Im homeless, no family no friends

Im homeless, no family no friends.

I have nothin to do at all.

Anyone need an extra dude for anything at all???

Im tottaly free and down for anything, im not afraid of work nor fun.


me pics 2/6






Oh sorry im in Hollister California stuck for now.

Try shaving and doing more cardio/working out
Bitches will ignore the homeless part of you and just bring you in into their homes with that sexy body

Ha ha okey thats legit advice, but I take care of what I need in that department I want so badly that it is allmost a need to be a person people want in their life for more reasons then a good romp.

no time to gain a soul. In SF and would make you my sex slave.

What are your stats? Got any skills? Are you sane and stable?

Ive rolled threw san fran a few tiimes, I think I must just have the worst luck or something.

Im totally saine as forstable,thats a little more difficult, as far as the things that I can control, myself included, I am.

Stats, 23 Years old 6 feet tall, 7 inches,200lbs, slightly depressed, skilled in a number of things resourceful dedicated and hard working and like a sponge for the world

Will you or will you not repeatedly take a man in your ass, balls deep?

ha ha slightly embarrassing, but i would be willing to certainly be willing to consider it..

where do you get food atm? do you beg for money?

Your cute

I steal it from stores.

Ha ha thanks but im just some street trash.

Suck a hobos dick then


WERE do u get WiFi from?

> (You)
Allright dude, I may notlook it but I used to be something, and may be again

Allso I d that shit for free.

Fat food joints, star smucks, lows ect

Lol loser

Wow wow wow I wish I was you makeing fun of those born at a disadvantage and have not had the luck to get away from that misfortune.

all on the internet like a bad ass.

Just so cool.

I bet your mother wishes she had swelled you,

You look like a cool dude, I hope you find something to do, have a nice day.

Thanks man ima try

So any ideas Sup Forumsros?

Suck dicks for cash like the rest of us.

> (You)
K thanx havent heard that one.

Welp no luck finding a coarse of action to tke so far...