Rate my cock Sup Forums

Rate my cock Sup Forums

Another angle

show more of your body, you dumbass

S for small

its a penis well done

Any rate pls

Would castrate you if you haven't been already/10

wrinkly balls, zero length. 2/10




Don't like the shape but at least you are uncut


May go down though from other angles hard to say.


And my dick?

skype [email protected]


R8 my bait

Sorry thought you were op

Can't see the head or anything so it's not a fair rate 6/10





Show me her boobs?

wrong thread








Not gay but if I was going to try sucking a dick I'd probably choose one like that, I don't even like cut dicks though but that looks nice. Hopefully it's not just the pic.


I am not a trap though..


Yeah looks nice in this pic too


i know you
you are 15


No wonder it looks so good

Dude I am a 18yo.

Rate my cock

Another rate?

its a chicken dumbass

mine too!

Show me your asshole?

oh shit you made me waste quints..crap

Cock slang for chicken


>I know him
>implying people can't look similar.
R8 my cock

Quints of truth!


Pull back the fucking foreskin jesus.


we need a Ussr board to celebrate this

dubs confirm quints of truth

pry would be a 6 if it was cut. uncut dicks just look so lame :/


you like my big white dick, huh? I am not a fag, but i am in a good mood. any requests?

Rate sissies

>preferring cut

pencil dick/10
pry a solid 8 tho.



Cant deny there are no uncut dildoes. Cut dicks like mine look better. My GF and I both admit uncut are rarely aesthetically pleasing. Some look aigt.

I am thinking about getting it cut but lately i only heard that people like it uncut.

Hey that's me.


I live in US. It is generally preffered to be cut here. Honestly it doesn't matter. Women who make a big deal out of it arnt worth your time.

That's because making an uncut dildo would be fucking hard

Don't get cut for fucksake. Don't be an idiot.

That's me, if I look similar it's your problem

you are trying way too hard to make it look bigger. its above avg. 6/10


>thinking he knows better than mother nature

your cock is mutilated pal, accept it.

This was so hard for me to accept, still haven't really accepted it to the point where I'm happy. Don't think I'll ever be.

>Knowing how the dick of a 15 looks like
That's under the age of consent in almost all of the modern countries.

"fucking hard" the pun. lol. No, it wouldnt. The culture in chage of the sex toy industry(jewish if I understand it, correct of I am wrong) forced cut dildos down our necks. It's just become more socially accepted because it is what women expect. Then they see uncut dicks and are like WTF.

mutilated, cut, whatever. It still works and looks fine. Honestly couldn't give two fucks.

Dildos don't have moving skin, making an uncut dildo would involve making skin that moves over the head during insertion, that isn't easily done.

Otherwise a non moving solid uncut dildo would look essentially the same as a cut one. (Frenelum would be there and a few minor differences depending on the model.)

>looks fine


R8 plz?

>moving skin hard to put on a dildo
nigga have you ever been to a sex store with your girlfriend to pick out toys? The material is so maliable. Have you seen the jiggly ass male sex toy?

It is just not preffered by women to have an uncut dick in my culture. Surverys have shown it. Honestly men who make a big deal out of it need to get over themselves.

Just be happy with whatcha got.

Also here is top selling dildo on Amazon

uncut molded

>be happy being mutilated

I'm never happy

Making jiggly ass shaking material is quite a bit different than having a thin layer of movable skin on a slightly harder shaft that won't rip or tear, it would have to be thin enough to easily slide over the head without tearing or ripping.



can we have more pics?





What do you think?

Wtf are your sizes?

one more.. this pic is pretty ballin (:

Meh. Whatever

omg that's 9.5/10 I want more

You like?


Nah it's too brown

19 virgin lol



dude you couldny squeeze that any harder? also, where your balls at?

Does anyone have any castration pics?


why in the actual f...

6/10 R8 M8