Hilarious tinder profile thread

Hilarious tinder profile thread.

Only got this one but it's OC from five minutes ago.

Come on guise, share your tinder gold.

Oh wow, familial characteristics shared between siblings. Hilarious.


Yo, gimmie dem sauce bb

it's probably more the fact that on a site known for sexual liaisons, that she chose to put a pic up of herself with her brother

so that begs the questions, is she dumb and/or innocent and think tinder is a reglar dating site and shes just using rando pics she thinks she looks okay in


does that mean he gets down with her fam nd is heavily implying that fact by putting a pic of her and her brother on a god damn fuck site

dude... they're twins. like identical twins.
That's what "she" is telling

you have such a dull imagine user



Her names kirsten,shes on tinder too i think

OC here




would fuck tbh

You need to go out user

You need to set more realistic standards user.
>Always go ugly early

sounds bout right. Thanks Sup Forumsro


Or you're overthinking it. She's just into threesome and incest.

You bunch of fuckin' Druggos

OP here, still at work hence the late reaction. But it's more about the fact that she looks like a fucking tranny.

She actually looks like the dudes mother

>extremely masculine jawline
>broad chin
>thin lips
>similair hair as her bro
She looks more like a pre-op

I have a sneaking suspicion there may be some same faggery going on in here.