Drawthread: Froppy edition

Drawthread: Froppy edition

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Requeeeeeests plz


requesting a black labrador retriever and name him waggs make him cute and happy

Show yourself you monster


yo, check this meme


Y'all want anything?


do this please


Oshit you saved it, frisky here


You know I saved it boi
Thanks fam


there we go
ello again
what do

Nuclear dicksplosion?

Will you do nsfw?

'ello 'ello fine chap.

What's got you all flustered?

Well i can't deny that I've been found. Yes it was me this whole time.

Sure, but I'm a tad picky!

I managed to jack off using a dinner plate and a pair of pliers.

Did you draw the OP?

Will you draw a real person sucking cock?


What do you mean by "real"?

Its good seeing you again

As in, I post a pic of them, and you draw them

Requesting Rukia doing something cute with a Swellow


Migrating my request for a tall male with short hair like in the ref wearing shanwenkai armor with arm and leg bracers and basic leather armor underneath, dual wielding punching daggers and with a sheathed katana on his side.

You little shitbuiscit. I thought I wouldn't see you ever again. I was counting on it.

>i'm pretty sure you've downloaded me awhile ago
I'm thinking you're going easy on me.
Like there were times you knew exactly when I would shield and such.

I'll use Ike more often then since I need practice.

Was counting on it?
Ouch... I actually like your presence

how u doin nerd

i miss kai

anyone want a neat draw or somethin

Hey thread, I now have coffee.
Nothing untowards happened while I was away I hope.

Well when you've been stranded on a rouge planet for 3 months youd be as agitated as me

Those fucking eyebrows
Anytime man

Ye draw neat draws

Bone golem


you lok like a reversed pinkman

This anime frog girl leaping

True true...
Any neat... things there?

>how u doin nerd
Wow r00d.
Still fine and you?

>anime frog girl

/tg/ has much better drawthreads for that kind of thing
Here we mostly just act silly.

Not really. My ship is still horribly damaged and i just busted my camera so I'll be in the dark for a while

>or dig dug

i'm sure he's beating off to it

You guys talk often for a ldr? Keep that shit healthy.

how much do you want to bet it's like pic related?

this. please.

Yeah, /tg's/ drawthreads have been pretty lame over the past week. It's mostly people arguing.

I may have to give you a hand at some point
My current status is not ready for this type of situation

Oh so it's like this place with 'it', entity and spammers, right?

this might take a lil bit but sure~


bored and tired~
work drained me

of course
i just miss her irl
i wanna touch her tiddy

>repost while i doodle this thing

People just like to see people argue its like highschool all over again

probably not tbh

well even so, you're bretty gud
I'd like to learn how do you get timing down? (like for counters, grabs, etc)

got any good videos worth getting pointers off of?

From the progress Im making it will take until around 10:00 am tomorrow

whoever drew the op thank you for you have lifted the curse
froppy and her cute tongue and stomach are for everyone's love

requesting froppy and her tongue wrapping around people / things


Actually you'll find the "reversed" colour of pink would be a shade of green, as in accordance with Ghoete's colour wheel.

Aw, I'm sad to hear that, they are usually very good.

So, how's you thread?

Bim your computer any better?!?!? Also stupid question do you have a favorite super hero

Not really just sticklers arguing about the rules for drawthreads and every once in a while a request will be fulfilled.

...that's hot. Anything else you wanna share about that particular topic? ;D

After you do that anons Golem, how about a long, sleek dragon with starry/galaxy looking wings?

On it my nigga

Then my hand might be free for assisting you next time
>well your hand

hottest hentai you've read

>"reversed" colour of pink
I was just referring to pink jumpsuit + pale face versus white jumpsuit + pink face, you autist.


I love dogs!
Ah, I'm not really comfortable with that. Happy to do something else, though!
What about "eyebrows"?

Oh ok.

that was pretty alright, do more?

Disu furorru is furoppy, steppy carefurry


>you autist
>said the filthy frank fan

It's nice when your here, Some of the Anons don't like the style of the New Draw Fam, and they get up set, and alot more trolls

would but dont wanna wake cousin and her baby,

The fact that I know how to google a pic of him doesn't make me his fan.

No, but I have made an extensive backup now.
We'll see if it survives until I get a new SSD installed.
My fave super? Spider-Man from before Joe Q. killed him. I don't just have one, I love Superman, the classic version, I'm fond of the new Captain Marvel, love the designs.
Now now, no reason to resort to impolite name calling.
Thanks, which is why I mostly post around the graveyard shift.

Can you draw a blonde freckled girl in a beenie, with her short curly hair blocking her eyes, sucking cock?

Remembering how fast an attack is and playing every character helps in match ups.

Counters are random guesses except during landing since there's that landing lag which you can't shield after landing so I either attack or counter to cover it.

For grabs I mostly toss into the air since it's spammable.
Like with that Pit, Ike, Palutena, ect.

For timing, I learn what a level 9 would do in that situation.
So like whomever you main you pick as a level 9 then pick a character you dislike fighting to use since they use a move that's safe most the time to cover it.

mysmashcorner has good videos.
Wall Techs, Ledge Trump, Safe moves and unsafe moves.
Out of shield grabs that aren't punishable vs Out of shield moves that are punishable.

Also pivot grabs you want to do to punish people that roll.
Also with samus you can keep your opponents away by short hopping with her hookshot laser thing which guards against dash attacks and useful against duck hunt dog.

>I hate that duck hunt dog too.

Awesome good to know,for the super heroes

Anyways good night for now, I shall be on and work on myself to become available in the morning/afternoon today

Eugh... you sound like that guy who always knows a solid 45% combo with every character. Fucking hate true combos, they make smash not fun

Goddamn i know its late there but i havent gotten any requests all night, cmooon i wanna be goooood

Yeah dude no problem, hate to see cool requests in noticed

Requesting you draw a bed.

I know I'm just starting out drawing, but I've noticed some of the fixation that people have on some of the Draw Fam, and then there's Chris who gets up time to time

i got lazy and didnt do legs but here u go
>i never realize how fucking small i draw

i don't kiss and tell~
nah i was thinkin more creepy lookin stuff/gore

boku no pico




No no one wants to watch that weird anime,

Thanks that's actually pretty awesome.

Some are like actual artists or draw really cute, new people kinda just get ignored

A challenge then!
Draw someone running uphill, full figure!
I have no idea what the "Draw Fam" is - I suppose it's some kind of group of artists?
Chris I just ignore as he's beyond reach.

Okay, make it a zombified dragon. I've been playing a lot of magic and that fits that kind of setting.

Nah, do kiss and tell. She won't knooooooow~

Draw fam?