What's the point, Sup Forums?

What's the point, Sup Forums?

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there is none

Is like that Game Gear commercial comparing it to Game Boy and Game Boy Pocket. Literally colors.

The biggest disappointment since op came outta his mom

Wish you fuckers would stop whinging...

fan boy faggot

Hardly fan boy...
Seen it about a week before it's release date.
Shitty that Sonyfag grabbed it by the dick and squeezed it for money.
People whinging about its 'lack of multiplayer fail to realise the games enormity...
Cunts that don't like grinding in games tend to be the ones who have the bitch fit..

What the fuck does this mean?

Are you retarded, or just retarded?
Whinging - Verb
complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way.
Example: This thread

It's spelled whining you absolute retard. The verb is to whine. No G in there.

It's a faggot Englishman thing.

You can see the samefag planits over forever or becoome neil degrasse tyson and start a galsxy...dats tit

>Tries to go full nazi

Whining is something a dog does when it's distressed or lonely.
Whinging is complaining about something.


it's British. pronounced win Jing you fucking clown


quit whinganging

>not knowing this

Whine- a feeble or petulant complaint. Therefore the verb of whine should be to complain in a feeble or petulant way. This is an American dominated board, the British way is wrong. If you spelled it whinging on an English essay it would be deducted.

Get back to no man's sky fucking troglodytes

Typical fucking Merica thinking they're always right...
If it was spelt "Whinging" on an English essay in any English language dominant country, it would be right.
If it was spelt "whinging" on an English essay in America, it would be wrong.
Do you know why?
Because America has always wanted to be different to others to show their 'dominance' in the world.

It's an American dominated language, for that matter.

So how's being Germanys bitch?

>American Dominated board
Makes sense as to why majority of this board is full of fucking retards...

I come from a land down under...
We're the UK's bitch, which isnt much better, but at least we can spell right and don't have a failing system like America.

Goddamn, I'm really sick of people complaining about the game already. If you don't like it, don't fuckin buy it. If you won't, and you've never played it tho, how do you know you don't like it? Because of YouTube clips, or posts on Sup Forums where other retards say it's shit so you obviously take that as gospel and declare it for yourself? Are you stupid or something? Fuck off with this cancerous faggot shit.

To just kill time. So many people are butthurt of this shit. I pirated the game, liked it, and bought it. Fuckin poor people cryin about 60bucks. You fly around, collect and trade shit, discover shit, have space battles.

What this guy said

Fan boi gets real mad. Oh shit! Waddup

If something is spelt a different way in a board of mostly Americans we are going to tell you it's wrong because why would we know the British spelling. I bet you are some American teenager who thinks it makes him a le gentleman by using British vocabulary.

Cause your grading system is fucking baby mode over there. We still have the toughest grade scale out there and a lot of dumb niggers bringing the damn thing down.

I had that train of thought, bought it, played it, and now stuck with arguably the worst game I've played in the last 20 years.

are you STILL trying to convince yourself it was $60 well spent?


Grading system is babymode?
More like constantly changing to the point that no one knows what the fuck is going on anymore...
Plus, last I heard, it's harder to get into an Australian Uni and get a degree than it is to get into an American College.

This game turned out to be a pile of shit. The game doesn't match the gameplay trailers. The devs lied about multiplayer support. I am glad i didn't end up playing this pile of crap. This game is another hyped up piece of shit.


Would've preferred to spend it on BF1, but nonetheless.
Another samefag.

It points at the autistic community.

ahah yes he is

Autism in space.

I've spent 15 hours on it, and it is boring and repetitive. Its at a push a 5/10 game indie going for AAA retail price.

Except you got those backwards

Kys dumbass. If you didnt expect the game to be exactly what it is then you are literally retarded. Also if you think $60 is too much, try not being 12 and having a job.

American here. Get your own shit right faggot.

Think what ever you'd like...
All I can say is, glad I am an ausfag than merifag with the shit that goes down over there...

Jesus fucking Christmas, here we have a thread about one thing where 94% of the posts are about a goddamn misspelling which devolves into which country spells better. What in the literal fuck?

Also, I like no man's sky. It's a chill game. The only complaint I have is that I only seem to find very desolate planets with hostile life and weather conditions. But I read that's due to the star-class type of the systems we start on and that getting further in the game and upgrading the hyper drive on our ships will allow for travel to the different classes. So I'm looking forward to discovering stuff. If you get bored easily, which oddly enough probably is true for most of you idiots as most of you have no lives and all you do is play vidya all day and you'll finish it on like 40 hours, it's probably not the game for you. Jesus fuck.

Getting into college might be easy in America, but getting into a high level university in America isn't. America is completed fucking filled with awful colleges to the point where if any recent high-school grad tried to get into a college yeah they could, but it wouldn't be worth it. Of course there are the few that go to decent colleges which are worth it.

I played for a while, its just minecraft in space with way less things to do and better less autistic graphics.

The overal NPC's, trades etc. Gets borring in 2-3 hours. Just not worth it.

Autism is not in space, but the whole galaxy and outer universe.


This game is like they built a shopping mall without any stores inside


ooookkkay woody

>Unless we’re missing something, U.K., Irish, Australian, and New Zealand writers make no distinction between spelled and spelt.
Pls get back in your basement

So I get this game is an example of content frontloading to sell the game. But these threads are awfully consistent. I've seen one up all day. Who's getting paid, here?

I live above ground.

Just samefags on Sup Forums.
You know how it is...

Torrented the game.

It doesn't even work.

Crashes at startup

Then why act like a basement dweller?

Spelt and spelled are both acceptable past participles in America, though spelled is more common.

>…thinking they're always right
It's 'cause we are, fuckface.


The crash has done you a favour, send the crash report to bill gates and pray to allah.

You clearly have yet to realize that people will bitch about absolutely anything.

That's life my friend. Some you win, some you don't. But I know! Let's everyone lament your disappointment by whining about it together! Yay.

>too expensive for what it is

You've obviously never played uncharted, but okay. It is pretty boring. But only because it takes a very long time to do things. Since patience is never the virtue of the average gamer, it'll be lost to many in the same way interstellar was to simple minded people. Not that you're simple minded, only impatient and quick to see the end of a game in your time frame. Some people don't need to move as quickly.

>implying rich people wouldn't complain about something that is overpriced.


>94% of the posts are about a goddamn misspelling
Kek even the faggot who's complaining about the argument still knows the word was spelled wrong.

Spelt is like turnt, degenerate nigger shit.

Funnier than the other American's taking the bait

I...sure. You know, I'm sure you're up to something but I can't see the profit in it so I don't have a specific accusation to issue.

That sounds aesthetic as shit

>implying you even know what rich people do or have an opinion on

You are wrong. It's okay.

End of the game? What game? You are literally going to the same planet, with the same animals, and the same bases over and over again with different color palettes, just to mine the same fucking rocks just so you can keep yourself alive to be able to mine more rocks. That is not patience, that is autism.

What's the point of anything?

Protip: there is none.

I'm gonna go with Oxford on this



Surprised that no one has even mentioned star citizen yet since that (as an outsider not having played the game and just watching youtube) is is what it looks like, just a little less graphically intense but with the same amount of stuff as star citizen beta

Leaves you with the opportunity to do shit forever instead of replaying a game over and over because you hit the end of the game after a days worth of playing...

No man's sky reminds me I hate people. Not because I like to play it, because people will waste their life in whatever way someone 'higher up' decides they'll waste it. They big boys at the top are exploring this, real, beautiful planet with your $ from buying that shit. Wrap ya head around our own planet for one second and you might see modern gaming are mostly farcical, enchanting concocted $-making schemes. Rarely are there games released for the sake of bettering our understanding of life. Those were the good old days.

Joy. Joy is the point.

Why aren't you all playing EVE online?

What strain?
Good shit?

bought it, regretted it, returned it. game is shit, but even it has more value than you, inbred fucktard

I really want to know how you profit from increasing the immediacy of the failing game's failure. Seriously, I can't figure it out. I know when it's you again, OP.

God damn you're right user

No, making a different series of batman movies every few years is autism. No man's sky is just a game. If you're going to imply that you don't do repetitive shit in other games, or that most games are mere contrivances of other games with the same 4 themes repeated over and over again, I guess I'm done talking to you. It's a fucking game that has objectives. The fact that you don't like it says no more than it's not the game for you. Other people like it. I'm playing it while I wait for the rise of iron DLC to hit destiny. Who actually gives a shit, honestly? It's a game. Funny thing is, it's not like you people didn't know this is what the game was before you started bitching about it. So do like everyone else who buys a dud and sell that shit back to gamestop at 30% what you paid and take your girl to Applebee's.

Oh nice, I now have it on authority (you) that I'm an inbred retard. Thanks for letting me know, guy.

>because you're a more value-adding member of society

The point is that You or others who like it are the exception here, the majority think it is shit and have the right to complain about it to give others a heads up to not making the same mistake we have.

Its Sehnsucht the game

Fuck off you cuck shill nigger jew lover faggot kys

You are most welcome. Hopefully this new information sheds some light on why you wake up covered in your own shit and pissed every morning before you take that crusty sock off your dick and browse Sup Forums until you pass out.

ITT: Bergs whining about whining

This guy gets it.

Here? As in Sup Forums? Because most reviews give it at least 4 stars with over 70% approval. So while I may be the exception here, you certainly are where it's more important, friend. The only people who seem to be complaining are people on Xbox who can't play it, and retards who can't figure out how to play it.

>plays destiny
>not autistic

Choose one

I never said I wasn't autistic. I just have a problem with the rest of you fucks implying you aren't. Tell me what your favorite game is and I'll tell you why I think it's shit because I know something no one else does. So I come to Sup Forums to make sure the rest of you plebs know.