Does Sup Forums like Tame Impala?

Does Sup Forums like Tame Impala?

i love this band

> Sup Forums
>liking tape impala
did I time travel to 2012 or something?

tame impala ?? more like lame! impale me if i ever hear this trash again lmoaaaa


I'm not a 14 year old burgerkid who just tried weed, so no

Literally the most trivial, overhyped band since MGMT

fuck you



try having fun sometime





Shit you're right....
>wtf I hate tame impala now

>Reddit psychedelia

Currents is shit.

Lonerism god tier

Post more pic of that ass


Innerspeaker - rock
Lonerism - pop rock
Currents - pop

Lonerism is their only good album, the rest is blind revivalist junk. Innerspeaker just sounds like a bunch of psych tropes condensed into milquetoast guitar songs. Currents is decent at some points but pretty weak and shallow overall.

I need more albums like Lonerism and/or currents please help

>I need more albums like Lonerism
try the brian jones town massacres give it back or the verves a storm in heaven
>and/or currents
try princes around the world in a day or the purple rain soundtrack

>I need more albums like Lonerism
the flaming lips soft bulletin, radioheads amnesiac, the brian jonestown massacres give it back, the verves a storm in heaven
>and/or currents
depeche modes the violator, princes around the world in a day and the purple rain soundtrack

I liked Currents the best

Bad AnCo ripoff


>Comparing BJM to those other boring shit bands

Jesus that remix is fucking terrible. I get that the original is short, but this is an abomination.

>I get that the original is short
That's the entire point. The song is about nangs, which last like 20 seconds. The song is pretty meta.





I tried listening to them but they bored me with how safe their style was.
Not impressed at all and it doesn't help that they're so popular.

Hating everything isn't gonna get you a gf user

Kevin "DJ chip seagull/crack ronson/defs worth it" Parker is a hack

really talented songwriter but way too derivative of previous artists (aka beatles and pink floyd)
I enjoy his music but it ain't great, he's just using his talent to imitate




dude how is currents ANYTHING like depeche mode's violator? they are NOTHING alike. at all. wow, just wow.

fisher-price psychedelia. this shits for kids.

I discovered TI after their collaboration with The Flaming Lips and then I got Innerspeaker.
I think I should try another listen as I didnĀ“t like that album at all.....

>inb4 AllMusic praised them

I really enjoyed them when I was a druggie and tripping balls, but now listening to them just reminds me of being a degenerate.


It's fun but gets old real quick