Hi Sup Forums How is the best browser

Hi Sup Forums How is the best browser.

Netscape Navigator

Reptilian alligator



firefox or chrome
Has anybody tried edge yet? Did Microsoft finally make a decent browser or is it still shit?

chrome,the fastest,and the easiest to get a virus

Try it for yoursself and die


The best browser is really fast. Much faster than the other browsers

its still shit,its retty much internet explorer but faster




you guys use the weirdest shit




kill yourself



already doing that, death by ie6

Steam browser bois

actually gotta agree,thats what i use sometimes

shit, this

Honestly, it's good. Not great but not bad. They finally added extension support so its going to get a bit better the more extensions get ported for it, but I still wouldn't use it as my primary, but if I got a job and their system only allowed using Edge then I wouldn't have a problem with it at all. It's certainly a huge improvement over Internet Explorer, but it's still unable to catch me or anyone I know as a primary user of it.

its fine wtbu?

7 minuets per hour

xD so anonemous haha