What happened with them last night?

What happened with them last night?

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NDz2pSIIqJMJ:www.alyssa-mike.com/our-story/ &cd=16&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

This happened.


That was the beginning. Her facebook and a bunch of stuff was dug up.

Tits were posted on her employer's FB and they had set their page to private last I saw.

Some fag uploaded pics of his coworker's wife naked and /b reverse image searched the pic and trolled the girl on fb


Look at the libcuck cesspool where this douchebag works. Which one of these fags did it?



/b trolled the guy who uploaded them big time. I'm curious of his fate.


webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NDz2pSIIqJMJ:www.alyssa-mike.com/our-story/ &cd=16&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

They are a couple of fucking bores. Graphic design degrees, marketing. Why even bother living as a fucking robot.


dbag's band.

book of faces /copacinofujikado/

Jewess' employer

>Sup Forums got tricked into being a personal army........again

It was literally 3 clicks to find their facebook and post. Not exactly backbreaking labor.

Nothing yet, he hasn't responded to my email with screenshots


Isnt the chaos kind of the point?

>It was literally 3 clicks to find their facebook and post. Not exactly backbreaking labor.
That's the point. If you ask for a PA, you get denied. If you make it so easy that anyone can feel like a 733thâX0r then you get your PA.

What do you mean?

did you save the pics? repost?

looks like an artsy fartsy fag couple and the pics were professionally done, just topless, not porn. Doubt anything happened.


Ooo snap helpful co worker might be murmured lol
If husband wasn't a betacuck

how many pics did coworker post?

I would also like to know this. And see this.


Check the archive:
