Let's make a sandwich. Please, no mayo

Let's make a sandwich. Please, no mayo.

add mayo

Moar mayo

God I hate you so much.

Did someone say mayo?

God isn't making a sandwich, user is and user is making a mayo sandwich.
Deal with it.

>inb4 someone cums on a slice of bread and uploads pic

R34 that shit!

I'm not going to waste the bread tho. Any takers? We may have a new fetish, if it isn't already.

>if it isn't already

It always is.

Add Strawberry jam and bacon

Add a double extra amount of mayo.

My dad used to make miracle whip sandwiches

Also add a middle slice of bread with mayo on both sides.


I'm gonna need a tub of Miracle Whip on the side please.

+1 slice of fermented tofu

Why do all you fuckers always slather it onto the bread? This is just wrong.

southernfag here

this is all you need

along with mayo and mustard

Because that tasty ass white stuff feels so good as a glob of it slides down my throat.

Also, I wanna include a used tampon, for iron.

Not mayo

Isn't it possible to accomplish that while having generously applied it in between the meat and cheese or in between the lettuce and tomato and meat?

Why can't we just get along?


It's just not the same. You really need to have about an inch think layer of mayo to appreciate it, else you are doing an injustice to mayo farmers everywhere.

absolute madman

thats man mayo you dumb fuck. also dubs noticed.