Roast me before I off myself tonight

Roast me before I off myself tonight

Ask them to donate your body, you could feed starving children in africa

No Soul, No roast

gonna need a big oven

You have the same exact hair as me its weir like sheen and everything... you ever meet your dad? ive got a long lost brother out there.

I'm not ginger, just 300lbs of depression

Would this kill my fat ass?

Don't do it bruh

Why the hell not? You see my pic, I'm a mess. I really wanna just die already.

i don't care what you do, just dont go out quietly please

let you friends know,let your parents know, let your parents friends know that this is all they should expect when they try to raise such an overweight disgusting useless unlikable malfunctioned unintelligent friendless low-test junior nu-male faggot as a son and don't try to step in and fucking stomp out the faggotry.

Let them know that they shouldn't have been surprised, they should've seen it coming. Serve as a warning to future parents, let them know that unless they know what they are doing, they might accidentally raise a creature like you.

The white race should feel shame that you ever existed to represent them, die knowing that at least you gave them the humble service of respecting nature's wishes by destroying an abomination.

I may be a ginger myself, but even having similar genetics as you makes me want to rethink my own fucking existence, you're that much of a fucking failure.

In the end you should just know that it didn't have to be this way, you didn't have to be a person that is so horrible at everything. You could've been something much greater, but in the end you didn't want to, because no one ever gave you any TRUE motivation to accomplish things, you were unloved.

The forces of nature will find comfort when they realize your soul will be rewarded with eternal torment in the great pit.

Honestly youre kinda hot

Tit pics pleaase

Angus T. Jones?

m or f?

The thing is the all know, you won't end you life so... Stfu

how old are you?

I hate black people.

Even Death hates you.

All that just from looking at a picture of me? Wow, maybe I shouldn't be the one killing myself...

Damn son, you bummed me out

don't being a fucking faggot, don't kill yourself...

No soul, no roast.

cam it




hey fat boy, if 18+ show us your butthole

if not, gtfo

You know how to fix it? Go running. Excercise clears your mind, run enough and you get a runners high. You will also trim down and look more attractive, (you're not bad looking as is). You will feel a lot better, and be a lot more confident. Seriously, excercise changed my life.
If this isn't b8, don't do it OP. Life gets wayyy better than you expect. I've been through some shit I never thought I'd make it out of, and I'm so glad I did. Hang in there.

Shut the fuck up and do it fagg ginger piece of shit

hes 300lbs doe


Welcome newfag
We're not mean on Sup Forums, go back to pol.

You look like a depressed pizza.
And this nigga got roasted by a depressed pizza.

Start by fast walking > killing yourself


Confirmed for not killing yourself.

My custom pasta was wasted.

Someone who actually was suicidal wouldn't have any pathetic delusions and false comforts about their self-worth at this stage. And trust me you have very little to work with.

There's no way on Earth you have any real friends. The only person who ever gave you the facade of love was your Mother, but everytime she does so, she cringes and is filled with regret, thinking back on how everything might have gone so wrong.

Underage fatfuck thinks he can get le lolz by le troling people on the internets.

Get a fucking life, please find the resolve to fix your goddamn problems or we might be seeing you again soon, but this time for real.

Was doing that plus dieting for a short amount of time, but responsibility seems to be something I'm mentally incapable of. School has been so stressful, and I've failed so much that it feels great when I barely pass all my classes.

Like 16.
That's how shit I am, not enough old enough. That right, call me summer fag. I don't care. Now tell me how to kill myself.

This shit is too good, m8.
I'm screencapping this shit.

I have no feelings of self worth at all, I just think you are just as worthless as I am you dumb cunt. And I actually do have friends who care for me, but I think they're retards for caring about such a big fucking parasite of a human being.

You aren't me. I'm op you dumb shit

Pls blur my face if possible

Is wanting to die really not enough motivation to form better habbits?
I know it's hard, but how you're feeling is no way to go through life. Trust me when I say it helps.
Starting off is a bitch. Go with someone, even if it's your mom or dad or dog even. But someone holding you accountable helps a lot if you don't have the discipline to do it alone. Once your routine is formed it's a lot less annoying to do, you get used to it


You're not OP, I'm OP!

You look that fat it might take a couple of days of roasting till your skin goes crispy. Nothing worse than eating a pig that's not fully cooked. Needs to have that dark reddish hue to it with that loud crunch when you cut through it.

Well I'm Spartacus

You seem fine.
You're not bad looking and you don't have terrible skin scarring acne.
You could lose some weight, but that shit is fixable. Physically, you're doing ok.

You look pretty young. High school?


Haha good one

I'm OP!

No I'm Spartacus!
And I'm OP!
And I'm 16!

We are all OP

You look like the ginger equivalent of a sphere. Your neck looks like fat escaped your stomach and tried to fuse your head to your shoulders.

Calls everything faggot
Uses cuck as an insult
Posts massive effort posts about how people should kill themselves
Is so damn edgy

You are the newest newfag in the room, my child. Cool your shit. Go outside. Learn how to bake bread or build a cabinet or something.

Dont do it user have hope my man your only 16

>ginger equivalent of a sphere

I'm really op and since this bread is getting hijacked I'm out.

Thanks for weight loss tips tho, I'll have to try them because I've heard that losing weight will make me feel infinitely more happy.

come back when youre not so underage

you're the one supposedly "killing yourself", not me.

Just knowing that ALONE, you should understand how little your opinion actually matters to me.

Just think about it, someone who is so worthless and low energy that he has to go onto the internet and tell everybody he is killing himself so he can get random stranger's attention.

Jesus Christ I cringe at the thought. You are lucky that I take pleasure in telling the hand much-needed truth to errant children surrounded in their waste and false ideas about the world.

I know you're just le trolling, but I really think you should actually at least CONSIDER a true suicide. Please. For all of us.

The idiot saying I'm 16 will continue posting here, I know, but yeah I'm not underage.

Just go running and stop eating shit, i can smell the Big macs threw my smartphone

>threw my smartphone


Seems your phone might be smarter than you.

No, yeah you're definitely the one who should an hero, friend. Stream it btw

You're not OP, I'm OP!
And no one talks like that.
And this thread isn't hijacked. It's like three dingalings poking fun at each other. You're just disappointed in the lack of roast(ing me).

just 16 tonnes then right?

damn really made me think honestly

these posts come quite naturally, and I haven't even said anything racist yet.

Could you just go to reddit please if you are that concerned about your safe fucking space?

Don't be a pussy,faggot.

Yah, and 16 years worth of pure lard.

Please stop lying ton him. On top of everything you said being bullshit, he's also aneed attention seeking faggot, because we all know he won't do it. This is just a kid feeling bad for himself seeking attention from strangers online because no one cares about him enough to even insult him.

hi layne

OP, do your parents love you?

jeumappel chompgani

bruh, seeing your fatass fucking chins burnt my soul


I've gotten good roasts and advice, OP OUT PLZ KILL THIS THREAD

why do you want to kill yourself?

that was pathetic

your attitude isn't getting you anywhere in life and you seem stubborn about being stuck in your shitty mentality. I fucking hate people like you

Be thankfull that you are not confrontet with war or isis or some other fucked up shit

tbh at least those people dont have time to worry about shit

thats the problem with a lot of people in the west, too much time.

humans are supposed to be in an almost constant struggle to survive, thats how we evolved. there was literally no time to be depressed.

modern life is completely unnatural and thats why everyone is fucked in the head.

Screencap inbound, niggers.


thank you

To be fair, I know a worse looking dude who just got with a 4 or 5/10. And you aint that bad looking mate. Losing weight feels impossible but it's not. Eat less and do a few sit ups, challenge yourself. You will start producing feel-good endorphins that will counter deppression. Go ahead and start smoking if you don't already, or whatever, enjoy yourself.

