British television is better in every way, prove me wrong fam

British television is better in every way, prove me wrong fam.

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Why would we want to? It's the truth

no, it's fucking not.

shows? sherlock. that's it, and it's not even considered amazing by any means.

either way you're a cancerous baiting faggot.

all television is shit.

OP and his empty thread. here's a free bump you shut-in.

Just because your meager po ba of a brain only knows of one show doesn't mean that it is the only show, you're off your joy aren't you?

british tv is full of left wing brainwashing

straight white males portrayed as evil and/or stupid
white males feminized while non white males masculinized
blatant empowerment of women to a nauseating extent
mixed race couples everywhere (almost always black male white female)

and thats just the tip of the iceberg

i fucking hate this country

Absolutely fabolous turned me into a trap

Haha proof

No one cares

U don't even watch Simpsons r u human?


bb u wild maine

JoJo's existence does

I haven't noticed I don't watch TV, proof?

>british television
>quota of blacks and muslims in every show

We actually get that in the U.S. too, and it's one of the main reasons I don't watch it anymore.

I'm from England and I've gotta say 98% of uk tv is absolutely shit. That's how I know this shit is bait. Sort it out OP ya faggot

TFW top gear Burger is better than top gear Bong

My goddamn neighbours have been yelling at each other for over four hours now.

>mfw Britbongs need a license for TV
god save the queen amiright?

Yeah but it means that the BBC can run ad free if you're not watching in a different country

It used to be, OP
>Clarkson on Top Gear
>Monty Python
>Any doctor before Matt Smith
Now everything's been cucked
>Top Gear overrun by SJW and faggots
>Doctor other than David Tennant
>No monty python
Sherlock is pretty fucking awesome, but its got a hell of a power vacuum to occupy

better than NEW top gear bong

you gents really need a license?

What's with this completely normal depiction of a Police Officer from Rotherham?

>Implying Matt Smith and later are bad.

>prove me wrong

Pic related.

Its good when its not ramming the social justice down your throats.

I remember an episode set in Victorian London with the lizard lady and her lesbian lover and they were sitting their in their beautiful mansion complaining about how they had to conceal their relationship from the Victorian London, where most of the population are impoverished and dying of consumption the poor disgustingly wealthy lesbians are oppressed.

I mean for fucks sake,

British tv is really cringe worthy shit..the commercials make you want to put a,bullet in your skull! And don't get me started on the fucked up teeth! Even sky sports iz cancer