69 decides what should i do with these and ill post proof

69 decides what should i do with these and ill post proof

Throw them in the toilet and flush

put in toilet

Eat it all
(Please be 69)

Give it to the nearest police officer you could find !



piss in glas, spill half of it on the weed.
pills into the other half, drink after 5 minutes.
LSD into the anus.

Put it in your ass


Had the same pills... wasnt real good...
Btw GERfag reporting in

flush it down the toilet

Choose one drug to use and don't take any other drugs for 24 hours. Then choose another drug, use all of it and don't use any more drugs until 24 hours pass. Then take the last one. When you use the MDMA, only take one at a time, then take the second a month later

Had those same ones in yellow and they were absolutely fine

tell the police please

eat the weed (raw)
snort the tabs
pills in pooper


fuck me, a sensible post

Stick both acids up your asshole


Put it in you neighbors mailbox


commiegerfag hier.
also rolling for this

Just because the same kind of stamp was used doesnt mean theyre the same drugs you retards

Put in ass, go to cop, moon him, tell him to eat your ass while trying to shit it out

Smoke it through your anus.

Flush it down!

Crush pill, lace weed, strip in mouth while you smoke


Microwave the herb in the tinfoil for 30 seconds and then breathe it all in when you take it out

Stick it all in you dick hole.


Had the Blue ones. Took 1 and a half in about 4 hours.

Stick it in your ass

give it to the first kid u see on the street

Post ad and sell all for $5 on craigslist

these please

Shove those in your pooper

Throw it into fire


May they have a higher dose. I dunno


rolling for this

Mix it with brownies and sell them
To kids.

Cheers buddy

Rollings for send to pooper

Flush it

Take all of it.

Go to pet store ask to play with a new puppy. Feed it to the puppy walk out.

all at once



all up the butt

throw away

Nice gammagoblin's flower of light and sacred geometry LSD. I have had them too they are amazing! Take them all and have a good time.

do whatever the fuck you want and enjoy life
also, get off this shithole of a website

Save them for a rainy day

put everything in mixer and drink it

In ya ass

Go to mall leave it on ground wait for someone to pick it up

in the pooper it goes.

Take it all and livestream it ! Do it faggot !

Eat it

Eat it fam

hand over to police


Cut them into tiny pieces

Cum on it eat it.

Smoke it OP

Smoke it all mixed with your shit


Jesus christ youre going to kill yourself with this kind of ignorance

Parachute the weed and put LSD up the ass

put mdma and lsd on a pan/skillet and melt it into a paste.
garnish with marijuana.
consume your creation.

Gimme dat 69


sawtay that sheit and brown it until it's warm. Then pour warm vinegar In the mix and add a few ice cubes in it. pour the mixture in a cup and top the lid off and shake it until there's no more I've left. Then either record yourself or screenshot you drinking it.

Blend into smoothie and drink

Smoke all the green take one tab.save rest for later

Throw it away and stop doing drugs


Take it all

Don't know what the pills are but this will make you trip fucking well

Take all of them, then eat a candle


Use it whenever you want and have a good time



Up the ass


Sell it all for 50 cents

who the fuck cares bitch


painus in the anus?

You're retarded. LSD is really heat sensitive, sometimes you can't even keep it in your pocket.

Fuck so close

Smoke everything there in a fat zoot bro
Add peppercorns to the roll tho otherwise it'd be pointless


the gods don't want it to happen

do what ever you like OP

can one smoke molly?
