Any of you medfag know how I can fix this?

Any of you medfag know how I can fix this?

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I've had this, i think it's called ingrown nail.

You've cut your nails too close, and now it's growing into your skin.

This needs to be operated, or treated properly, go see a doc faggot.


Take it off at the knee

op, not wanna scare you but u are fucked

I had this shit for 3 years and played Soccer with it, my Doc always told me IT IS possible to fix it without the operation, but in the end i had to do it.

Best Advice i can give u:

DO the operation as fast as possible. The first 3 Days will be hell, depending where u live, i guess if you are from US u will get better pain killers but in germany i had to use shit and pretty much felt everything.

Also, u will have to go to the doc for 3 weeks straight every second Day and he will make sure it heals from the bottom of the wound to the top, so u dont get a bubble inside your wound. Wich basically means he will pulls cloth through your wound.

But after those 3 weeks you are fine, it will heal completly and it wont ingrow again

here u can see the operation, it looks way worse than its actually is, the operation itself is really harmless

Too low. The only possible way to stop it is to amputate from the neck

did u try with cum?

Do you think I'm stupid? Of course I tried cum

You fucking cut it out. Pic related cut mine out days ago. I have to do it once a month.

Yours or someone else's?

Like this


if I were you I'd listen to and NOT

The operation is by far as bad as the one links to. I had it too, and my doc simply cut my nail til he reach the root of the nail in the affect side, and then removed part of the root. No stitches needed, and i was in pain for two days. Lots of blood though. I now have 5/6 of a toe nail on my toe, it never returned, happy times.



Pussy. I bet you let the doctor give you stitches too.

When he says do the operation, he means do it yourself. Dont let some faggot stick a blade in your toe. You need precision knife work here. You need to be able to feel it yourself. If you're worried about pain, I'm pretty sure you can order something to numb it a bit.

Yep. You can order it. It's the same stuff vets use, but it works. Think I'll order some myself. The shit I have is old as hell from the dentists

1. Get a butter knife.
2. Pry open the toenail.
3. Pull the toenail off.
4. Scream in agony.
5. Wait for it to grow back and it will be completely fine.

NYPA, faggot.


I've had 2 operations for ingrown toe nail.
First time the dipshit doctor, who wasn't even qualified in that shit removed the whole nail. When it regrew, it started growing in the sides again. Second time, doctor who is competent, removed only the sides of the nail and stitched the thing. Operation lasted like 15 minutes, but after that I was hospitalised for a day, just to make sure that no fever or complications happen.
After the second op it was good for few years, then the nail broke horizontally and it started growing side at the breaking point, but I just cut it with cosmetic pliers every now and then.

Damn....soak this in hot water as to let the skin relax, the ur gonna want to dig down the edge of the nail with something and then cut it off once separate from the skin....or score both sides of the nail and pull if out of the meat, as sick as this shit looks id like to get my hands on it with a sharp knife

Holy shit do not ever go to that Doctor. I have ingrown toenails on 3/4 sides in my big toes. I had the operation done and it was so where near that bad. My doctor was a fucking champ

well if you go to this magical place called the "hospital" i believe it's called, you can get it removed. its awesome, i hear you give them money and they do stuff, weird.

i had the same problem but the second time they put this acid thing right at the back in the bed of the nail so it can never grow again

Go to a doctor immediately before it get infection. these my toes before the operation


Removed toenail



Cut your fucking nails faghot. No wonder your shits all fucked up. It's called hygiene, and put some Lotion on too you ashy fuck

>cringed hard reading this

Im having it too, 3 infact, had a operation at the docter, it grew back, not going to the hospital to remove it, RIP

I had some a little less bad then that as a kid. I tried to treat it myself by speaking etc. Eventually I got it to go away.

Then it came back and a doctor cutoff the sides or something. But it was very minor and done in a Clinc.

Now theyre less bad but obviously ingrown, yet there is only a little swelling, no redness but if I move my toes right I get searing nerve pain.

I think I done fucked up lmao.

Operation. I had one, I had to suffer like hell for a night after pain killers faded away but after that, it was pretty chill. I had a nurse coming to my house to take care of it and change the bandages.
Felt good.


I dont know what all these people are talking about with going back to doctor or nurse coming to their house.
Had this done 3 years ago, simple procedure took less than an hour. Doc says stay of foot for a day or two. Literally left walked around walgreens for 45 mins was fine. Kept wrapping it for a couple weeks at home. Never went back never had anyone check on it. Takes an hour op and it is a whole new world on the other side. Give it a go.

Just rip that fucker off, get some pliers and something to shove under your nail. Poor some alcohol over it when your done wrap it up and call it a day. I have to do it every few months and it doesnt even hurt anymore

They all live in 3rd world European countries with shit doctors due to socialism


Sigh OP I feel for you, alot of people suffer through this and there really is a simple fucking fix.
Step 1: Clean your fucking toenails regularly.
Step 2: This shit is going to hurt so get some drugs and some shit to bite down on.
Step 3: You will need a scalpel and make sure it's sharp as shit
Step 4: Look at your toenail, now find the middle of that bitch the center line if you will.
Step 5: Nut the fuck up, cuz you're going at that bitch with that scalpel, cut a slim V down the toenail
Step 6: Remove triangle V piece and get the two sides and pull them back to the middle so that the sides of your nail no longer sit in the side groove.
Step 7: Check those side nail sections for any ' spikes ' or ' hooks ' that are piercing the skin ( this is mainly what is causing your problem ) cut them off, make it smooth taper to the tip of your toe, as if a boat through water deal
Step 8: Betadine that bitch and make sure it's completely sterile and clean, now bandage it and keep it semi soft (bandage will do this like the skin under a bandaid) it will allow the toenail to be less aggressive with the skin
Step 9: Clean it daily, wrap it daily until you have it growing back without being ingrown. It will take time but you will correct the problem with this method without having to remove your entire nail bed.

Won't work tried for years

Have got this like six times on both of my feet. Like others have said, your nails are growing into your skin. You need to see a doctor immediately, it only gets worse. Don't be scared about the operation, you won't feel a thing. I guess everyone else has said this a few times, just repeating it so anons don't scare you off.

Also, clean it up. Dried pus smells disgusting. Use disinfectant and bandages, and keep in on your toe throughout the day, switch and clean daily until you have the operation. It was a few years ago, so I don't remember everything you might need to know, so get this overlooked by a professional as soon as you can.

You should be able to keep the nail, they just cut off the ingrown parts on the sides. Depends on how bad it is though.

toe on pic looks fucked up for unrelated reasons, dropped a table on it by accident.

Go to a podologist, i had the same problem a year a go, the little surgery only take half an hour and then they recomend you to take some meds and then you can leave, BUT the little surgery hurts horribly but only for a few minutes. im telling you by experience. and that happend because i cut my nails like a circle and they told me thats wrong, you only need to cut your nails straight.

When I had this problem I would clean the crust out, get a sharp knife and cut along those black lines.

The most painful part is moving the skin around so that you can expose the nail enough to cut it but be a man.. Make sure you cut all the way under the skin and dig that shit out or else it will just come right back.

6years I have had this.

Nothing a good Mani/Pedi won't fix. Take pictures of the asian women's reaction.

You disgusting sick fuck. Your problem is that you are a filthy basement dweller. Practice some basic hygiene, and none of this will happen.

instead of asking here , go to a doctor

what said + go see a doctor

Here is some non-gruesome advice.

1. Lift the edge of the nail with something small and flat, like a screwdriver.

2. Pull the head off a qtip or rip off a bit of cotton ball. Wedge this cotton under the edge of the nail where you lifted it up. It acts like a barrier to keep the nail digging in.

3. Replace the cotton daily. Also get some neosporin in there.

4. Eventually it grows out normally and you can cut the sharp/curved nail away.

5. Never cut your nails close around the contour again, cut a slight-rounded line across the top.

use a chainsaw

is that Trump's decapitated head from the future?

You obviously are so disgustingly fat that as the nail cut through the skin, the fat started to squeeze out under the pressure of being contained in your distended skin.

>nobody asks why his skin suddenly turned purple

Litteraly just need to clean up sides where it is weeping. Pour hydrogen peroxide on it then neosporin and cover. Should work itself out. If this doesn't work after a week go to doctors

Go to doc. I run a lot so I get ingrown big toe nails. I had this procedure done at least 5 times. It's not bad once they numb your foot up. It hurts but it is so worth it to to have this little operation done and not live with the constant pain.

Let your dog eat it
Get really drunk first. I doubt you will believe me but the dog will only eat infected tissue

i guess its a lightning issue

So you feel nothing during them working on your foot it's just after ? I haven't fixed mine because it's fucking embarrassing

>I haven't fixed mine because it's fucking embarrassing
Worse than walking with a limp? Or not being able to wear sandals? Or not being able to kick anything? Or that shooting agony if you accidentally knock it against something hard?

H2O2 is a bad idea. It really doesn't do much to disinfect, and can debride perfectly healthy tissue.