WARNING: Sup Forums is now ran by US Federal Agents

WARNING: Sup Forums is now ran by US Federal Agents.
Ever since Moot's forced removal from this board. Four chan is brought to you by the US government.

Poole's Closed, indeed.


if true statement post would of been removed within the minute


Have you ever wondered who does those incessant drawfag threads and trap/sissy mental illness threads?

Yep you guess it.

Are the Lizard People back again too?


She just went to bed LOL

Watch the drawfag thread... When they pop up youll notice the same artist.

Sorry user this is the truth.

Watch those named threads and pull the ips

Dubs dont lie

You know better than that dontcha.


fine. we will see to amuse you.








>would of

Illiterate opinions don't count.

user... That was one of them.

Just sayin.


I wonder though with the in imploding democratic nominee will your criminal activities go on unnoticed or will you face the music?





Oh... Hence the file name



Anons need to be aware of the truth.

This whole site is teeming with lures and honeypots.

I am done playing around.

Good night.

wrong, moot sold Sup Forums

tell me lizard squad is back. Fuck was it funny to laugh at their incompetence.

Doesn't matter everything is gonna end soon I promise that.

i hope to fucking god you're right, user.

you might be on to something there, user.