So anonymous is dead. i think its high time we make something new

so anonymous is dead. i think its high time we make something new
ITT suggestions, arguing, searing of oaths, generally faggotry and the birth of the new age

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had the thought that some sjw ruled universities could be a good target, they are a huge problem that must be dealt with

I second this. Harassing problem entities is first priority. That means any and all things PC that promotes SJW-ship and promotes snowflake mentality.

You shut your fucking mouth you fucking faggot. Maybe this shit would have been funny years ago but that time has long passed. Get off my Sup Forums you horrendous faggot and commit suicide. You offer nothing to this site and this world so why don't you just end it? You probably typed that out with your Cheetos covered fingers, stroking your neck beard while you consider what to write next, all while you grin as if what you're doing is clever. This thread is going to die along with your shit post so that little feeling of happiness you get pressing that post button is going to fade you faggot. You'll realize you're back in your depressing rut of a life that is waking up, jerking off, eating, getting on Sup Forums, being retarded, jerking off, eating, getting on Sup Forums, jerking off, eating, sleeping, and repeat. Your parents probably raised you hoping you'd turn out to something important and helpful to society but here you are, a filthy neckbeard, with nothing better to contribute to society but typing out stupid shit on an anonymous image board. Seriously just end it, you make me as well as everyone else around you sick.

it seams to me that most sjws are actually the brainwashed victems of these crooked institution. Fixing education would solve a great many problems

nice copy pasta

we could make patrick bateman masks


>birth of the new age

i want this so bad, but we're competing with porn for peoples attention and i fear the days of raiding may be over

but with more faggotry

well if you are talking about raiding THE institution? you are literally talking about raiding the establishment, they are promoting hillary's message right now which is: nothing. she has no message because she stands for nothing. where do you suggest we start? you are talking about raiding a fucking a gigantic fucking system man. academia is just ONE of their powerful heads.

no, i mean things like attacking sjw university sites, like depaul's or Dartmouth

So Fucking in

I attended such an institution. I can tell you the roots of it.

1. Professors are, and have always been very liberal. Look at Socrates. Just the nature of teaching.

2. More and more students from other countries are being let in, as they congregate they demand special treatment, protection, and voice.

3. Insitutions are pressured by minority groups and somewhere along the line American's have lost their spine, becoming habitual apologists instead of the manifest destiny mentality.

The apologists have been brought out by the democrats

ok so heres how i see it. we have 2 viable choices,

the first is we do our best to expose uber-liberal universities and professors, and show the world how crazy they are. What this would do is dramatically lower enrollment and the universities would realize they have to change.

option 2;
we go the traditional route and simply conduct multiple direct attacks, each one minor, but all together causing a big enough problem for universities so as to get their attention

i think option 1 is more likely to work though

In the world on milo "sunlight is the best disinfectant" how would we go about "exposing" their shit tho?

It's already starting to implode. Mass meme creation would help quicken the process, make them the butt of every joke. Publicize their every embarassment. Expose their every crime. Put a face to their victims.

People buy their shit because tolerance and equality sounds really good, they don't realize what Nazis these people are. Let's show them.

we have to find a way of showing what modern university life is like to the parents back home, chances are as soon as they see what they are funding, they will stop giving these places money

We could go on hacking sprees to get dirt on them. Bust every major unis email server, mass dump on darknet, crowdsource the search. I'm sure mire than one liberal arts prof is into some sick shit. Half of them are probably just playing SJW to bang their students

whole heatedly agree, but how to be break meme barrier and get this information into the hands of old people and normies with money?

i really like this idea, although it may not even be necessary, most of these professors volunteer some pretty sick shit

Hope this thread won't end full retard mode, we're talking about some pretty cool stuff right here...
Hope we can make this happen, I m all for. Shutting down SJW influences is a priority for future generations

It's the students that need to be shown. It won't matter that the faculty are batshit if the kids see thru it.

I think the issue is that everyone knows how liberal they are. The world is against us my friend. We are losing the fight to liberal ideologies. The world in general is becoming too at ease with those in it. I think attacks are what is needed. Or we need some sort of scandal on a large scale to prove their corruption. But that won't fix the liberal issue as a whole.

so serious Sup Forumsro you dont even know, im right now contemplating how to best go about getting some jucy emails. could "bust every major servor" but that would be hard, and noticed quite soon. it may be better to launch a phishing attack and gain the ability to fuck with these people from the inside.

think of it. if we could speak with there voices, we could have some fun

We need to use old people. The new AND old media. The old people are the one's funding the universities. The old are dying fast, the conservative party on the whole relies on seniors. We need to tap into that resource pool.

Shit, you're right, and that fucks with the idea, they're already getting away with so much, how effective will exposing them really be? I mean, short of catching them bragging about how they're fucking with kids heads and don't mean any of it, there doesn't seem to be much they can't get away with

>Hoping that autists won't sperg out a good thread
>Niggers tongue my anus

Let's call ourselves m00t

i disagree, i know that most young people are liberal, but most people over 40 have no idea how bad things are, and are always either disgusted, or dont believe me when i describe life as a young sane person today, and how i am treated just for being a straight white guy

Not the professors. We can start with TA's and teaching assistants. The grad students that teach. I have literally seen them fuck students. It happens. It happens with professors. People need to know it's all a sham and it's not just hollywood. Exams are regularly cheated on. Bribes are made.

See this post, I agree with you

we need to cut of the universities money, and senior citizens are the source or most university money, the problem is that old folks only seem to listen to the main stream media.
we need to either infultrate the media, or get the attention of the old people

haha i love it

m00t's army

How to we tap into what is mostly a liberal media? Even at the high of Anonymous raids, we barely brushed the news.


We can't do shit nowadays on Sup Forums, except some very rare threads like these that aren't immediately raided by fucking 14 yo kids.

haha "who is this 4' chan"

>searing of oaths

that sounds too hot to handle, you'll have to provide cold drinks

Old people are irrelevant to millenials. There is a very basic consciousness shift that needs to happen in kids. They think liberal is synonymous with good, calling it liberal bullshit doesn't work, we need to reframe liberal politics to show them how wrong they can be.

Overly liberal policies are racist and hurt minorities, feminism is stupid and sexist and is making women miserable, SJW shit is turning kids into pussified nutjobs, and accepting Transgender identities is giving mentally ill people license to chop off parts of their anatomy, after which they STILL don't feel comfortable in their own bodies and end up c omitting suicide more often than not.

I think this would work, but it has to be framed surreptitiously they won't listen.

>we go into the real world
trying public stunts could work, the film group in decline got a couple major news networks attention after filming bumfights, and tagging buildings, perhaps a few user made films about the life of younge pople could work.

fuking beat me to it

valid problem tho, and i think the solution is to try and have the media report on how fucked professors are, instead or "guess what m00t's army just did" we need to have then report on what there already know.

all we need it some really good dirt to start

I've been here for four years. It became a festering pile of shit like that since about July 2015.
I'm surprised this hasn't gone to hell in a handbasket.

i have cold beer for who ever helps be get a "gender studies" processor's email and password

I thought about maybe creating a website but all the kids and normies would flood it fairly quickly

>There is a very basic consciousness shift that needs to happen in kids
i agree, and the kids follow what they are taught in schools and hear tv from youth

>Who "was" this Sup Forums

I arrived here in 2013, learned how to behave while lurking and was ready after a month so I noticed the general behavioral change pretty quickly

been toying with a similar idea for a few months now, i just need a few more programming friends and an old pc to run a server off of

I've been here 10. Sup Forums has always been 99.99999 percent shit. Most the epic things that have ever happened started just like this, in a thread with a good idea, that kept getting resurrected until we had a plan. The bullshit continued around us, and we'd get people filtering in over time until the army was amassed, and a plan of attack was formed, then we strike.

To counter, spam, raid, hack and attack ISIS and such

Nah, the core needs to be a small group in a private chat, to plan and come up with ideas, the army is controlled here.

Not wrong about the shit part, but I've noticed it even moreso since then.
We started getting idiots posting cuck threads, and all these shitposts about black dick almost every hour back around that time. It's became almost utter dogshit for any good thread.

Do we know what school we want to take a shot at?

oh fuck, i may have a good idea

what if every user took out a classified in their local paper informing people who only get the new that way, just what kind of "education" their kids and grand kids are getting

Samefag, also, it needs a cool codename.

Like "Operation depussification", but shorter and catchier

I think we should call our new gang "no parents allowed" and we should put up naughty pictures everywhere and stuff like that.

This started in what? Just the last year or so? We didn't used to have the shitty cuck stuff. black dicks, facebook crush posts. All this beta-producing shite.

tumblr is monitoring us at the moment. We need a way to fight back.

"Operation Snowflake"

Nah, but we had shit that was just as bad.

It has never been as utterly devoid of original input, never.

hasent been decided yet, but i think it should be somewhere that has done something notable the most recently, that how you train a dog, it has to be soon after it disobeys or it wont get the association.

I've been aroudn for years. It all blends together. Amanda, Jessi, that fucking banana, the frog, the alien, pools closed. Goddamn.

OP snowflake, I like it. Could be shorter, but it's cryptic.

I like the idea that has. We could do something useful for once in our lives.


Fuel on the fire.

Give me an email. I think I can socially engineer my way to cold beer.

ok so furst and foremost, we need a place to operate from, suggestion people?

Shoudl we do something with what's his names school, Sanford? swim team rapist? Or should we try and do some follow up on that pedo from penn state?

>believe OP is mad about something

Nothing on Sup Forums was ever original, novel, yes not ubiquitous, yes, but never original. It just seems to get worse as you learn more about it.

take your pick


I'll take a look.


should most deffinetly be Columbia University (home of mattress girl)


We should stray from black females. Then it will end up becoming a black lives matter issue. Our point would become drowned out by the fact that the attack is on someone black. We shouldn't foul that ridiculous mess.

Has anyone else heard about that kid on Flakka from florida who ate that old couple? Just yesterday? He was rich, white, and went to a good school.

Nothing, I repeat NOTHING of what we USED to have was as shitty as the cuckening shit.
I think that's what we focus on first.

With our old friend, the web swinging hero

Discord is a voice only app developed for gamers, specifically for overwatch i believe.

Probably discord chat then?

We already have a discord that's less crowded here

oh i just want you to troll that one for giggles

Can we go full dedsec for the lulz, also social anarchy? Call ourselves something like anonsec or anonliveson

MCIG-I, an internet organization that controls certain ethnic groups to get them selves killed.
Example: We create Alt-Left Pro-Black-Lives-Matters trends that encourages blacks to go out and kill cops, in result, all the aggressive niggers who actually have the balls to kill get shot by our police, and for our full amusement.

How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow.
The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke.I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours.
It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she sighs breathlessly and her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside her again. They"re all sick in the head.

bumping for interest

Operation "Butthurt"