Tell me when unskilled refugees are a good thing. Tell me??!!??!

Tell me when unskilled refugees are a good thing. Tell me??!!??!

In the colloseum I'm trying to get permits for

Eager, willing workforce that has time to become skilled and potentially will be loyal until the end of their careers.

A man of enterprise, finally.

And you are "skilled"? What do you do then? Working in advertisement? Hatespeech degree from Trump university? You're on this fucking page instead of contibuting to anything so all you're arguments are invalid by default.

when you want to test that new gas chamber

Gotta feed the Lions and my list for blood sport somehow right?

They work hard to build a new life v.s half of Sup Forums who sit on the internet being racist degenerate assholes who are proud neets. I can see why it might be confusing.

But we already have 100,000s of unemployed. We don't need more unemployed.

Only reason is immigrants work for less then minimum wage and dodge taxes. That's why businesses like them.

Obvious niggers and towelheads are obvious

>You're on this fucking page instead of contibuting to anything so all you're arguments are invalid by default.
someone please make this a banner

Cheaper and more accurate than crash test dummies

Target practice before elk season.
Popping a sprinting beaner at 100 yards is best training

>eager to work
>not going to china where manufacturing is the economy

So, are you telling me that the disenfranchized, struggling 100,000s of unemployed citizens of their respective countries are more likely to support the industries which left them unemployed/layed them off, service businesses far better than the refugees who will work for dirt cheap (as they have yet to understand that avenue and why it may not be great for them), and better serve businesses due to this fact alone?

>Latina/Hispanic women got the ass to end all ass
>Muslim women live to please their masters + best blowies of all time + always ready to lay pipe


Higher crime and suicide rates cause of mass unemployment.

How is that a fair tradeoff?


Islam is a religon of peace praise be unto allah brother

the edge

Why don't more people do this?

>Sup Forums
>betraying the white race
>pick one nigger lovin cuck

Not enough dedication to the art of the hunt Sup Forumsrother that's why.
And these whole "niggers and spices are people too" tumblr sjw bullshit

High suicide rates, duh. You can't have long periods of crime if everything is homicide/suicide.

>Helping others before your own.
Well i guess it is kinda noble, but what about your own citizens?

I support your cause, at leas they serve as a form of entertainment.

Well, my own citizens should know what they got themselves into, surely.

Who do you think is running the country? Shouldn't they... accept the consequences for the greater benefit?

If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand

we need to kill all the sjws
or at least forced labour camps