Okay so for extremely good reasons I really need some great points about Jill Stein that maybe go against Hillary or...

Okay so for extremely good reasons I really need some great points about Jill Stein that maybe go against Hillary or just do great on their own.

Also maybe some slander on Hillary Clinton; something real however, something that shows who she really is.

I promise you, I am going to take this and make something great.

Her best trait is that she is neither Clinton or Trump. Plus she looks like a sweet old lady who's probably a nice grandma to her grandkids.

Do you want President Trump? Because that's how you get President Trump.

I bet she makes awesome chocolate chip cookies too.

Shut the fuck up shill

The only argument Americans seem to be able to make is, "but if you don't vote for Hillary we'll get Trump :(!!!!"

So fucking dumb

Hillary will win anyway. What's the point? I'm just going to vote for the candidate least likely to nuke Alaska in a fit of pique.


She's an anti vaxxer and she believes wifi gives people cancer so there's that.

Really? Well she's out. Hillary it is.

yeah , but other than that, she's fine
way better than hillary


Cell phones give off radiation lots of studies for that WiFi probably similar or linked with cell phones? And I don't trust vaccines much so shit stein it is !

That's a pretty good argument though.

You are retarded.

Sup Forums is fucking littered with shills, it's unreal

she said she's for vaccines

she wants to stop funding all of the countries that are promoting terrorism

she recognizes that the usa is arming the world and wants to stop that, along with bailing out education and healthcare, making them a civil right

Stein will make a better future for you. Fucking quit it with your America is great bullshit and remember that you are just a human living somewhere. She will make sure that you are not being exploited and get to live a more stress free life

But she will never win. so fuck her.

american voter logic in a nutshell. you fucking idiot

So tell me how it's better to waste a vote on someone who will never win, rather than voe for the person who can win that is closest to my beliefs

tfw you are voting for a literal retard

Would you rather vote for something you want and not get or vote for something you don't want and get it?

Well I mean she's not totally wrong, they are a potential death hazard just sitting on our soil. The alternatives only kill birds and fuck up the earth's rotation so that's not as bad idiot.

It reatraded to end nukes? bfahahah

Good luck in trying find a candidate who is not a literal retard

"But to be staring at screens… we already know that kids who get put in front of TVs instead of interacting, this is not good in all kinds of ways. And it’s just not good for their cognitive development, it’s not good for their social development, I mean, that is incredible that kids in kindergarten… We should be moving away from screens at all levels of education, not moving into them."

tfw mommy stein takes your Sup Forums away

lol this faggot doesn't know the difference between nuclear weapons and nuclear power

spoiler: both are great

user can't be gay mkay
spoiler: user knows the difference, both are shit

Thinking that nuclear energy or nuclear weapons are great can only come from an amerifat who dies of obesity bc he does not elect a president that is for free healthcare

"free healthcare"


remember when a refugee rapes your gf that the rape kit will be "free"

well if i want to got the doctor its free, and since i go to uni (where i get free education) i don't pay any taxes, because my state fucking cares about the health of it's people.
I dont have a gf bc i'm not gay. Never seen a refugee in rl, so yeah, argument is invalid and fucking retarded.

so spending is the measure of how a govt "cares" for its people? too bad you can't ask for your money back from that education. go listen to your govt funded media for some more propaganda.