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What did it mean by this?

What's wrong Chaim are you not happy with your brand new deluxe fucktoy?

ein Arschloch

Why did the Jews elect Trump and not Hillary? It makes no sense

Are you stupid? Trump is the most pro-Israel president since decades.

Well played.

Jewish conspiracy memes have it backwards on pol.






>Donald J. Trump
>Donald Jew Trump

hmmm makes you think

The Greatest Troll in history desu, we should probably try to live up to his example

"Brexit? Oh, it's a wonderful thing. It's going to be so good for the UK. Can I just say, the UK? I'm a huge fan. I know Brits, my mother is Scottish, they are good people, the best people. I have a golf course there, let me tell you folks, nobody runs them better than I do, believe me."
What did he mean by this?

We are so far into post-irony that now the trolled have to convince themselves the troll is retarded.

you fags still shitposting about him while he's not even president he has already done good

>he has already done good


like thrown lithuania to the wolves (russians)

Clinton didn't do much Israel thumping during the election did she?
Obviously she's pro-Israel but her core voters are the ones who cry about the poor innocent palestinians being bullied by evil jews.


Seems strange that liberal people who cry crocodile tears about le poor starving refugees are upset the most about some faceless neoliberal losing the election. Did they only care about the symbolism of Clinton being the first female president or whut?

He thinks that by saying shit like that it makes him relatable. He's lived in a rich boy bubble surrounded by 'yes' men his whole life and has no idea how life actually is for people.

God how fucking funny is it that a bunch of poor rednecks think a billionaire with a Cabinet full of billionaires is going to fix the system that made them billionaires?

Can't say Hillary would be any better but still pathetic that people believe what he says.

Made deals with a japanese business man to invest into the US
Ford and Fiat cancelled plans to move to mexico and instead will expand
Fiat Chrysler to invest 1 billion in Michigan and ohio plants

also to all those saying about trump being a jew

How long until Trump gets impeached?

Pretty much

all crony capitalism, which in turn will drive up prices for the average american.

kill yourself commie

Where is that guy who posted the "Madam President" thread every day? lmao

Need an Sup Forums version of this desu

Trump = nationalist,in the side of white,Anglo
Hillary = globalist, in the side of Israel,China

am I right?

He never even said what I wrote, lel. I made it up based on what I read about his opinions on Brexit
He has a very bizarre way of oration, he says a lot but it all means very little

leeches getting what they deserve, I see nothing wrong with this
Why should america defend us? (devil's advocate here)

All decisions made long before he was elected that he had zero control over.

Kek, Sup Forums needs this most of all.

No Israel supports Trump but american jews overwhelmingly supported Hillary

No, Trump is a populist through and through

i'm an avowed capitalist, i just hate crony capitalism. eg. with the Carrier deal, he has effectively "picked a winner" by giving them a deal that their competitors don't.

again, all this does is drive prices up.

decisions that were influenced by him
not even president and ALREADY making deals

The japanese business man said that this was not possible if trump wasn't elected

deals are deals, those competitors are losers who failed to get that deal

And If he is not in power yet, What did he do to make it possible for the Japs?

wew lad you sound like a cuck tbqh

>Why should america defend us?
because the other option is letting russians rape your boipuccy?

>already brought back thousands of manufacturing jobs

cry more bitch nigga

that is pretty godawful logic, and leads to ANY random business saying, "hey mr. president, about those 5000 jobs we have in Montana, we're thinking of moving to Mexico" - then Trump/Pence proceed to give them a special deal which drives the price up. it doesn't work. it's what happened with Carrier.

Alright, all except one decisions made long before he was elected that he had zero control over.
Although saving 1k jobs while sacrificing millions to trade war is still pretty retarded tbqh.

t. vladimir

>b-baaaawww defend us while we continue being leeches

Fuck yourself with a rake you ingrate. You have never paid your share and the billions we spend defending your useless inbred frozen shithole that contributes nothing of significance to this world is better spent elsewhere.

finland is not part of nato

>Already brought back thousands of low-paid jobs which will be replaced by automation anyway
Wow, I'm stunned.

Sup Forums tried to outsmart the jews and lost

No but we still defend them because they are allies.

>t. Shekekls von Cuckenstein

it's so funny to see people butthurt over one person who wants to do good for his country lol

>MFW obsolete flyover states determined the election and voted for Trump

>the automation meme

Already been addressed many times. You cannot assemble a vehicle completely with just automation. We haven't reached that point yet. You still need manual labor.

Because dude muh free defense lmao.

>calispics still mad they lost
>corporations still flee en masse to texas

Secede and may the great earthquake sink your shithole into oblivion.

>already brought back thousands of manufacturing jobs

does producing pee really count as manufacturing though?

Trump is rich and his ideology is simply getting richer.

literally what a child would say

>calispics still mad they lost

I'm North Carolinian actually. An actual state that innovates with high tech industries and banking services compared to shitholes like Ohio with decaying rusting outdated industries.

It is only matter of couple of years or 10 years, to loose all the drmp promises. Just look at what Elon Musk is trying to do.

>north carolina
>calling anyone else flyover

I'm fucking dying. Fuck off Cali expat.

>tfw I thought the end of the election would make the shitposting die down a bit
>tfw it's still about the same
I fucking hate this place.

>said the increasingly nervous man for the 48th time

It'll be a sooner time when you dumbshits reelect Merkel and you continue getting flooded with rapefugees en masse with no limit friend.

>He can't even make an argument without calling others Cali


Face it, Ohio and the surrounding states are irrelevant shitholes for a reason. While North Carolina has a well funded public university system, those flyover states contribute nothing but depression, heroin addiction, and nostalgic old people looking to get their shitty highschool jobs back.

it's just butthurt europeans, just ignore these threads
it's funny how they claim " america is not the world's police!#!#
but now that trump is thinking about abandoning their asses they are shitting themselves

>All these charlatans defending protectionist trade policies as if they're not 3rd-world tier

Maybe next time try to fit an ECON 101 elective into your Civil Eng/Phys double major

>american education

Ohio literally has a higher IQ than you, fucking imbecile.

Face it fellow Murican, this will be happening for the next four to eight years so buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Trump van be openly pro-Israel while Clinton would have faced some backlash for supporting them because of muh palestine.

hillary is one of the most pro-zionists around. look at her quotes some time

more like an ameriboo

I just want a president who takes global warming seriously ;_;

>tfw president is a con artist
>tfw we're gonna go from arbiter of the world to a laughing stock with a cannabilizing economy in four years.

>Using IQ

That hardly tells the whole story. IQ doesn't say anything about innovation.


Kill yourself and save yourself the humiliation. IQ is the best predictor of socioeconomic success.

>global warming

You don't call it that anymore, as it's not true. It's "climate change"

>Being this butthurt

It it definitely true. The only reason to call it "climate change" is because idiots don't know the difference between climate and weather so if you call it "global warming" they'll be like "if the earth is getting warmer why did it snow XDD"

>tfw guns won't be grabbed

Only reason I voted for repubs tbqh. Hardly give a fuck about others since I'm upper-middle class. Eat shit Shillwry cocksuckers that wanted to see califailian and autistardian laws nationwide.

I know that feel. We had just as many retards duped by Farage.

Nah it isn't

How many fucking times will you kikes falsify data to fit your narrative

We all know that feel


k good luck on your island kid
you're more fucked by it than I will be

>Be Trump

>Threaten tariffs on everyone

>Says he's open to a FTA with Britain Post-Brexit

How the fuck is that suppose to work? "Oh trust me even though I constantly threaten trade wars I can still be a reliable trade partner"?

>Nah it isn't

Ah yes, because I'm certain Trump knows more about planetry weather systems than climate scientists.

The "le kikes/chinese invented global warming" conspiracy doesn't even make sense. The Chinese themselves are investing billions in environmental technology, the Tories (biggest anti-public spendingfags in the world) have invested in it, and if global warming wasn't real and green technology was a scam, what incentive would these Jews have to weaken economies they're invested in to help China/Middle East/whatever baddy of the week?

You're a fucking retard.

Why would someone willingly fuck themselves over like this just to piss a few rich kids off?

I hope the tears last for all 8 years

>He only cares about the tears of another political ideology instead of the potential negative consequences of a Trump Presidency.

Is he even white?

Sup Forumstards are really stupid.

of course

I dont give a fuck about politics. I just love seeing the liberal media cry. They are by far the most smug unlikable assholes in existence and seeing them exposed and reformed is the best possible thing that could have happened

How old are you?

>I don't give a fuck about politics. I just love seeing the liberal media cry.

Very edgy my dude


>tfw redpilled by Alex Epstein

>tfw know ACC is a myth

What a fucking cocksucker. Dont tell me that he is going to sacrifice american lives for israeli interests next.

to be fair these people are not really human

Wew lad that post.

>These people are not human

Hur hur, let me use a few individual examples to paint broad brushes of one group of people.


Get over it.