Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:





Akiko claimed

None of them are better than any other.


still here


Retard. Yes they do.

good morning

Why not? Tired of waifu?

You're right, she's adorable!

Tell me when you get to it.

That's spookier tbh.
Galil from Upotte, if you like guns watch it.
Nyet pedik

Good Morning! Slept in edition

Get a job buddy


Yes they do what?

They aren't spooky.


Someone get this sleepyhead outta here!

Hi, I didn't know there was a bane claimer.

These pics make me want to add abyssals into my fleet.

Way too easy, I'm completely sure some anons here get triggered more by doing that than by insulting their waifus.
But it's harder to get hated by every single user and not just one or two groups.

You should beware me, but we can share the title, we're married after all.
What kind of things? Not counting small-talk, last time we talked you said you were looking for a job, found anything yet?

Just what I got from a little shitposting and 'elitism', thread is dull.

Yea I will.
Any other anime you recommend? I'm at a loss atm because I'm kinda through all my usual stuff
>Banter retards
But that's weird I hope you can get it fixed before I get my pc back
>Im recruiting new friends
All my old friends quit
>Rank 52
Wait what. Rank 52 in league? What does that mean
>Inb4 challenger 52
That'd be insane

yeah yeah yeah

Yes they are special. Each and everyone one of them.

In a sense. I talk to most people via other mediums, so not a whole lot of a point in coming here anymore. Also most of the newfags are lecherous retards.

That's really fucking spooky tbh.
Don't get a job

Good luck getting me to hate anyone. I dont think Ill even find Fool as bad as some people I no longer want anything to do with. And to me he sounds like someone to go out for a quiet drink with.


Stop that.

They aren't spooky.

I've been invested JoJo lately.

Each part is different from the last and features a different MC each time.

Get a non-autistic hobby

They're spooky and each one of them have something special. And I don't care HEAD #1 is waiiiiiiffffffuuuuuuuu!

There's that community destroying elitist attitude we all love!

i should but the real question is what would i be working for
like what?

Ahh i see. Fair enough i suppose. Some of the newer posters can be a little... odd.

I bought every single Teemo skin and play him mid or feed.

They aren't frightening so they aren't spooky.


The thread is always dull, so are the people enjoying it.
Kind of things, you know. Buying, selling, leaning a new language, swimming every day, cooking.
I've bought a rolling paper from Smoking, by the way. zoneutopia.com/images/products/rolling-paper-smoking-brown-roll.jpg
Something like this.
What have you done? Did people told you that you are a jerk? If not, you're not hated.

What do you think of me?
That's spooky.
Shooting isnt autistic and is a hobby.

>Best fox claim
wish i slept more edition

We don't like loli's in here

Oh it looks fun
I think I can get into this
>Inb4 elitists come and say being an elitist isnt a thing
You disgust me

I own a Teemo hat and use it in dress up parties.

Good morning cuties

They aren't sinister or frightening.

Please stop.

My solution: troll them. Like claim keemstar as waifu or something

i found shooting to be boring and lacking a point

>All my old friends quit
Yeah I know that shit
>Rank 52 in league?
Oh no I was talking OW
I'm pretty shit at league and I never play league ranked. I got silver after my placements and never touched it after that

Kill self
>tfw I got the edgy as fuck Teemo skin

I WILL stop replying from this post on.

Now we just need a reverse kancolle game where you fight on the abyssal side.


How about knife collecting, to be blunt, you can look really sharp with a good collection. It also has a point too, but it can often be seen as edgy.

Kill me.

I mean stop saying my heads are waifus.

If only your mommy let you have enough good boy points to own a gun

Yes you should get a job, being all day in here writing shit and worshipping imaginary pussy is not healthy

Yoko claimed I'm looking for more manga to read again I loved dungeon meshi and vin land saga, have any more like these to recommend?

No, but their beautiful.

Aye it's Alice
>You sound the usual?
>Claiming and leaving immediately?
Pretty much this
Oh okay, too bad I don't play overwatch
>So expensive
I was almost afraid you were a god at league, to this moment ive never heard of anyone with a high ranking in league so I want to claim it
>Don't ask me how much I spent on league

Yes they are.
That's not a nice solution.
I find you to be boring and lacking a point. Shooting can include skeet shooting, 3 gun, long range and target shooting as well.

It's pretty great, my favorite part would be part 4, Villain of that part is amazing.

People say you're retarded but I haven't personally seen you be retarded.

I don't know if I'd call them that either.

How are they either of those things?

Dio is as good as it gets, as far as villains go. Part 4 is so far good though.
>I count Stardust Crusaders as one part

Hey now! I don't claim and leave immediately. I claim then forget about the thread cause stream, but bad movie today so I'll be paying attention now

>I don't play overwatch
It's rather expensive yeah. If you don't have friends to play it with I wouldn't recommend buying it. If you do however it's tons of fun
>Don't ask me how much I spent on league
If it's more than 2 digits it's gone too far for a free game
Who are you mains?

not interested in weapons really. do it yourself
i should but money wont change a thing. dont worship imaginary pussy just masturbate to it.
you may trigger galil.
all ive done is target shooting but i never felt anything while doing it. it was more of just ok i hit it what now?

Question: are you the artist of my waifu and the spooky, yet beatific clay sculptures.

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.

Since you're actually using your waifu while you complain about elitism, i'm very curious; who do you consider to be part of the "Elite"?

Please don't do that.

I prefer Kira and Valentine over Dio but he's pretty amazing as well.

Actually here's another: why are you posting them in WAIFU CLAIMING THREADS?!

Sometimes things get shaken up here, but anyway I have a personal record of enjoying things that aren't enjoyable.

This is all good to know, looks like you're getting your life on the tracks. Do you have some sort of dream job?

I had two swimming classes a week for 11 years of my life, then suddenly got bored of it to the point that going to a pool can hardly be fun for me.

Did you get actual papers or the roll? Roll is better as it's cheaper for how long it is, but if it's too humid there a lot of it might get spoiled.
I like brown more than white but it's not so common here.
The only papers I like more than Smoking are Raw.

>learning a new language
I wish I had the willpower for this, being polyglot is something I always wanted to be but I had trouble with french and kinda gave up.

>What have you done?
I rated every poster on the thread as cancer, elitist or newfag.

>Did people told you that you are a jerk?
Not yet, but I've been called an elitist and retard countless times.

So Yesterday I turned on my youtube on ps4 and OW clip popped up about killing 5-6 bastions with a genji. I noticed the name said Akiko something was that you?

dis nigga

I will check it out then
>This dio guy
I've heard a lot about him, he better not disappoint
Yea that's usually what happens
>You know I love you
Whats on then?
Yea that's what I figured I know no one who plays
>Except everyone on waifu
I just didnt realise it, it just happened
Pretty much all assassins but zed is my bae.
I also really like azir xer and velkoz
It seems you already did
>I see what you did there

It's still fun to play in random lobbies

it's much less frustrating than league

I think that's racist

I was just kidding kek
>I don't think I've been here long enough to make such accusations
However the guy who was in this morning and shit talking me, and everyone else who used the term, was being pretty elitist
>Are you one?

Really need some manga or manhwa suggestions anything is good but yaoi or shinjis

Hey Tomoko, what do you have planned for today?
Hello cutie, how are you today?
The Scorpion King, I blame Sanae


Through a job you will gain confidence as you will be experiencing all sorts of different things each day. From meeting new people, having to be professional, and learning new skills. All these things will help you grow in confidence as you develop and make these skills your own.

Having a job, rather than claiming benefits will gain you respect from others. People will like the fact that you are out, working hard to earn your money, rather than sitting back bust ur nuts

Who says I'm retarded?
They just are
I mean, out shooting a friend or nailing a bullseye from real far is always fun.
The Pokemon mangas

He's pretty fantastic, tell me when you get into!
Steel Ball Run

Cory in the house.

Ghostly I would agree with, unsettling, desolate. Not frightening or sinister though.

Thanks. I needed to bust a butt.

I can't compete with that. I actually don't know how to trigger you and that makes me feel glad but a bit distant from you.

Which one do you have? I'm not sure but I think I never bought a skin for a yordle.

I'm all in for that, as long as it's not a slot machine game with unskippable animations and purposely clunky UI like the actual game.
I wonder which abyssal would get my free ring.

I'm pretty happy as things have been going my way lately. You?

Fucking kek
>That shit is gold
Dont you mean mami? :^)
I did it
>I see what you did there as well
Fuck I need to watch so much now

Could be us yeah. Our group has been featured on Kotaku's highlight reel for a full bastion teamwipe. The guy in the clip isn't me, that's Kotori. I was in the there though

>I know no one who plays
Same. Apparently some people in uni play it but I have yet to add them. I'm fine with teaming with the other waifufags though
>all assassins but zed is my bae
>tfw I love immobile mages
I'm a vel'koz main, followed by Thresh and Veigar
yeah I know, Veigar. But oneshotting killing adc's with ult is just way too much fun. bonus points if they flash before it kills them

Well you're not wrong. It's a fun game for sure and I hone my skill solo. I just don't think it's 40 bucks worth of fun if you're only gonna play alone


I've said it before and i'll continue to say it. There is no elite in waifu.
There's no system for an elite to form. Everybody has the same power to post.

This elitism non-sense is just some of the old people being in a clique, and the old shitposters being mad they weren't invited.

And no. I talk to nobody here outside of this thread. I have a discord but i've only talked on it maybe three times since i got it, and since outside communication is the only trait i've been able to discern that the infamous "Elite" engages in, i must not be part of it.

Nut. Auto spell fuck off

Punished Gumi claimed

I don't know what that means.

Orwellian I would not agree with.

You won't go unnoticed this time, not with this integer.

yeah oh well
same thing as everyday alice.
When I worked most of the people wanted nothing to do with me. they wanted their stuff so they could go home. The skills i learned were how to stock shelves and paint. nothing hard. I never felt like it was going anywhere. then when id get off work id go home sit around for 2 hours then sleep. that was it.
i guess i dont get the same enjoyment from it.

Being an elitist is part of the healthy balance that is required to manage cancer addictions

I need to bust a butt too user

Auto spell changed nutto butt. And if you still don't get it. I masturbated and ejaculated to the pictures