The National Guard was called in on the niggers in Milwaukee because they were literally hunting white people...

The National Guard was called in on the niggers in Milwaukee because they were literally hunting white people. Do you think there'll be a race war soon Sup Forumsros?

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More then likely at this rate and the sjws will still say it's not true

No, white America is too guilty/scared to retaliate and you fucking know it, mate.

My parents don't see why they should own a gun even after all this. What should I say to them to convince them otherwise? I just want them to be safe.

Of course that isn't at all true but the stormcucks will say it is and try to turn peaceful protests into their wet dream so that they can call African Americans animals and racial epithets.

Yeah. And if it happened in America, the British nigs would want in and start it in Britain.

>gorilla suit
>rape father


Harambe didn't die for this.

Aye, and we're about the same when it comes to white guilt.

Peaceful protests? they're destroying innocent people's property.

Take them to gun training and stuff teach them about firearms and not all the 'bro science' that gets thrown around all the time

My dad goes with whatever my mom says, and my mom is the kind of person that says "No person should be allowed to own an automatic rifle" and refuses to buy any kind of gun. I don't think she even knows how to operate a glock. I think I'm gonna take this discussion to /k/

Media manipulation of what infiltraters are actually doing. Keep watching Faux News though. Reputable news agencies like Huffpo are reporting the truth. Make everyone look violent so their demands aren't taken seriously.

so buy a semi-automatic rifle, since automatic rifles are illegal anyway. Problem solved.

You fucking sjw cuck, black people especially niggers are a danger to our society.

The National Guard was sent out by the governor to stop the nigs. There's no denying that.

Do you need a .308 to stop a nig or will a 5.56 do?

Way to bring facts and logic to the discussion. Typical

The guard was sent in by a white Republican Tea Party governor to quash a black protest? Color me surprised.

I'd prefer if it was a 5.56 or something similar, but as long as she owns a gun it'll be fine. How do I convince her?

You obviously don't live in a conservative state or America in general.

Bananas will distract them long enough for your family and you to get away!

I was gonna say fully automatic rifles are military weapons

This is why you should teach and educate so they can make INFORMED decisions, she probably has only seen what Cnn and other shit generic news reporting programs that app real to the masses for 'ratings' to make money and most fo the time their articles and programs are full of falsehoods,

In Aus we have a proh called media watch, it points out pall the bad reporting and doesn't hide to point the finger at its own channel that runs the show
You should see if Merica has something similar

Whites were dragged out of their cars and beaten. The violence was very real.

Buildings are on fire, shootings are being reported, this is a completely appropriate approach. Do us all a favor and get your cuckmode out of overdrive.

>bad things happened
>it was so bad!
>what do you mean proof
>I don't have to show you proof prove me wrong!

Pics or it didn't happen

Wut is this white guilt you speak of? I refuse to feel guilty over something that happened to people who are no longer alive perpetrated by people who are no longer alive. I've never owned slaves nor have I ever known anybody who was a slave. I treat people with respect when it is given no matter what or who they are. Slavery and human trafficking is still a real thing today, why not go and try to help those people get out of it instead of whining about something that happened 100's of years ago.

It's all over Worldstar. Look for yourself.


is this a foreshadowing of the Trump "the election was rigged" chimpout?

Quit being lazy and look up burden of proof. I'm not even whomever you were originally conversing with.
You made a claim; support it with evidence.

It's not about feeling guilty about something you never perpetrated it's about recognizing that most individuals in a minority group have to try a lot harder than you or I to make it to middle class. No one thinks about you owning slaves it's about realizing there are marginalized groups in our society still.

If they stopped acting like nignogs and started acting like people, they would have no problem making it to the middle class. There are plenty of black people that are successful model citizens. It's all about attitude, and I'm sorry but they need to learn that the world owes them nothing.

Read up, nigger lubbers:

>says quit being lazy
>does the same thing as who he's replying to

british niggers are all too fucking lazy and stoned to do shit but complain. not a threat.

I was just watching videos on liveleak of chimps chimping in the street....the dialog went as such:

>car passes
>yo they white?
>yeah they white!!
>lets beat they ass!!!
>chimpout reaches bananan lvl20
>chimps fling pooh at subaru

So when the Colonists should not have revolted against the crown because they needed to be taxed and should have just got over it? Peaceful protests eventually turned into armed insurrection in that case. All they're calling for is equal treatment. Marginalize a group too long and the oppressed will rise up. Im not sure how far off it is now but it may eventually come.

Fine, but don't make it about Race then.
What wouldn't be your reaction if horses of marginalized white people where running around chanting WHITE POWER, settings their town on fire and beating up black people because they are black.

Hand them this and ask them to read it...heads will explode.

No comparison. Nignogs are not suppressed. Our government provides them free food, housing, education, and healthcare for all their niglets. It's not that they want to be treated equally, they want to be treated special.

one can only hope

I'll fight inequality in whatever form it presents itself. Infiltraters pretending to be protesters and attacking people and property does not mean that African Americans are not marginalized. If it was the reverse then of course I would be appalled and fighting but it's not the case. You can point to individual cases of racist black attacks on white people and scream about how "there racist 2!" but there was never a system built to keep white people in America marginalized and impoverished.

Keep telling yourself that

Everytime you say marginalized I want to send you back to PC Principals frat. Also niggers only make up like 13% of the population I hope they rise up in arms so they can be put down

since when are irish and anglos "white"?


>The trigger is real

I do, every time I clean and oil my gun collection!

white guilt? I've done nothing to feel guilty about. they've all got a fucking chip on their shoulder, and need to move the fuck on. want to be accepted? stop behaving like fucking savages.

13% of the population and 99% of the lazy & stupid!

Bait! Glorious baaaait!


Yup. Cuz 99 + 13 totally equals 100.

As a European I don't give a shit about America, your politics, your sports, your elections or your wars. But this shit is fucked up. I'm talking about this particular situation in Milwaukee. How is this shit justifiable? You have fucking armed and deranged mobs advocating killing cops and destroying private property. They are hunting down innocent people because they are white and then beat them up. They are discharging firearms in crowded areas and all of that because a BLACK cop shot a fleeing, ARMED suspect. You fucking sjws defending this people should fucking kill yourself.

sempai is so awesome

two different groups, morons. Learn to math.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

i honestly don't care if the niggers try to rise up because they'll get their asses kicked out, and if not they will be feared and widely disrespected, it'll be like that one part in zootopia but with niggers instead

i want to cum inside user

Completely agreed

i find it entertaining how they confirm that they are truly savage monkeys time and time again!

Reply to or your ass will look like pic related

No they are not. They're calling for any unequal SPECIAL treatment. That's exactly what affirmative-action is. A leg up and a handout.

Poor white people are the most marginalized demographic in US society today. Poor white males the most.

To me it's unbelievable that racism is even a problem in this day and age. It's just so incredibly dumb and I don't see how some people don't have the common sense to realize how dumb racism is.

The thing that bothers me a lot about it is how some people are looking for race to be a problem when a problem isn't there because of race. Like on the news today somebody was saying "Twice as many blacks are unemployed as whites"

Even if that is true their race has absolutely nothing to do with them being unemployed. Implying that their skin color is the reason for them being unemployed is just incredibly stupid.

And so far from what i've seen pretty much any statement i've heard blaming race for the problem has just been completely wrong. It is always for a different reason that isn't racist at all.

Here let me spell it out for your almost functioning brain.

>Nignogs are 13% of the total population.
>Nignogs are 99% of all the lazy and stupid people in that population.

Fucking idiot.

Spank her

We whooped your ass a while back and we could do it again britbong

>armed black man
>killed by black police officers
>hunting white people
fucking niggers are retarded

>peaceful protests.
Burning down houses and looting stores
Get the fuck out man

No, the nigs have been doing the same thing for the past century. They'll bitch and moan until next month, when it's all forgotten. Repeat ad nauseum.

>Reputable news agency

Divide et impera

>Peaceful protests.

By setting fire to gas stations.
Get fucked, you libcuck.

Whats funny is theyre burning down their own community.

Divide and conquer.


White people made them do it thats the excuse for acting like wild apes sprung from a zoo this time right?

Why tho?
I mean, didn't that nigger got shot by a black cop or is this about something else?

>vanilla oreos and toilet paper
What is this nigs plans for the night?

He LOVES Oreos and milk but he's lactose intolerant. That's my guess.

They are, they should just let them kill each other abf boy help they stupid monkey assessment, I use to not be racist but now I hate niggers. They made me hate them, I can't even be close to one any more.

Lolz of course if trumps win they will be a race war for sure they will be whites and blacks taking it way to far

You fucking white thrash, you go fucking kill yourself

What pisses me off is the kid. He was illegally carrying a firearm that was also stolen. I live 45 mins from Milwaukee. I have shit to do there and now I'm too afraid to go.

So it was a hunt on a massive scale? All that talk about burning down white suburbs was not just bravado?

Is a race war a trigger's squeeze far?
Americans have the biggest gun ownership per capita right?

t.not american

You fucking idiot. Is there anything wrong with what user is saying?

>more then

You seem smart let's all listen to you.

Notice how these protests aren't in any historically "racist" states. Places like Alabama, Mississippi, South & North Carolina. Niggers there know their place and act accordingly.

The US could learn a lesson from them for once.


I'm half black and I hate niggers please these crime filled neighborhoods need to be dealt with, welfare needs to be abolished, and these sheep idiots need to stop nigging around making everyone else look like fucking animals

I fucking hope so. The sooner the chimps are all killed or ran out of the country the sooner American can be great again.

Underrated post

We don't as far as I know. We used to have The Daily Show and the Colbert Report which offered only slightly biased parodies of the news. But they're gone now.

Man im a bleeding heart libcuck. I wouldve sent in the SEALS, Delta Force and the Rangers to hunt em down on top of the National Guard. Maybe called Putin to send in the Spetznaz for practice. No more bullshit with these niggers.

Lactosefag here. This guy beat me to it.

link if you do so plz

its the reefer madness and the jazz isnt it?