Okay guys, I'm desperate here

Okay guys, I'm desperate here.
What are some good household things to get you fucked up on and NOT kill you, please? Huffing methods or something any tips you guys know? No Robitussin, so please dont suggest that.

Can you guys please help? Any Suggestions?

Pic Related: I tried huffin this shit and had a half a can last week, it was great!

Also I found a can of this spray paint, but instead of white (cap color) it's black, how do I use this if this is good enough to work?

Mix some bleach and an ammonia based cleaner. Shit's cash

Im high on that shit right nao lmao

Take a dump, let it sit for about a week in your toilet. Make sure the restroom is sealed tight so you don't let the odor out. After a week stick your head in the toilet and sniff as much of it as you can.

Dont do this u will die

how about just using vodka like a normal human being

What if hes underage? Douse he have to chug handsanitizer

could always shoot yourself in the shoulder or something and get high off the endorphins while you call for help.

its not that hard getting alcohol. just look for alcotaxi in your area those guys dont give a fuck who they sell to

or pay a little to a drunk hanging behind the store to buy you some

500 mgs of diphenhydramine

That's when spiders


Nutmeg is alright for a cheap, legal high.
It's a bitch to get down, I usually mix an entire packet in hot milk and chug it.
The 'high' doesn't start for about six odd hours, but it feels pretty good once it hits you, and lasts for a loong time too.

Also, does anyone have any idea on how to get prescriptions, I'm looking to score some Codiene cough syrup or something similar off a doctor, any suggestions on what to ask for and how to convince a doc?

Where do u get this from?

It's Benadryl

Nigga, drugs ARE a household thing.

Milk, eggs, drugs, etc

Idk Id probably start with coughing

shit... im glad in my country we can buy codeine & dxm with no prescriptions...

I see no way in which this plan could backfire, please continue.