Ahoy kids, Uncle user is here to shitpost a comic for you laddies

Ahoy kids, Uncle user is here to shitpost a comic for you laddies.

Sit back, rejoice, and let's all get frustrated




she's reaching into the cleavage boyos

is it weird i have a fetish for tan lines


Any lurkers?



she's giving us the stares.
it makes me feel googly


ayy checkzem

This looks interesting






friendly reminder that lurkers should bump because uncie user needs love too


W-well I'm in love and scared to tell that person that I want to spend the rest of my life with them....


What the fuck is going. Fuck that anime bitch.

shes getting the giggles out of her

is she reading our minds?


Im in love with your dad. Can you take pic of his dick for me?

that escalated quickly





she makes me feel squishy


uh oh

;~; y do u hurt me like this

Don't do this



things are getting tingly





i dont feel squishy no more

I want to punch this girl ech



Waiting for a reported suicide with this thread being open on their PC






underrated post




We did it Sup Forumsoys

Ayy nice trips kiddo

uncie user is proud of you


Part 2 is coming up in a jiffy

keep going frand


Thanks uncle.

lurking hard







aww she was waiting for us

Oh shit nigger

It better not be chad



the walls, they're a changing

Cucked again




uncie user doesn't feel so good


Why am I laughing?


Looks like a fag

next thing you'll know he'll probably have a bigger dick

fucking chads, man.

I have just what we need









This comic makes me want to fucking die
