Movie characters who are literally you. I'll start

Movie characters who are literally you. I'll start.

So, you're a slut?

OP I don't think you understand the meaning of literal

>literally you



OP is literally a faggot

So you're saying you're crazy hot, violent killer, and nymphomaniac? Or just a stupid girl that follows trends...which is the complete opposite of this character.

You know the rules.
Could you write "cum guzzler" on the timestamp?

fucking normie

I'm Batman, no wait Superman, no wait Dr. Manhattan ... dude im fucking god

Guys 'you idiots know it's not who you want to be. No one of you is crazy or super intelligent or God ...

So show us your tits like Harlequin is doing or gtfo

Also OP is a faggot.


used for emphasis while not being literally true.

"I have received literally thousands of letters"


Fucking juggalo cocksplat

Incorrect. Fucking idiot. Maybe you're literally retarded?




I fucking hate Suicide Squad. I got a sleeve tattoo of Harley Quinn back in 2007, before the Arkham games were even released.
Nobody knew, or wanted to know who she was. Even after the games not many people knew who HQ was when I told them who my tattoo was.
Fastforward to 2016 and every summerfag millenial autist has suddenly been a fan since her first appearance in 1992, 7 years before they were even born.
I went from having a tattoo of a little known villain who barely made appearances, to having a commercially mainstream tattoo of some hot topic faggotry.

Fell like cutting my fucking arm off.


Kys. You are a degenerate piece of shit and everyone u meet immediately knows it

I don't leave the house, so I don't meet anybody, jokes on you summerfag.

NYPA newfag

Trips and you cut it off faggot.


Oh wah wah wah. Fucking stupid hipster. You're pathetic. "Oh noez im not unique and speshul no more"

If you liked it then, you should like it now. Since you don't, you're clearly just a try hard poser hipster faggot. I bet you bitch when bands find some measure of financial success with their music too, don't you?

Grow a god damn spine, you piece of shit.

Cut off arm hit self with it.

Yeah, I do hate that, I was bumping Jedi Mind tricks back when nobody knew who they were outside of the Philly underground scene. Then Myspace and Youtube ruined it and made them universally known. Now I can't stand Vinnie Paz.

NYPA summerfag


Keke too hard disk stuck in toaster

Sucks to be you, i guess. Just know that everyone looks down on you for your pathetic, easily manipulated opinions.

You're weak.

Underrated movie

I look down on everybody else, so it evens out, peasant.


post pic of ugly tattoo


So you are some shit character from overrated piece of crap?

Heh. Okay, whatever you say. I just cant imagine being such a slave to mass media that you let it so radically alter your opinions. I mean, no one is totally above that, but holy fuck... you're a perfect example of a douchebag hipster who finds validation in a false sense of superiority engendered from some sense of obligatory obscurity. In short, you're incapable of actually liking something for it's own sake. Instead, your tastes revolve around what can make you feel special, unique and superior.

Pretty sad.

It's faded to fuck now, need to get it redone


Cover it up with doctor strange. Theyll never make a movie of that.

Shows what you get when you get stupid fucking tats to be edgy and different.

>If you liked it then, you should like it now.

This statement is completely untrue in almost any instance I can think of.

Taste changes as you age, mature, learn more, and grow as a person. It's why I'm glad I never got a tattoo (although I'm not against them in general).

Think about all of your Exes and then tell me again that "If you liked it then, you should like it now."

Wasn't to be edgy and different lol, I genuinely loved the character. Still do, but Sucicide Squad sucks as a movie, and so does what they've done with HQs character.

>knuckle tattoo
:DDDD Wow such white trash

Not top mention artists tend to change their style when they grow commercially

I got an after earth tattoo. Its Jayden being raped by an eagle. Its pretty much timeless.



Acting like tattoos make a social difference on some sort of ambiguous hierarchical scale.

Your literally using the word literally wrong

Dictionaries have updated as people ha e "misused" the term more frequently. Most of the words you type went through a similar process at some point in their history, it's a part of the natural evolution of language


Who were you before this shitty movie came out?


>think about all your exes
: |

>acting like a face tattoo is as acceptable as a bicep band


For me it’s the Joker – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

tell it to the jews

Valid. Cant argue that at all. I guess the point i was trying to make was that if he liked it then, he shouldnt stop now just because it's become popular.

Nope. Just pointing out that tattoos in face or hands (not arms, but in area that shows even with long sleeves) are fucking ridiculous and makes you look like non educated "tough guy" that was stupid enough to think that writing some lame ass words around your body makes you look cool.
That's unless you are over forty and look something like Lemmy or are totally badass old rock-rooster.


It is what it is.

That's your opinion, I live in Europe, if you do too, you should know that your opinion isn't commonly shared over here by anybody under the age of 65


Do you live in slavistan by any chance?

Close, Britain.

Did you just use the word literally to define the word literally?

Can't be. tattoos are forbidden under Sharia law.

I don't live in a shithole overrun by Muslims. That's for poor people. The cultural class divide is real though.

that's jockette, not harley quinn
you retarded worthless little faggot shit.

harley quinns real outfit
you faggots only like her now bcus she's hot af
the cartoon version was best. FIGHT ME

No idea what you're talking about, but cool picture none the less.

I think she was best between the cartoon version and the costume transition to Arkham Asylumm, some of the concept art was amazing.

(user with the tattoo of her)

Ed Powers: Because I'm a gross piece of shit who somehow fucks young girls.

>So you're saying you're crazy hot, violent killer, and nymphomaniac? Or just a stupid girl that follows trends...which is the complete opposite of this character.
This is Sup Forums, OP is saying he has a penis.


for real though

(new) Lex Luthor: Because I seem quirky and full of energy but have a serious side where i am very witty and intelligent


I am literally immortan joe posting from Valhalla. Ok, gotta go lol byeeeee
