clarifies it for me.

Its 2 because 1, 3, 4, and 5 share 3 similarities with the rest. But 2 shares 4 with the other shapes