Asshole thread

asshole thread
traps allowed
boys aren't

traps are boys themselves, faggot op.

OP cant inb4

Thats the most disgusting pussy ive ever seen. Taintd meat

Well I'm a boy who likes to crossdress





Spotted the virgin. Hey guy, women bleed out of their pussies once every 28 days or so. It's called a period. And about 80% of women will fuck your retard brain clean out of your skull when they're on the rag.








God tier

Shit tier:














>traps allowed
>boys aren't
it's the same, faggot. the sooner you accept it the better


Pretty normal looking pussy imo.

also confirmed, women menstruating=lots of fun.

earn your red wings.




a faggot who is interested in a meme of the generation of which he will never be remotely good at.



yeah not the same person.





Its in the top 3 worst ive seen on here.



I really want to put my cock in that.







Goddamn! That is a thing of beauty.




Op post more



I'm convinced this girl is an android. She's too perfect.


Annie roux search her on fb.





Thats it posted all of my good ones my dumb is complete



Nice havnt seen this in a while .. More?

Nope. Sorry.




is this a trap or just an asshole?


Thants Kitty Pryde lol



What the fuck? Is OP that mentally fucked up he can double speak in the same sentence and justify that its normal?!?!?

Keep going, another hundred posts and you'll be able to afford some more watermelon with those Soros bucks.



pick two, faggot




Any more in the set?


Nope. Not that I know of.

ysu slut






