Sup Forums can i get some reaction pics plees?

Sup Forums can i get some reaction pics plees?

Other urls found in this thread:


/r/ ing pic of anime loli that says "the saddest" or something like that,


>still having a reaction folder

You're living in the olden times, friend. It's time to move on, Sup Forums will never be the same.

check my trips

nah, the reaction folder stands the test of time, like smug anime faces



Good taste user :3

does anyone have that one with the guy that is eating pie but accidentally sticks the pie on his chin with his fork?











there ya go m9


Wrong one













It's a dude, i think.



could this count as a reaction?








Now I'm thinking



I was stoned


I felt my feet
Lift up off the ground

Waiting for the explosion that never happens :V

Found the greentext where I first saw it, anyone got that reaction image?


And my heart is screamin


At my bones


So, religion is magic, huh.

Sure, why not





I need you




As he's in the middle



If the street



demn quads


Not your personal reaction army

clearly you are B)


>71 images replies

apparently we are

Then I pretend

Here you go OP, knock yourself out

He's mine to keep







Cars are runnin fast



God, Raven was so hot




