Wouldn't zombies just die of hunger?

Wouldn't zombies just die of hunger?

Why would the zombie apocalypse ever be a thing?

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It's fiction.

As in fiction.

Fiction. Won't ever happen according to science and biology.

because zombies aren't real


How come nothing ever addressed this plot hole

unless magic somehow exists how else would they explain it

Zombies aren't real? Imagine Zika virus powered BLM movement rioting. brain dead niggers=zombie apocalypse

In most fiction they do eventually, it's just that they now use so little energy that they can last a lot longer before dying of starvation

because they experience total compulsion to eat, which is worse than simply being hungry because there is no way to satisfy it.

day of the dead explains this

a plot hole is when there's no explanation as to how one got from A to B. things that are not actually plot holes include: deliberate ambiguity, mystery, implication

same logical question as " Armor or Evasion built"

This. Holy shit retards.

Is this you first time with suspension of disbelief? Are you 6?

why would something already dead need to eat?

while it addresses your concern it does raise another...

When did killing a vampire go from decapitation, stuffing with garlic and burying face down, to just a stake through the heart?
How come Harry Potter wizards can alter time and kill other wizards with a single spell, but Gandalf can barely destroy a stone bridge?
Why don't mummy's eat flesh, they are essentially zombies?
Why are aliens always bipedal and look similar to humans if most lifeforms evlove as quadrapeds?
Why does Chewbacca live on Endor?
Why does autists have such a hard time separating fantasy from reality?

Because the best zombies are like the way they are in night of the living dead (an opinion, obviously), everybody who dies now just becomes a supernatural machination that can be killed rather easily, but eventually it just piles up because there's too many dead.

nigga chewbacca lives in kashykk

the modern zombie is just ourselves as consumers. is not the zombie the perfect consumer? why else would dawn of the dead take place in a mall?

There's an explanation on this here:


basically they have a prolonged decomposition

the hunger thing could somewhat make sense if they were in hibernation/stasis most the time and henceover dont consume much energy

Read it.

>he doesn't know that in all zombie movies there are wizards that masterminded the outbreak

Wouldn't they all just rot and die?

what about world war z? how do they do all that shit running on nothing

No necromancy is powerful magic

Zombies don't work for a whole, long list of reasons. Rigor Mortis, ATP production, metabolism (even metabolism running at levels essential to keep primary organs and systems functional would consume the human body in less than a year with no external nutritive input).

tl;dr : Zombies are bullshit and can never happen. Closest thing you've got to zombies is Social Justice Warriors.

How come nobody ever uses some kind of armor against them? I dont think human bites are powerful enough pierce much

A humans bite power is largely proportionate to the amount of pain that human can withstand before the fear of teeth shattering and the jaw breaking, no pain = stronger bite

Armor would wear you out and you would still end up getting overwhelmed.

>wouldnt zombies die