Continuing the previous feel thread? Anyone?

Continuing the previous feel thread? Anyone?

Other urls found in this thread:

worst day of my life was this past friday. hold me anons

What happened? Story?


Oh my life's a big joke hahaha




girlfriend, love of my life for the past year and a half broke my heart. I'll tell the story if it's wanted.




Girl I've been trying to pursue for months is banging my friend as we speak and I'm stuck babysitting her fucking dog.

It was upsetting it was over


Never felt loved by anyone else than my parents.
Therefore joined the military, and been just hurting anyone getting close to me for the last 5 years because I fear the feelings I could develop :(


go on please

Im in your shoes user

:( Reminds me of that Jimmy Neutron one.

Feeling like shit latelly...

Know that underachiever feeling that most of us get? Impostor sindrome?


>I'm stuck babysitting her fucking dog
jesus user, how the fuck did you get yourself in that position?


Anybody got the screenshot of the >700000000 ?

Play it, but play it loud

Literally the conversation I'm having with my ex


She was chilling at my place this morning with her dog. I told her to take it with her then proceeds to bitch at me then leaves. At least i didnt drive her, made her take an uber.



Greentext that shit nigga

ok here goes. we had this ritual in the morning of texting each other when we wake up before going to work. (I work at a small photography firm and she as a TA at the local community college) Well on Friday I went through the normal 'hey love, hope you have a good day at work.' normally she responds in turn. so when she didn't respond that morning I was slightly worried, but not too badly so. when she didn't respond 5 hours later I was moreso worried. finally, I'm walking around in the target downtown getting some groceries and she responds. she tells me that for the last six months she's been getting with her ex (who is incredibly emotionally abusive btw). I almost collapsed. I asked her to call me, and I'm trying not to break down in the middle of the fridge aisle. she tells me that she doesn't love me, that she never really loved me. then she hung up on me. all of her friends, and her, have blocked me on all social media. shit hurts anons. made the decision to move back to my hometown of Portland Or this September after my birthday. pic related is how I feel when it keeps hitting me that we aren't together anymore.

actually my parents thought I may have committed suicide after a test since, last year I had major depression and I already withdrew from the course to prevent a failure. I got text's from my mom, dad and best friend and sister and didn't notice because my phone was on silent. It honestly felt really good that people cared about me and I felt loved. Hell they even called a cop to check out my apartment, that's how worried they were, not to mention they also came down at 11pm. All of this happened about 5 weeks ago.

In the cold aisle and you're body goes cold.
Is there a god?


Gf of 2 years left me last week. Didn't even talk to me, just blocked me on facebook and waited til I noticed. When I asked her about it, things got really heated and I said things I regret. She said that I got distant, but how do you not when you're putting in all the work to keep the roof over our heads and food on the table, on a $10/hr budget. I pushed her away, and she doesn't want anything to do with me. Now all she's doing is getting fucked up with her friends every day. I guess that's what she wanted, and now, I've lost my job, losing my place, moving all my shit back to my parents place and hopefully moving out to Oregon, but even that seems like it's not going to work out. Thinking I should just kill myself but I'm too big of a pussy to go through with it.

Kek good one user

Do you know how to greentext?
>I know it sounds whiny but its not that hard nigga

so.... on the other side of that she has a dick?

Its very feminine, trust me

I'm on mobile, and didn't feel like it
>forgive me user

When I was in school I didn't talk to a person for the entire semester. Not one.
I'd take the bus for an hour go to class and take the bus home. Bloody foreigners.

please don't, someone cares.

fucking feeling and being just existing. Money my friend, just money.

hey user. I'm moving to Portland pretty soon. let's meet up, get a drink?

then he had a pussy?

it's pretty bad when people think you're dead just because you don't answer a text or the phone.

As long as you don't try to eat my face or something like that.
>I promise I won't

That may be, but can't help feeling this way.

Antagonize the fuck out of her.

I got over my ex within 2 weeks thisw ay. Later found out she was cheating the final month, and later i found out that 90% of the relationship was all lies from her. I wasnt mad, becausei found out way after i got over her, so i just laffed.
Now shes getting fucked up on anything from alcohol to cocaine with her 3rd boyfriend since we broke up.

Meanwhile im enjoying a great relationship with someone who loves me and appreciates me as much as i do her.

Life will get better, user. Antagonize her and get over her in record time. There is someone better waiting for you outvthere, believe me.

if she doesn't feel the same way, move on. not worth it. she'll keep you around for nothing more than an ego boost if you let her. i've been there. it was hard, but i dropped her out of my life and (eventually) felt better. not worth the bullshit.

Whereabouts in the grand pnw are you thinking about going?
>pic very related, long live Cascadia

>Thinking I should just kill myself
killing oneself is the most selfish, and retarded, thing one can do. Find another way. There are starving kids in Africa who manage to find happiness just think about that, happiness is not always dependent on conditions

Near Eugene actually. I'm not from Oregon originally, but need a new start

Thing is we've been broken up awhile and she still texts and calls, says I love you and make sures to see me when I fly back home. I moved across the country. She still cares shes just wit the dude she left me for

My story.
>Freshman in Highschool.
>Metal head.
>Has depression.
>Never had a girlfriend in my life. Mostly because I'm antisocial as fuck.
>Meets girl.
>Glasses, Green dyed hair, thick but not fat, would rate 7/10.
>Become friends with her.
>Both like prog metal.
>Hit it off.
>After about a week desides to man up and ask her out.
>She says yes.
>Date for about a good 2 weeks.
>She calls me.
>Tells me she cheated on me with her best friend.
>Gets pissed.
>Tell her "You got one more chance! If you fuck up again, you're gone."
>She says "Okay. I love you?"
>Says "I love you too."
>3 weeks pass
>Tells me her mom wants us to break up.
>Says "She wants me to be independent..."
>We break up.
>Deside to drink, even though I'm 14.
>Thought about suicide but I'm to much of a pussy.
>Turns out, she left me for the guy she cheated on me with.
Long story short, I got cucked.

I assume posting about how awesome our lives are rn due to recent events is frowned upon


I'm just dropping everything. I don't feel like burning bridges although it seems pretty fun. I loved her man. and she broke me.
>pic is of one our early model shoots

granted my mic is shit do you need to talk it out friendo? skype hangouts whatever


Eugene is interesting. only place in Oregon that tornadoes occur. I was born in Portland but spent the majority of my early life in Bend (Central Or). It's a good place for a fresh start. we're in the same boat, and I wish the greatest of luck to you user.

Delete her number and cease contact. I did a similar thing with ex, she just fed her cheating ego with it.

Thanks much, and I hope the same for you. We all need it.

By antagonize i mean block communications, and antaginize her for yourself. She will never know, no vridges burned.


Person I'm into is actively avoiding me and I'm pretty bummed, not particularly devastated because hey at least my options are open, but the realization that I'm still someone that people try to avoid is pretty discouraging. Fixable, definitely, and now I have even more of an incentive to do so, but still, it makes me wonder if there's even more negative aspects about myself that I'm completely blind to.

Stereotypical story... I almost don't want to tell it but I just want to get it out of my chest.
I'm a guy who fell in love with his straight guy best friend. I don't know how it happened, I don't know when or why it happened but I just can't stand it anymore.
Currently he is telling me he likes this girl from a class he had and is now making a present for her birthday. It's a painting he drew and It looks awesome. Whose idea was this? Mine. I helped him pick things out.
I'm helping the love of my life get a gf and maybe lose him forever and it just hurts so bad. Not that I ever had him to begin with.
I just want to jump off a bridge :/

Hello anonymous.
I have read your posts.
You are being manipulated by this female.
She wants you to desire her..
Do not allow people to control you anonymous.
There are other females.

I don't have the heart. I keep wishing that she'll show up at my apartment and tell me it was all a big prank or something. Christ, it hurts. thx for the advice and love anons. I haven't told anyone aside from my sister so a vent was greatly appreciated. good night anons.

God damn it. I know she's doing this but I can stop it

I need to tap that ass again

Also, I've found another girl I like but my ex does this shit to me.

Justice rains from above!

it's not that i'm broke nor am i rich
but i don't have to worry about money
but i'm just not...happy?
man i don't know

16/8/2769 Tiwaz. Another painfully quiet, too hot day, 2 jobs huia road 2 jobs upland drive connected to huia rd so thatwas too far for shit pay so we bungled a dig & fix & tried to fix it, I forgot that yesterday afternoon julian asked me to remember we had to meet that guy to snake his drain again so in forgetting texting & then th phone dying he looks like shit, . 192oish julian & amie got back as I fed buttersworth so julian had th eggs & bacon pie slice on th second plate that I didn’t know if it were left for me as julian’ w/ his cup on it was already @th bench in th fridge & he had it old so that put me back in that mindframe, I had a smaller slice because they offered then as they were upset w/ buttersworth making a mess of his new kitty litter amie made me a fried cheese sandwhich despite using up th eggs she had really wanted for th egg & bacon pie, they didn’t tell me they were having dinner when I came up to check & have coffee so I told julian I was going w/ jade which may have stopped Stranger Happenings or watev. I sat across from julian eating quietly until asking about what he wanted to buy after thanking mie for cold pie, just sat there as he played cod & she kept passive aggressive asking wat he said, went down because mat sent an audio link I couldn’t trust, was just evangelion, they started leaving about 2o1o as jade said he was here & I was listening to a mr. Robot ep 2 review, so they got t in th van & I .
2218 dropt mat, I just sunk in th front trying to show but not say that I needed to get drunker & continue, 22129 dropt & kind of planned to try again tomorrow. hat he wanted to buy after thanking mie for cold pie, just sat there as he played cod & she kept passive aggressive asking wat he said, went down because mat sent an audio link I couldn’t trust,

I'm pretty sure the story behind this is the kid didn't have a texting plan so he just called instead

Yeah indeed she must love you so much. She'll be banging hard with the “dude he left your for” in this exact moment, how can that not be love? Right?

was just evangelion, they started leaving about 2o1o as jade said he was here & I was listening to a mr. Robot ep 2 review, so they got t in th van & I .
2218 dropt mat, I just sunk in th front trying to show but not say that I needed to get drunker & continue, 22129 dropt & kind of planned to try again tomorrow. Sat eating w/ buttersworth until they got back, they wet on a pokehunt, noone cares, we followed them out of th drive and all th way behind until th gas station before wendy’s, jade wend in & I sat deciding how to broach how unnesseccary my feelings are until he started washing th windows, got to th beach drank5 of his 6 beers so I could say I about violent religious obsession but not expoain before needing to wash my hands then mat called then toilets required driving to th gas station then ma’s to take him to shortland street studio’s to acknowledge I looked & jade’s page today then around a corner to mcd to go to th toilet again & just norml chatting about pokemon & supernatural, when mat finished his 2 filet-o-fish & fries we took him home because jade knows I’m more comfortable around mat & had to ask mat get th cats neutered tomorrow, but I still need to get drunk & just get mad. I just feel so impotent,

I see.
You lust for her and she enjoys controlling you and maybe other males emotionally.

13/8/2769 Saturn. 1455 it hurts too much. Woke 211o, julian has kicked me out for th text saying I went in their room. Buttersworth peed & I tried to clean everythng before going back to bed downstairs.
Kosh wanted a microwave when I said I should get julian one in brickworks.
14/8/2769 Son. Woke like noon because amie was banging w/ new pots, went up to appolloguise poorly, got computer to sit for them to talk to me, we didn’t, I came back down to cry in bed. Buzluzha monument, bulgria.
15/8/2769 Moon. I’m too tired for this.
1636 3 franks 2 buns butter cheese, watching cirque du freake vampire’s assistant. Computer power dropped so I went to bed before sun down amie brought me fried rice in bed, I feel so fat. 2o48 they came back from a drive & went to bed. Back again 2258 ignored me and ate mcd & watched tv.

My life is a story. My friends and family are elements to a broad and ever expanding fiction that's also twined into my imagination. I have developed characters and stories -- a triptych series of worlds all blended together, all integrated into a long and huge legend. It changes and adapts daily. I hate it, but do it naturally, and have for years. It's hard to stop, because I've escaped there for so long. Even my own girlfriend is a shady in between of some old and dying childhood idea of love, I don't have it in me to tell her though. I can't, I'm a coward. It's all overwhelming, it's all nauseating, and beyond that, I just want to sleep, but life is happening and the story moves faster and faster. I hate it, but love it in the most invincible and disorienting way. I am beyond confused and disturbed, I am lost in my head, and I just want to go deeper, I want silence; I just want my mind to stop racing.

Writing 2o5o 14th: I chugged through th 25oml goanas needing that calm, but there were only 6 for me, 2 put in th wineskin before we left, so I was trying to be happy but I hate this life, I needed to have spoken to them back when I could remember wat I needed to say, nw I just resent everythng. I’m soo sorry for being so shitty all the time.

mentioned I forgot my id, they said that if not we would go back to th hotel but that robyn was coming so no time to talk, got there and th bouncer said I needed to b over 25 for no id, sat and jade said to try w/ his id so I went in w/ kosh said I got my id back from her car, kosh went in & he asked my birthdate I said 3oth April but it’s march so he took it and said jade could pick it up from th police station, I appoologised to jade for a minute bfore th bouncer came out to make us feel bad, waited ages for robyn, left to hungry jack’s toilet, took 2 kpin in th car and tried to put a positive spin on everythng, back to th house took too long as dante phoned repeatedly, hair spray so I went looking for th drier, I went in w/ robyn th second time but since I was banned we left, robyn lead us to another bar restaurant where I got us 5 jaeger & 8 sauvingnn, blanked after telling them aboutblack manta robyn dropped me home & I cried outside till some chinese came in for a drink, slept on th couch all day, phone smashed x box missing.

After stargate atlantis robyn was glad moamoa was cast as aquaman so I explained Black Manta & really wanted to talk to kosh in private. Blacked out woke dropped her but waked off crying unstead of saying good night, stopped yelling and crying by a chinese neighbour who came down with wine and I let him up we sat and talked about th rabbit & kosh I had one of his cigarettes out on th patio and I don’t recall him leaving before I got 2 blankets & slept w/ butterworth in th lounge,

Breaking up with a long term girlfriend (7 years). We live together until she can move out. Already feeling sad, even though I know it's for the best.

How gay is this going to be? Any tips from other people? What can I expect? What waves of emotions will I go through?

Fuck's sake dude.

12/8/2769 Freyr’s night. Emo traffic light party @Ding dong lounge. So excite, not even stressed yet which shows how dulled/better I am, which I am disappointed in .
1631 back & eating chocolate I found on th side of th road because I gave up control of my life, 1716 shower because nerves about getting to th right bus stop. 1813 leaving,
got to th door and realised I forgot th key which took 5 minutes to find it in my pocket, got halfway up th drive & realised I forgot th Vs I wasted money on, decided against going back after running around in tard panic circles, get out th gate and th cars were oppressive & remembered I forgot to cut at about 1811, came back to cut w/ kitchen scissors which wasn’t nearly cathartic enough, knew I was later than I wanted to b and so th visions of them together haunted me throughout th rest of th night. So eventually I’m up at th bus stop across th street, see th 080 on th other side of th street, start crossing hoping I can get on at th lights and th 087 is right behind it, I’m running and th Vs rip out of th bag, I turn to pick them up and th 087 drives off, I knew th night was going to b terrible regardless but it’s always a surprise. Back across th street till one of th 080s did turn up early, I talked to th bus driver so he helped me find th place & had a story about french tourists mispronouncing Rendezvous, I got there arlier than I thought so I waited to text jade, walked around & waited uncomfortably at th elevators til I saw him down stair, wewent out for a smoke first, jade paid $6oo for th club special 2 months ago where booking th room he said was normally $2ooo & when I said how nice th hotel was he fell back to a story about when his father & he were traveling & went to a nice hotel after 11 days bushwalking and meeting a girl who was staying theere too he spoke to old bob th dock hand on his caravan suicide and had a $3o steak instead f going up to th girl’s room,

i have no feelings one way or the other

find something else to do to take up your time so you don't think about her too much. Lift nigger get gains.

Guess it's time to re-evaluate my choices

Bruh you're 14 go listen to some slayer

he told me that they were drinking in th bath, they had only got a 12 of purple goana and some Vs, kosh was pretending to b drunk & I could smell her warm skin in th bathrobe, she had been putting on several costumes today which were strewn around.

sup 2ch

Literally came to Sup Forums to get over a chick named Mariah. This is what I found...

Really sucks guys... I don't even know anymore

did you made those?
or is it just the name senpai ?

>be you
>grow some balls
>start earning some real money
>fuck bitches

The name. Couldn't give a fuck about what that thread contained

i tried to kill myself about three years a go, and im still depressed. I live under a false facade which shows me as a charismatic guy and love company. but everyday i hate myself more and more for lying to myself. feel free to call me a faggot or a nigger. just sharing how i feel at this moment right now

Thanks man it's just going to be rough. I'll always worry about her being safe and everything.

>fuck bitches
prostitution is legal here m8 i can go to a flatrate brothel with 8 grills, 1 hour for 90 yurobux
that's not what i'm looking for
but i'm probably just a shut in weeabo fag

Arn't we all at the end of the day...

>be me
>last year of undergrad
>shitty SJW gf
>uses me a bunch, help her move into new place buy her food a bunch
>I get deathly ill for a week
>bitches at me I'm not paying enough attention to her
>dumps me two days after I get better
>stopped feeing anything for her at that point so good riddance saved me the trouble of dumping her
>forgot to mention she was a coworker
>had dropped my hours only worked two days a week
>still constantly afraid she'd pull SJW shit on me to try to get me in legal trouble
>do heavy lifting for my parents company all summer
>absolutely no significant breaks or vacations until mid July not even weekends
>road trip with friends to LA late July
>one friend does nothing but complain about how shitty his family and high school was for eight hour drive
>other friend is too butthurt about his girlfriend dumping him to be chill
>only fun I have on that trip is when everyone's run out of shit to say for five minutes and I can put my music on the stereo and cruise
>quit job with shit ex
>still busting my ass for my folks, tired every night don't want to go out
>just look forward to smoking weed and fapping
>middle of the night I start to feel empty and unloved and used
>even getting stoned doesn't stop it from happening
>gonna start grad school after this weekend
>no fucking breaks we even have to come to class every day of Labor Day weekend
> I feel slow and empty Sup Forums
How was your summer?

Listen user. Even if that person doesn't love you, or whatever happened. I love you in a not gay but "op is a faggot" kinda way