British subhuman hate thread

British subhuman hate thread

what are you doing, oni-chan?

this fucking country is seriously overdue a massive case of ethnic cleansing.
The immigrants are the best fucking thing we have right now.

hardly, benefit scroungers are, immigrants tend to work.

I said immigrants are the best thing, how are benefit scroungers the best thing we have?

U mek no sen




Implying OP is murican. You mad, britfag?

read it wrong fam thought u put they're worst

just leave me

No way man, one in one out I say.

If immigrants tend to work why do they purposefully cross thousands of miles to get to a country that offers benefits instead of stopping and working in a country that doesn't?

>because Britain is notoriously easier to get into.and at least they are willing to go thousand of miles. Chavvs cant even be bothered to sign on

they don't you retard, they leave their countries for a chance of a better life in another country, which is far more than the benefit fucks in this country ever did. They wouldn't bother crossing the street for a one way ticket out of their stupid hellish existence, they're literally too idiotic to care.

kek literally put the same

British citizens are literally the most degenerate uncharming group of individuals I've ever had the displeasure of sharing my company with. They're all fat, smelly unemployed nationalists who blame immigrants for everything, despite claiming benefits for some silly bullshit. Am proud to live in Ireland, as opposed to that fucking shit hole.

>It's notoriously easier to get into than the other countries you're literally cutting through to get there
>It's the chavs on benefits who don't sign on that are the problem

I'll give you a 1/10, you're genuinely retarded.

Right, so why do they cross thousands of miles and multiple countries to do that instead of staying in one of the multiple countries that offers them a better life, but doesn't offer them benefits?

wouldn't say they're fat, im British and i find there more anorexic looking. Most of them are unhygienic. London and the coasts are the worst of Britain

We can all see you reposting and pretending to be different people, retard. Maybe stick to reddit in future.

going through and living their are completely different

This thread gets posted everyday

Did a brit rape you? keke

>staying in one of the multiple countries that offers them a better life

the other countries don't offer them a better life, because often they come from places with fucked economies, or war zones.
UK might be bad, and the economy is NOW fucked, but it's (only just) not a warzone.