Hey guys, I done goofed. My side bitch which I tried to stop seeing just contacted my girlfriend...

Hey guys, I done goofed. My side bitch which I tried to stop seeing just contacted my girlfriend. Which is my ex now after her shit. I had stopped seeing her for awhile. Bitch didn't listen to me so, she ruined my life, I guess I'll dump her pics for now from my phone if anyone wants.

do it





post every thing you have , preferably her asshole

I could do that but I'd have to fire up my laptop lol

then lite that shit up fam

Keep em comin

Doing it now lol, mostly because I'm pissed off

any pics of that nice ass in yoga pants?

How is a sezxy petite Asian not the main bitch? Doing it wrong fam...

Holy shit.. does her last name start with a Y?

Damn how much u got bro? Got her kik/facebook?

Dropbox this hot shit bro

make her your gf nigger


ill see what i got

This hot chink is your SIDE bitch? You're a dumb fuck for not making her your MAIN bitch. I'm glad you lost them both. hahaha. Fuck you, OP.

she's super hot fam, but what a bitch

dump away

god bless you user, fapping/saving this girl

Main bitch is asian too haha


A side bitch usually is usually just a good fuck, doesn't mean she's someone good for a realtionship...

got any goods from her?

Then you are doing God's work my man

got dam if this is the side what did the main chick look like???? might as well drop those pics too fam


op is a virgin taht stole is hissters picturs

That bitch is a fish. Look at those gills under her arm

I live in an area where these bitches are all over too bad for you faggot.

Great pics. Bad cheatin game.

Wow, you had two asian bitches? I'm envious.
Hmm, good point.

Dub dubs deserve some main chick

any feet?

she ruined your life? don't be a fucking idiot man lmao, you are the cheating piece of shit, you deserve everything you get.

Dump that shit and get better at keeping a side bitch. How did you even let it get to that point?

OP post pics of her asshole



She is dumb as fuck. Easy fuck but nobody you'd want to spend time with


Stfu you nigger!

Sexual frustration detected


she shouldn't shave there

This guy has a point, you fucking got caught nerd. That's what you get. Thanks for the pics tho, be better next time.

yellow fever

This. You can't cheat and feel sour when it turns bad on you. That's the risk you took!

Well then, I hate you even more.



more pics you fucking saint


Her photo game strong af. Something about her does look crazy tho.


I was on a break with main bitch then dumped this crazy side bitch. She hasn't left me alone since then.

Somebody mention her lats, bitch used to swim

Moar of that sweet ass, damn.

quick quest bro, how secure did you feel with your side bitch?
I have several similar settings (some side bitches next to the wife), but only one is trusted. which means she could fuck me over if she wanted to. So far we have always been honest and she is kinda chill.
Did you ever expect this to happen?

You're a stupid faggot. You cheated on your girlfriend and expected to get away with it? I think it's funny you not only lost your side bitch but your main bitch as well. I hope they both get together over coffee and laugh about how small your cock is.

yeah 408

this only feet i have i think

where do you live user?

oh shit son I need to move there asap


Moralfag and underage v&



This bitch is a dog.

Probably not worth ruining your relationship just to throw a bone into her.

Then again, they're all the same with the lights off, and maybe she knows how to work a dick like a pro. So who am I to judge?

I trusted her for a bit but creaming her must have fucked her up a lot because she became so dependent

wait so.. during the "break" with main bitch, you picked up the side one and then before you got back with main bitch, you dumped crazy side one?

better be stacked, san jose is super expensive

You got any pics with pussy?

she has a bad case of resting bitch face

Yeah, small cock but good enough to fuck asians and Im not even one.


You forgot "tiny balls"

I always draw a clear line. Tell them I love my wife, just love fucking more.
I have been lucky so far. But I also chose my tragets wisely.

which one is that

You dont know how to side chick.

Use fake name, you dont use social media, if anything use snapchat and make fake email.

Information control is key.

That's cool i bet you still have your v-card.

any pics of that butthole op? btw i think you did the right thing. you juggled 'em both until it all blew up in your face.


this man understands

So dumb that she was able to get the number of yr main, call her and wreck your shit so bad your dumping pics? That shit is your fault for not being in control of your side bitch.

Is that the side bitch or your main bitch? Either way, NO MORE PUSSY FOR YOU!!


I didn't use facebook, made a fake email too late and then girlfriend found out because my phone was ringing like 100 times at 2am

is she a filipina OP?

*side chink

Can still get pussy don't even no my game is strong like ninja gaiden. It's the side bitch btw.

what race are you?

No stupid chick from hong kong

looks like a beaner.

Gross. Your side bitch has a scar from a pilonidal cyst.

holy shit you raw dogged the side bitch! did you cum inside her user?

shut the fuck up, troll

Fucking Kek

hey I live near you dude
I'm in Japan

What are you, nine years old?
My man will have another bitch by Saturday.