Who remembers my wifes ass from previous threads?

Who remembers my wifes ass from previous threads?

Today i have her in am ever smaller thong.

Dubs and i post webms. Trips and ill post me pulling off her thong and show off her pusst and asshole wjile she twerks.

>my wife

This is not your wife. You're a lonely teenage retard who jerks off to facebook photos. You're a loser, kid. You know it. I know it. And if the girl in this picture has ever had the misfortune of meeting you, she knows it, too. Fuck off with this cringe.


You are literally fucking retarded, kid.

No. Its my wife





Post asshole with timestamp nigger




You go ahead and wait here for that timestamp, son.







Do it

SPOILER: There are no "winners" in this thread.


First webm

OP is a fag

>oh good
>this thread again


What the fuck are you autistic idiots still rolling for?

>inb4 another 200 rolling retards