Why are white girls so into black cock?

why are white girls so into black cock?
why are they completely neglectful of white guys?

I am a swedish guy at the age of 23 and i am still a virgin because girls aren't interested in me nor my white friends.

I have a black colleague in college and she slays white girls like crazy. He even flirts with our economics teacher and I think he is fucking her.

It's almost impossible to get laid as a white guy in 2016. It's all about being black.

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Yeah in EUROPE. IN america i ALWAYS chose to live in white areas(duh) and i have no problem ever getting laid. You cant argue because the women here hate them soooo much more

NYPA, newfag

white girls don't hate black men. they love them. why else would they be fucking them?

don't get baited by this black cuck, fuck boi wanna be. Just shut up and save us all the cringe.

What the fuck has not being his personal army have anything to do with the fact that white women are hooked on gross nigger dick. Are you some kind of non Aryan there pal?

Except they don't.

Fuck off jidf shill

ITT white neckbeards blame their problems on other people

L a r g e

You're fucking retarded

Thats exactly what niggers do.



Stop giving so much of a fuck and you'll get laid.

Remember kids, not giving a fuck doesn't mean you should be insensitive.

I'm willing to be you haven't bed laid in close to a year.

Maybe you should take your disgusting nigger fantasies elsewhere you pathetic cuck :^)

Prolly cause you suffer from micro penis...dem white boys

I agree OP. Its all over for us. We need to apolagize for slavery by giving them our women.


Oh shit...an expert cuk../clap

How many of these do I have?

just let the bait die guys

OP, you just made this fucking thread like half an hour ago.

Stop. Go outside.

>bait meme thread now



The black race is the superior race, in 50 years there will be almost no whites left, we celebrate this.

If any of you poor fucks ever has a child, they will be bred by blacks as a big fuck you to your pathetic racism.

Speaking of racism, I have met many in my life, most common is a tiny dick overweight 30+ loser, saying racist stuff in the apertment, but outside he shuts up, or act obedient to blacks lol its hilarious every time. White Race = Joke

>newfags calling newfags
we on average donĀ“t pack the meat thats why
>may AIDS be their blessing

Brother I am baited here

Lol is u mad white bois

The new generation of white males, sexually shamed, pathetic and weak, turns into becoming more feminine.

This was also observed in nature when a more dominant species arrived, the original male tribe started grooming themselves more, acting more calm. Its only nature doing its thing.


U jelly white booiiiiissss

We need moar Sup Forumsro

You just made cus you shy/ugly/boring.

Trust me, if you just flirted the way he does, you would also get laid. Honestly, how often do you flirt with girls? No, I mean, REALLY flirt, not just give them a compliment and then drop the subject. Not very often am I right?

I'm white. I'm from Sweden. I got average looks. Still I'm able to get laid through tinder after after ~4 hours of swiping and chatting.

The girls don't know your dick size until you get them into bed and then it doesn't really matter (unless you only got like 10cm or something). Just flirt like you have the biggest penis ever and google some flirting tips.

"The game" is a good start but it is waay to harsh to work on Swedish since "negging" (giving negative compliments) genuinly pisses swedish girls off. So take it with a bit of salt.

Anyhow, I'm rambling. The important thing is:

That is pretty much the only thing you are lacking compared to the black guy.

50 years ago it could never been imagined, BLACK GUYS FUCKING OUR PRESTINE WHITE PRINCESSES?

Today it happens everyday

You're focusing too much on the women who are already too far gone, go for the ones not involved with the blacks. Also, most of the women that fuck niggers are fat and/or ugly.

Reminder: If black females were half as attractive as their white counter parts, none of this would be an issue.

>le epic coalburning and cuck meme falsflaggery


>Have sex with black guys
>Marry pathetic white loser who works all the time
>Have sex once a year, complain about headache, or tell him to watch his cis-privlage
>Sleep with blacks on the side
>Send messag "im gonna be with the girls tonight"
>Whiet inferior beta patheticly says "ok :("
>Continue to fuck tyrone on the side, divorce white beta, and move tyrone into the house while white pathetic shit pays alimony until he dies lel

>32 replies
>22 posters
>OP samefagging hard

Sage this dull bait.

Only the dead can know peace from these shills.


The sexual superiority of black men is obvious.
Sometime I wish I could serve as a surrogate female to them. Feeling so girly in contrast. To be a subsitute for a real man. Black sperm don't deserve to be wasted in a tissue. Their masculinity is to be worshipped.
And i'm pretty sure most white guys fantasize about this. They are just too ashamed to admit it.



This is such bullshit. I occasionally go into night clubs where mainly black guys and white women hang out. (because of the music) And whenever me and my friend (both white) are there we are allmost literally gods. Girls flock around us as if we are by far the hottest guys in the club.

Someone with low confidence might say "omg look at that club, its all white women and black guys.., white women are into black guys!!". But the reality is that they are there because white girls and black guys like dancehall music, while generally white guys dont. And if you have the fucking confidence to actually go there and approach women.., youll soon find out that they thing a good looking white guy is a hell of a lot better than the average over aggresive nig nog in that club

Pristine white princesses is a bit of a stretch..


OP stop


here in sweden all kinds of girls go for black cock. high class, rich etc etc



Black men got balls and just approach a girl they want to fuck, whites on the otherhand are pathetic, meek and suffer social anxiety issues

It's not all OP, there's me and at least one other person posting bait maymay's

White girls hate sexism, but only when white guys do it.

White pathetic inferior beta race are shamed by white females, this is only natural, subconcious response.

However when a black man calls a white girl a bitch she instinctvly gets wet and allows herself to be just another whore in a black mans stable.

Polyamourous relationships are natural, harem relationships, are natural, but only when black men are doing it. Whites get shamed for having a sexuality for more than one girl, this is proven science.





Now this is our thread


This. A large part of why blacks get alot of girls is because they try alot more, they approach way way way more girls on average. They just dont give a shit.

Go to a bar or club and there's always those black guys who just grope and pull on random women, hug them against their will, etc. And funny enough, as long as they try every women in the club, there's usually quite a few that actually like the attention that they are normally not used to getting from white men.


how do we call it...?

inexorable fate..


Why is it that asking a question based on a false premise is the lowest quality of bait?

How come I can find more hookers in my city that won't fuck black men, then any other race of men?




The truth is that black men are gods of the sexual market. See the reasons:

>Every black man is automatically assumed to be an alpha male.

A white boy, to be accepted as an alpha, have to change his entire personality to something more aggressive and violent, he must demonstrate dominance through verbal and non-verbal means, he must assume a overconfident, no-shits-given pose and constantly show his high status and hierarchical position.

A black man to be accepted as alpha just needs to exist. Even the police thinks that, you know they assume all black men are thugs? Now, have you ever seen a virgin thug? A thug with no harem of women at his disposal? Society will always consider you a alpha male by merely existing, if you only keep your mouth shut you can proceed to harem building without speaking a word.

>Black men have access to every type of girl

When a white wants to become a Chad, there are several paths he may choose and these paths led to different kind of girls. A white fratboy Chad will fuck sorority sluts, but he won't bang cute liberal arts sluts. A white hipsters Chad will bang cute liberal arts sluts, but he won't bang sorority sluts. A black men will bang anything. The sorority slut because he is attracted to his alpha male allure, and the liberal arts chick because she is afraid of being considered racist if she doesn't offer herself to the pleasure of her african warrior king.

>Black men hold cultural hegemony

What is the most popular form of music in the Western world? Hip-hop. What is the most popular dance? Twerking. What is the most popular sports? Sports that black people play such as basketball and football. What is that confers legitimacy to subcultures and political ideologies? Acceptance of and by black people. Black men are literally gods.


White guys' reputation is being destroyed by Jewish mainstream media which unfortunately being watched by the dumb white chicks




Because daddy was racist and wants to spite him. Give your kids a bullshit reason not to do something and punish them harshly for it and they will find everything in their power to do it anyways to spite you.

it's great not to be white.

>When a white wants to become a Chad, there are several paths he may choose and these paths led to different kind of girls. A white fratboy Chad will fuck sorority sluts, but he won't bang cute liberal arts sluts. A white hipsters Chad will bang cute liberal arts sluts, but he won't bang sorority sluts. A black men will bang anything. The sorority slut because he is attracted to his alpha male allure, and the liberal arts chick because she is afraid of being considered racist if she doesn't offer herself to the pleasure of her african warrior king.

true story Jpeg
> also rather insightfull for a 4chin post

it's just the cool thing to do right now. when the media bombards you with "fucking blacks is cool!" from birth, that's exactly what you end up doing when you grow up.

also, it's the GOOD LOOKING blacks getting pussy. i've never seen a fat, ugly black guy get any chicks.




They dont.

Whites are the least likely to racemix out of all the races.

Why do you make these threads everyday`?



Exactly, they try hard to nail the landwhales and shrek looking cunts. Ah well, I don't have issues landing women and still hate niggers.

sage goes in all fields


And they say size doesn't matter




Aesthetics are everything in life and without it, how are you able to breed?
Women pick the best of men to reproduce with, they don't want no beta white male and unfortunately enough none of your alpha males would even be on this site in the first place.

Your race in all honesty is a joke. What do you think you're accomplishing by hiding behind your monitor and shitposting? I a'int even mad, I'm jus sayin you're a disgrace to your ancestors which goes with other black haters on this board, you racist punks will never be anywhere close to previous whites.

Blacks on the other hand are getting better by the day, remember that.




Blacks have better dicks, whities lose out..cry harder please

i know what you want OP

>More than animals

Toppest kek.
