ITT: Post your secrets

ITT: Post your secrets

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I buy traps presents in exchange for pics. This is the closest I've got to sex.

I had a friend when i was like 14 or something who i knew since kindergarden and i guess you could call us pretty good friends. We usally met to play Call of Duty and that similar stuff you consider cool that age. One day, dont ask me how, we jokingly argued who had the bigger dick and it ended up in each other comparing. However, i didnt know to what this would lead... As i said we used to play CoD and such and he never used let me play after that, demanding to take out my dick so I could play. At this age i didnt see the problem and so I did it. As i continued being submissive to his demands he asked more and more. He jacked me but I never came past precum and I think he couldnt jerk off at this age either but you could tell he really enjoyed that. Even though I always was kinda resistant and he was the one "forcing" it, i never had to actually jack him off and he continued to do things like sucking me off, playing with my balls and humping me with clothes on and even though i found it "gay and therfore bad" as usual for this age i let him do everything just to play Black Ops...
> we called it "raping" just for fun

I just received and put on my first chastity cage. Going to try to wear it for a week

when i was 5 i played doctor with my uncle who was 15.
tfw you made your uncle cum und still not attracted to men or had something like that again.

Lucky you to even know passable traps. Have you atleast met them and if yes where?

No all online.

im happy for you dude. everyone has to try everything atleast one time in a life before dying.

the smell of feet turns me on way more than my gf giving me bj or anything else really

how is this possible? could you explain in detail?

Like in a cam website where you can tip or what kind of website do you mean?

I just find it extremely arousing. Has to be girl's feet (I guess mostly for psychological reasons, male feet gross the hell out of me).
I'm a foot fetishist so it's probably related but I guess not everyone with foot fetish sneaks into locker rooms to sniff well worn shoes. I sure did though.
Guess some shit you can't explain but nothing gets me as hard as pair of stinky feet. When I have sex with my girl I sometimes finish in her with her feet on my face just to get that extra kick. She doesn't know about the smell thing though and I don't know how to confess. her feet never stink too, she's very clean, changes socks 3 times a day, doesn't wear nylons, often changes shoes, uses foot deodorant, etc so I don't know if I could even take it anywhere

tl dr my brain is probably fucked up but I love it

got a mega folder containing pictures of girls from my class etc. doing this since i was just 13 year. the folder is 30 gb

Get details on here then message them using various messaging apps depending what they have, find out what they want, buy it then I get my pics.

no way thats only pictures. That would be about 30thousand pictures

I like to eat my cum

well some of them are candid makeing the file size bigger. give me a sec, will check how many pics there are

got 125 folders with 25000 pictures and 50 videos from my cadid fotage

thats what 5k images of g/fur look like


My parents kicked me out of their house after my mother found 8G of furry porn on my hard drive.

I shat myself in a plane once

I want to fuck my daughter and my youngest sister -in-law.
Daughter isn't legal so I won't try...until she is legal.
Sister-in-law is drinking age. Whenever we visit I give her a lot of attention and help her out, since she is a single mother that still lives with her parents. Pushing for her to move out closer to us so I can help her out more and hope to fuck her.

thats some shit like seriously how can you even accumulate these amounts of images

belive me or not couldn't careless about it, just wanted to "share"

I lost my virginity to an escort when i was 23 and i should've done it earlier.

doing it for 6 years started slow and has been building it up uses mega to store nowdays

where do you live now? Was it atleast some quality g/fur?

Things that never happenned: The Post

post your favorite image. just curious

A four-room shack in corn purgatory.
~0.7G of it was g/fur.
The rest of it was pretty much a 4:1 ratio of s/fur to cuntboys.

I dont care if you believe me, but what makes you think that? Wank to this too much
>Inb4 b8


I take my hott bosses used baby wipes, panty liners and period stuff from the trash can in the women's restroom. I've also took 3 pair of her used panties from her house. I smell it all day at work and when i can i add water to the used baby wipes and panty liners and squeeze it out in to my mouth.

i have a huge crush on my mates gf, and wank to her fb pics all the time. stolen some of her knickers when i went over theirs too

I'm 31/m and I just recently moved out of my parents house, with no clue what to do.

I've been a high school substitute teacher for some time (6 years) and hate it. I have a girlfriend that I just moved out with and I don't really love her. I hate my life and I'm super depressed, yet I can't even be bothered to do anything about it, as in I can't even muster up the energy nor the discipline to do something to fix this.

I'm in pretty good shape, do a lot of sports, workout, but it doesn't help my mind.

Can't focus / concentrate for the life of me: can't even watch a whole tv show, let alone a 5 minute youtube video. Don't even get me started about reading books... I read maybe 1 book a year... I stopped reading books so often, and I barely retain any information (terrible memory).

I have terrible sleep. I try to be disciplined about it (go to bed at 11pm, no cellphones, etc.), but I always wake up in the middle of night, sometimes can't get back to sleep and just stay awake... So I end up sleeping 3-4 hours a night. Feel like shit man. This causes me to get injured super easily when I do sports or exercise.

I'm just looking for help, but I can't even get up to get help. I just spend my days on the couch surfing the web and then in the late afternoon go get some sort of exercise. Saved up some money from work (because living with my parents) and I'm just being a lazy bum burning away my savings.

I barely drink, haven't smoked weed in a long time (makes me feel super guilty, shitty and I get mood swings later on), eat healthy.

Please help.

fap material you silly goose!


sold nudes of my gf of 5 years . she found out. ruined everything
didd i do good Sup Forums?
pic related


shes fat

In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog. When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out! but the worst thing I ever done I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, then, I made a noise like this hua hua hua huaaaaaaa and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other and I never felt so bad in my entire life!

You need help.

lol shes litterly 90 pounds u ass hole xD
fat ass maybe


post screenshot of a folder

When I was about 10 and my neighbor was 8, I went over to her house once when her parents weren't home and only her brother, about 13, was home. We started to play dare, instead of truth or dare cus everyone always chose truth, and all of the dares were sexual. Never was it between me and her brother, but all the dares were like "i dare you (his sister) to suck his (me) dick" and shit like that. Eventually it just turned into me and her brother taking turns fucking her, and having her suck us off.

I let my friend fuck my wife because I have an erection problem.

I am a "straight" guy- fucked over a 150 women...

But also very bi and been a bottom slut for a lot of men...sucked over 100 cocks and been fucked dozens of times- mostly while wearing lingerie.


That wasn't funny and you're in denial. Her arms are thick, her body thick, etc. She's thick and will end up being fat.

when my cousin was over and my mom went out we used to have gay sex and give each other blowjobs. since then i have always had a craving for sucking dick.

I am sexually aroused by drunkenness & general intoxication.

I find myself more attracted to someone the less sober they are. Black out drunk? Im diamond

Blops released in 2010, and you didn't care about your dick being out so I assume you were maybe 8 to 10 at the oldest. Your underage, got off this website faggot.


I shove a plunger handle up my ass when I masterbate.

Post your Regrets

Literally read the first line


wich folder you want?

Told a friend i was schizophrenic and felt alone, i see him everyday and we just ignore each other i dont really know what happened but i had a huge crush on him


show me the "stacey" folder

I don't believe it is what I'm getting at. At 14 you would know having your dick out and having it jacked was weird as fuck.

when i was 15, me and this guy (i didn't like him that much but i felt sorry for him so i let him hang out with me) we where walking in this field and he makes a joke about me being bi, i jokingly reply "suck my dick" and he dead seriously says "whip it out". i get it out (it's flacid) thinking he'll freak out... but no he starts rubbing it and sucks it until i cam, then he asks if i could suck him, i only gave him a hand job.

no such thing as a stacey folder

well at that age sometimes people don't care what gender it is at least they're getting some.

He probably knew what he was doing and i honestly didnt care. It felt like undressing in the shower of the swimming bath really i cant really describe it it just didnt feel taboo

where are you from?

do you have some kind of "passion"?
something that gives you a feeling of "meaning"?

i think what one needs to be intrinsically motivated (

I fucking love hentai
but never told my gf
we talk once about hentai itself
but she said only creeps like this stuff sooooo...


Gainsville, Fl. It sucked so I got the fuck out of there.

I love knowing my cum is being swallowed so much I have a regular guy do it to me, we're both married, I don't touch him and I'm not bi.

Getting married next month to the love of my life. She claims she doesn't want kids but I really do. I lied and said I got a vasectomy last month. She says she's pro choice, but once she gets pregnant I'm sure I can talk her into keeping it.

Hey you guy's

When i was 7 my cousin made me suck his dick

Pretty fucked up bro

you male?

I think you were ment to be a chick

Hey buddy it's gunna be alright. Make that first step to try and seek help and you will not regret it.

I just don't see what we're going to do with our lives without kids. Once we're mid thirties and settled into our careers, there isn't anything new to do.


I don't think there's anything in the world that will bring me joy. I regularly smoke wed, take a few Xanax here and there. They make me feel different but not joyful. Friends, people, bore me. Not because I think they are better or worse than me,. just what they say.. Bored me. Everything bores me.

>ITT: Post your secrets

- I stalked the shit out of a hot teacher. She didn't deserver it. I had bad social anxiety and it was the only way I could interact with women was via obscene phone call . . . I feel shitty about it.

- I eventually got over my anxiety by raping a masseuse in her ass. I didn't want to, but it was a real exercise in self-improvement for me . . . it changed my life. Rape: it's better than Paxil.

- I had plastic surgery. Best 7K I ever spent.

- I like rub n tugs much better than fucking.

- I glue quarters to the ground and giggle when people try to pick them up.

it is not a secret if you share it...

did the masseuse give her consent or atleast didnt resist? her age your age?
Also where did you spend plastic surgery on

pic related

I've done wetwork twice. I feel horrible about myself. Every other day I remember what I've done and fear that the police is going to kick in my door.

seriously.. you are mentally ill

Pasta. Saw this a few hours ago on /r9k/

fbi here. would you describe why you killed him/her. just curious

Have a girlfriend since 12 years..

Still fucking her best friend in her ass regulary...

Feel bad about this ... never talked to someone, but who could resist?

Thanks, appreciate the kind words. Just not sure how to take the first steps. Pretty sure things aren't going to work out this time around out here and I'll have to make a trip back to seek help.

Wish it were clearer with a list of steps to follow to get out of this!

WHat type of plastic surgery

> masseuse resisted. Her deal was tantric massage where she'd take her top off, but wear an Indian skirt bottom. She was about 45 and I was 21. . . I picked an older girl because my social anxiety was largely due to my mom being a cunt so I wanted to symbolically sodomize her.

> I knew a tantric masseuse couldn't call the cops as what they do is illegal and her line of work would give me a consent excuse if she did call the cops.

> had gyno surgery for $7K. . . . only a handful of surgeons in teh country specialize in it, so it's a bit pricy, but if you've got it don't go to an inexperienced surgeon: spnd the money and get it right the first time!

>WHat type of plastic surgery

see If you're thinking of gyno removal, I can give you the names of the best surgeons in the country.

Post proof faggot

That's a tough one m80. Still went with the sjw

I'm 32 and I learned how to read and write 2 years ago.