Hey, I did a small survey of Sup Forums yesterday of ethnicity. The majority of you are white, not a surprise there...

Hey, I did a small survey of Sup Forums yesterday of ethnicity. The majority of you are white, not a surprise there. Now I'm doing another survey.


Keep this thread bumped up so more people can participte.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice try. Fuck off NASA.

Dude, I'm just curious calm the fuck down.

Fucking FBI

Again, just curious of the statistics of Sup Forums.

What are you some sort of scientist

aka: profiling

I am majoring in biology, funny enough, but no, not quite a scientist. Just curious and bored.


No, I don't really give two shits about you guys and I'm not trying to expose Sup Forums or whatever. I might post the statistics in a new thread eventually, but yeah, other than that, I don't have any malicious intent with these surveys.

Nice try NBA.

care to share the previous survey OP?

>Keep this thread bumped up so more people can participte.
Isn't there a cock somewhere you should be sucking?

Oh fuck, how did you know? I'm actually Shaq, the biggest niggerbeast around.


I put race instead of ethnicity; didn't think twice.

I want to survey OP

Feel free.

Sorry, forgot my place.

What gender are you?

I'm a guy. I was just being sarcastic about sucking a cock.

do state next

Then everyone would say I'm part of the FBI or some gay shit. I might do another survey, but I don't want to do anything too specific.


What is your sexuality

That's kind of a good one, but everyone's going to be like "OP's such a fag lol"

So OP is a fag?

Nah, not that desperate.

bump for you, always interested in these threads

What is your favorite dinosaur

That's a retarded survey question.

Answer it

Everyone just click Africa....we are mostly white and African...makes since, right niggers?

Idk don't have one.

Are you a virgin?

Ha, that would be a good survey question.

How is this survey going to be accurate given the time difference?

Dude, I'm just having fun. Obviously there are going to be flaws.

Are you afraid of the dark?

Why are you asking all these questions?

It's an important survey i'm doing

For what?

How tall are you?